/* emacs edit mode for this file is -*- C++ -*- */ #include "config.h" #include "cf_assert.h" #include "cf_defs.h" #include "int_rat.h" #include "int_int.h" #include "imm.h" #include "canonicalform.h" #include "cf_factory.h" #include "gmpext.h" static long intgcd( long a, long b ) { if ( a < 0 ) a = -a; if ( b < 0 ) b = -b; long c; while ( b != 0 ) { c = a % b; a = b; b = c; } return a; } InternalRational::InternalRational() { mpz_init( _num ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); } InternalRational::InternalRational( const int i ) { mpz_init_set_si( _num, i ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); } InternalRational::InternalRational( const int n, const int d ) { ASSERT( d != 0, "divide by zero" ); if ( n == 0 ) { mpz_init_set_si( _num, 0 ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); } else { long g = intgcd( (long) n, (long) d ); if ( d < 0 ) { mpz_init_set_si( _num, -((long)n) / g ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, -((long)d) / g ); } else { mpz_init_set_si( _num, n / g ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, d / g ); } } } InternalRational::InternalRational( const long i ) { mpz_init_set_si( _num, i ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); } InternalRational::InternalRational( const long n, const long d ) { ASSERT( d != 0, "divide by zero" ); if ( n == 0 ) { mpz_init_set_si( _num, 0 ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); } else { long g = intgcd( n, d ); if ( d < 0 ) { mpz_init_set_si( _num, -n / g ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, -d / g ); } else { mpz_init_set_si( _num, n / g ); mpz_init_set_si( _den, d / g ); } } } InternalRational::InternalRational( const char * ) { // sollte nicht gebraucht werden !!! ASSERT( 0, "fatal error" ); mpz_init( _num ); mpz_init( _den ); } //InternalRational::InternalRational( const mpz_ptr n ) : _num(n) //{ // mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); //} InternalRational::InternalRational( const mpz_ptr n ) { _num[0]=*n; mpz_init_set_si( _den, 1 ); } InternalRational::InternalRational( const mpz_ptr n, const mpz_ptr d ) { _num[0]=*n; _den[0]=*d; } InternalRational::~InternalRational() { mpz_clear( _num ); mpz_clear( _den ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::deepCopyObject() const { mpz_t dummy_num; mpz_t dummy_den; mpz_init_set( dummy_num, _num ); mpz_init_set( dummy_den, _den ); return new InternalRational( dummy_num, dummy_den ); } #ifndef NOSTREAMIO void InternalRational::print( OSTREAM & os, char * c ) { char * str = new char[mpz_sizeinbase( _num, 10 ) + 2]; str = mpz_get_str( str, 10, _num ); os << str << '/'; delete [] str; str = new char[mpz_sizeinbase( _den, 10 ) + 2]; str = mpz_get_str( str, 10, _den ); os << str << c; delete [] str; } #endif /* NOSTREAMIO */ bool InternalRational::is_imm() const { return mpz_cmp_si( _den, 1 ) == 0 && mpz_is_imm( _num ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::genZero() { if ( isZero() ) return copyObject(); else return new InternalRational(); } InternalCF* InternalRational::genOne() { if ( isOne() ) return copyObject(); else return new InternalRational( 1 ); } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::num(), CanonicalForm::den(), InternalRational::den() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::num () { if ( mpz_is_imm( _num ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( _num ) ); return res; } else { mpz_t dummy; mpz_init_set( dummy, _num ); return new InternalInteger( dummy ); } } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::num(), CanonicalForm::den(), InternalRational::num() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::den () { if ( mpz_is_imm( _den ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( _den ) ); return res; } else { mpz_t dummy; mpz_init_set( dummy, _den ); return new InternalInteger( dummy ); } } /** InternalCF * InternalRational::neg () * @sa CanonicalForm::operator -() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::neg () { if ( getRefCount() > 1 ) { decRefCount(); mpz_t dummy_num; mpz_t dummy_den; mpz_init_set( dummy_num, _num ); mpz_init_set( dummy_den, _den ); mpz_neg( dummy_num, dummy_num ); return new InternalRational( dummy_num, dummy_den ); } else { mpz_neg( _num, _num ); return this; } } InternalCF* InternalRational::addsame( InternalCF * c ) { ASSERT( ! ::is_imm( c ) && c->levelcoeff() == RationalDomain, "illegal domain" ); mpz_t n, d, g; mpz_init( g ); mpz_init( n ); mpz_init( d ); mpz_gcd( g, _den, MPQDEN( c ) ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_mul( n, _den, MPQNUM( c ) ); mpz_mul( g, _num, MPQDEN( c ) ); mpz_add( n, n, g ); mpz_mul( d, _den, MPQDEN( c ) ); } else { mpz_t tmp1; mpz_t tmp2; mpz_init( tmp1 ); mpz_divexact( tmp1, _den, g ); mpz_init( tmp2 ); mpz_divexact( tmp2, MPQDEN( c ), g ); mpz_mul( d, tmp2, _den ); mpz_mul( tmp2, tmp2, _num ); mpz_mul( tmp1, tmp1, MPQNUM( c ) ); mpz_add( n, tmp1, tmp2 ); mpz_gcd( g, n, d ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) != 0 ) { mpz_divexact( n, n, g ); mpz_divexact( d, d, g ); } mpz_clear( tmp1 ); mpz_clear( tmp2 ); } mpz_clear( g ); if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_clear( d ); if ( mpz_is_imm( n ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( n ) ); mpz_clear( n ); return res; } else { return new InternalInteger( n ); } } else { return new InternalRational( n, d ); } } InternalCF* InternalRational::subsame( InternalCF * c ) { ASSERT( ! ::is_imm( c ) && c->levelcoeff() == RationalDomain, "illegal domain" ); mpz_t n, d, g; mpz_init( g ); mpz_init( n ); mpz_init( d ); mpz_gcd( g, _den, MPQDEN( c ) ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_mul( n, _den, MPQNUM( c ) ); mpz_mul( g, _num, MPQDEN( c ) ); mpz_sub( n, g, n ); mpz_mul( d, _den, MPQDEN( c ) ); } else { mpz_t tmp1; mpz_t tmp2; mpz_init( tmp1 ); mpz_divexact( tmp1, _den, g ); mpz_init( tmp2 ); mpz_divexact( tmp2, MPQDEN( c ), g ); mpz_mul( d, tmp2, _den ); mpz_mul( tmp2, tmp2, _num ); mpz_mul( tmp1, tmp1, MPQNUM( c ) ); mpz_sub( n, tmp2, tmp1 ); mpz_gcd( g, n, d ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) != 0 ) { mpz_divexact( n, n, g ); mpz_divexact( d, d, g ); } mpz_clear( tmp1 ); mpz_clear( tmp2 ); } mpz_clear( g ); if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_clear( d ); if ( mpz_is_imm( n ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( n ) ); mpz_clear( n ); return res; } else { return new InternalInteger( n ); } } else return new InternalRational( n, d ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::mulsame( InternalCF * c ) { ASSERT( ! ::is_imm( c ) && c->levelcoeff() == RationalDomain, "illegal domain" ); mpz_t n, d; mpz_init( n ); mpz_init( d ); if ( this == c ) { mpz_mul( n, _num, _num ); mpz_mul( d, _den, _den ); } else { mpz_t g1, g2, tmp1, tmp2; mpz_init( g1 ); mpz_init( g2 ); mpz_gcd( g1, _num, MPQDEN( c ) ); mpz_gcd( g2, _den, MPQNUM( c ) ); bool g1is1 = mpz_cmp_si( g1, 1 ) == 0; bool g2is1 = mpz_cmp_si( g2, 1 ) == 0; mpz_init( tmp1 ); mpz_init( tmp2 ); if ( ! g1is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp1, _num, g1 ); else mpz_set( tmp1, _num ); if ( ! g2is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp2, MPQNUM( c ), g2 ); else mpz_set( tmp2, MPQNUM( c ) ); mpz_mul( n, tmp1, tmp2 ); if ( ! g1is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp1, MPQDEN( c ), g1 ); else mpz_set( tmp1, MPQDEN( c ) ); if ( ! g2is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp2, _den, g2 ); else mpz_set( tmp2, _den ); mpz_mul( d, tmp1, tmp2 ); mpz_clear( tmp1 ); mpz_clear( tmp2 ); mpz_clear( g1 ); mpz_clear( g2 ); } if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_clear( d ); if ( mpz_is_imm( n ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( n ) ); mpz_clear( n ); return res; } else { return new InternalInteger( n ); } } else return new InternalRational( n, d ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::dividesame( InternalCF * c ) { ASSERT( ! ::is_imm( c ) && c->levelcoeff() == RationalDomain, "illegal domain" ); if ( this == c ) { if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return CFFactory::basic( 1 ); } else { mpz_t n, d; mpz_t g1, g2, tmp1, tmp2; mpz_init( n ); mpz_init( d ); mpz_init( g1 ); mpz_init( g2 ); mpz_gcd( g1, _num, MPQNUM( c ) ); mpz_gcd( g2, _den, MPQDEN( c ) ); bool g1is1 = mpz_cmp_si( g1, 1 ) == 0; bool g2is1 = mpz_cmp_si( g2, 1 ) == 0; mpz_init( tmp1 ); mpz_init( tmp2 ); if ( ! g1is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp1, _num, g1 ); else mpz_set( tmp1, _num ); if ( ! g2is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp2, MPQDEN( c ), g2 ); else