language: python matrix: include: - os: linux python: 3.8 env: BACKEND=jax - os: linux python: 3.8 env: BACKEND=pytorch - os: linux python: 3.8 env: BACKEND=tensorflow - os: linux python: 3.8 env: BACKEND=numpy DEPLOY_DOCS=1 DEPLOY_PYPI=1 addons: apt: packages: - texlive - texlive-latex-extra - dvipng install: # Install miniconda - deactivate - wget -O; - bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - hash -r - conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no - conda update -q conda # Useful for debugging any issues with conda - conda info -a # Create and activate a test-environment with numpy and scipy - conda create -q -n test-environment python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION numpy scipy - source activate test-environment - pip install coveralls pytest pytest-cov nose # For NumPy: install sparse for contrib.sparse tests # For PyTorch, install the cpu version and torchvision - if [[ "$BACKEND" == "numpy" ]]; then pip install sparse; elif [[ "$BACKEND" == "pytorch" ]]; then conda install pytorch cpuonly -c pytorch; elif [[ "$BACKEND" == "tensorflow" ]]; then conda install tensorflow; elif [[ "$BACKEND" == "jax" ]]; then pip install jax jaxlib; fi - pip install -e . script: - travis_wait make BACKEND=$BACKEND test-coverage after_success: - coveralls - bash deploy: provider: pypi user: JeanKossaifi password: secure: EwSQv5dDX0EKruPBxJ2rqM/SjqLgok8VTPAtAZkbxPRhq/nJdBtkuIJGiErAoGzX5UXCQRkj67oHHlGcMjEKHVu27h0iFSMpxqVYPJ4zYXIhrMEJH2IqUrIlFs9QjaXOJap4N0Pb+4UkVvf6TeLhvlH3OBvW+IOnyhEH2ijZlFUQHyZuihrYXpesskIuvhEZ1letaV4SaAtkKeGEM3A3ZxawklNSPjB/55nKXBDhGqRET0ynqwbSxmUUXExoe+9m0L2zksVR3uX8BM7GKAFYO1IDRIB6U/51sTVyOi1quJmBFMb5B0ROs4eTJR2iFrXL1/GQrFFNUxiwAhY0Y3by+CU8rVMJTE5sQHy1dcXxDYIydAipCCSNi7Jj8EazRUe7ZS2XfCGwiNVASha0fW243Z6UVY5vLrHdQiHPVf/pNOb8aLqBoPd97BqPT6KHEidGBx/PnMNBAj/sYNZbM6Xo7xtdOhcALAb16Jz3hkE2M0ao0q1dT2DTKm51VFZVficv7BXxAuX72t79IVFxazHK5EVN0ZyVeOl54+gMhTMq5Cx6AZ6opmaImAoGgN7t/+adpyRrczwoKlM+CQeShf3vVy8V+eElTy1EqOTxiRrJ9noVF9nVEfpiQI25WcNLciMjnG/HUvGsNzPXSQ32yW4fZvegWJUea9XzHQtVYsgGWg0= on: tags: true branch: master condition: $DEPLOY_PYPI == 1