mpz_set( tmp2, MPQDEN( c ) ); mpz_mul( n, tmp1, tmp2 ); if ( ! g1is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp1, MPQNUM( c ), g1 ); else mpz_set( tmp1, MPQNUM( c ) ); if ( ! g2is1 ) mpz_divexact( tmp2, _den, g2 ); else mpz_set( tmp2, _den ); mpz_mul( d, tmp1, tmp2 ); mpz_clear( tmp1 ); mpz_clear( tmp2 ); mpz_clear( g1 ); mpz_clear( g2 ); if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 0 ) < 0 ) { mpz_neg( d, d ); mpz_neg( n, n ); } if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_clear( d ); if ( mpz_is_imm( n ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( n ) ); mpz_clear( n ); return res; } else { return new InternalInteger( n ); } } else return new InternalRational( n, d ); } } InternalCF* InternalRational::divsame( InternalCF * c ) { return dividesame( c ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::modulosame( InternalCF * c ) { return modsame( c ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::modsame( InternalCF * ) { if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return CFFactory::basic( 0 ); } void InternalRational::divremsame( InternalCF * c, InternalCF*& quot, InternalCF*& rem ) { quot = copyObject(); quot = quot->dividesame( c ); rem = CFFactory::basic( 0 ); } bool InternalRational::divremsamet( InternalCF* c, InternalCF*& quot, InternalCF*& rem ) { divremsame( c, quot, rem ); return true; } /** * comparesame(), comparecoeff() - compare with an * InternalRational. * * comparesame() compares the CO=a/b and c=p/q using the * equivalence a/b < p/q iff a*q < p*b. * * Note: May be relatively expensive due to the * multiplications. * * See also: CanonicalForm::operator <(), CanonicalForm::operator ==() * **/ int InternalRational::comparesame ( InternalCF * c ) { ASSERT( ! ::is_imm( c ) && c->levelcoeff() == RationalDomain, "incompatible base coefficients" ); mpz_t dummy1, dummy2; mpz_init( dummy1 ); mpz_init( dummy2 ); mpz_mul( dummy1, _num, MPQDEN( c ) ); mpz_mul( dummy2, _den, MPQNUM( c ) ); int result = mpz_cmp( dummy1, dummy2 ); mpz_clear( dummy1 ); mpz_clear( dummy2 ); return result; } /** * comparecoeff() compares the CO=a/b and the integer c using the * equivalence a/b < c iff a < c*b. * * Note: May be relatively expensive due to the * multiplications. **/ int InternalRational::comparecoeff ( InternalCF* c ) { if ( ::is_imm( c ) ) { ASSERT( ::is_imm( c ) == INTMARK, "incompatible base coefficients" ); mpz_t dummy; mpz_init_set_si( dummy, imm2int( c ) ); mpz_mul( dummy, dummy, _den ); int result = mpz_cmp( _num, dummy ); mpz_clear( dummy ); return result; } else { ASSERT( c->levelcoeff() == IntegerDomain, "incompatible base coefficients" ); mpz_t dummy; mpz_init( dummy ); mpz_mul( dummy, _den, InternalInteger::MPI( c ) ); int result = mpz_cmp( _num, dummy ); mpz_clear( dummy ); return result; } } InternalCF* InternalRational::addcoeff( InternalCF* c ) { ASSERT( ::is_imm( c ) == INTMARK || ! ::is_imm( c ), "expected integer" ); mpz_t n, d; if ( ::is_imm( c ) ) { long cc = imm2int( c ); if ( cc == 0 ) return this; else { mpz_init( n ); if ( cc < 0 ) { mpz_mul_ui( n, _den, -cc ); mpz_sub( n, _num, n ); } else { mpz_mul_ui( n, _den, cc ); mpz_add( n, _num, n ); } } } else { ASSERT( c->levelcoeff() == IntegerDomain, "expected integer" ); mpz_init( n ); mpz_mul( n, _den, InternalInteger::MPI( c ) ); mpz_add( n, _num, n ); } mpz_init_set( d, _den ); // at this point there is no way that the result is not a true rational if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return new InternalRational( n, d ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::subcoeff( InternalCF* c, bool negate ) { ASSERT( ::is_imm( c ) == INTMARK || ! ::is_imm( c ), "expected integer" ); mpz_t n, d; if ( ::is_imm( c ) ) { long cc = imm2int( c ); if ( cc == 0 ) { if ( negate ) { if ( getRefCount() == 1 ) { mpz_neg( _num, _num ); return this; } else { decRefCount(); mpz_init_set( d, _den ); mpz_init_set( n, _num ); mpz_neg( n, n ); return new InternalRational( n, d ); } } else return this; } mpz_init( n ); if ( cc < 0 ) { mpz_mul_ui( n, _den, -cc ); mpz_neg( n, n ); } else mpz_mul_ui( n, _den, cc ); if ( negate ) mpz_sub( n, n, _num ); else mpz_sub( n, _num, n ); } else { ASSERT( c->levelcoeff() == IntegerDomain, "expected integer" ); mpz_init( n ); mpz_mul( n, _den, InternalInteger::MPI( c ) ); if ( negate ) mpz_sub( n, n, _num ); else mpz_sub( n, _num, n ); } mpz_init_set( d, _den ); // at this point there is no way that the result is not a true rational if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return new InternalRational( n, d ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::mulcoeff( InternalCF* c ) { ASSERT( ::is_imm( c ) == INTMARK || ! ::is_imm( c ), "expected integer" ); mpz_t n, d, g; if ( ::is_imm( c ) ) { long cc = imm2int( c ); if ( cc == 0 ) { if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return CFFactory::basic( 0 ); } mpz_init_set_si( n, cc ); } else { ASSERT( c->levelcoeff() == IntegerDomain, "expected integer" ); mpz_init_set( n, InternalInteger::MPI( c ) ); } mpz_init( g ); mpz_gcd( g, n, _den ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_mul( n, n, _num ); mpz_init_set( d, _den ); } else { mpz_divexact( n, n, g ); mpz_mul( n, n, _num ); mpz_init( d ); mpz_divexact( d, _den, g ); } mpz_clear( g ); if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_clear( d ); if ( mpz_is_imm( n ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( n ) ); mpz_clear( n ); return res; } else { return new InternalInteger( n ); } } else return new InternalRational( n, d ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::dividecoeff( InternalCF* c, bool invert ) { ASSERT( ::is_imm( c ) == INTMARK || ! ::is_imm( c ), "expected integer" ); mpz_t n, d, g; if ( ::is_imm( c ) ) { long cc = imm2int( c ); ASSERT( c != 0 || invert, "divide by zero" ); if ( cc == 0 ) { // => invert if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return CFFactory::basic( 0 ); } if ( invert ) { mpz_init_set_si( n, cc ); mpz_mul( n, n, _den ); mpz_init_set( d, _num ); } else { mpz_init_set_si( d, cc ); mpz_mul( d, d, _den ); mpz_init_set( n, _num ); } } else { ASSERT( c->levelcoeff() == IntegerDomain, "expected integer" ); if ( invert ) { mpz_init_set( n, InternalInteger::MPI( c ) ); mpz_mul( n, n, _den ); mpz_init_set( d, _num ); } else { mpz_init_set( d, InternalInteger::MPI( c ) ); mpz_mul( d, d, _den ); mpz_init_set( n, _num ); } } if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 0 ) < 0 ) { mpz_neg( d, d ); mpz_neg( n, n ); } mpz_init( g ); mpz_gcd( g, n, d ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) != 0 ) { mpz_divexact( d, d, g ); mpz_divexact( n, n, g ); } mpz_clear( g ); if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; if ( ! invert ) { // then there was no way for the result to become an integer return new InternalRational( n, d ); } if ( mpz_cmp_si( d, 1 ) == 0 ) { mpz_clear( d ); if ( mpz_is_imm( n ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( n ) ); mpz_clear( n ); return res; } else { return new InternalInteger( n ); } } else return new InternalRational( n, d ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::divcoeff( InternalCF* c, bool invert ) { return dividecoeff( c, invert ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::modulocoeff( InternalCF* c, bool invert ) { return modcoeff( c, invert ); } InternalCF* InternalRational::modcoeff( InternalCF* c, bool invert ) { ASSERT( ::is_imm( c ) == INTMARK || ! ::is_imm( c ), "integer expected" ); ASSERT( invert || ! ::is_imm( c ) || imm2int( c ) != 0, "divide by zero" ); if ( deleteObject() ) delete this; return CFFactory::basic( 0 ); } void InternalRational::divremcoeff( InternalCF* c, InternalCF*& quot, InternalCF*& rem, bool invert ) { quot = copyObject(); quot = quot->dividecoeff( c, invert ); rem = CFFactory::basic( 0 ); } bool InternalRational::divremcoefft( InternalCF* c, InternalCF*& quot, InternalCF*& rem, bool invert ) { divremcoeff( c, quot, rem, invert ); return true; } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::bgcd(), InternalRational::bgcdcoeff() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::bgcdsame ( const InternalCF * const ) const { return int2imm( 1 ); } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::bgcd(), InternalRational::bgcdsame() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::bgcdcoeff ( const InternalCF * const ) { return int2imm( 1 ); } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::bextgcd(), InternalRational::bextgcdcoeff() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::bextgcdsame ( InternalCF *, CanonicalForm & a, CanonicalForm & b ) { a = 1/CanonicalForm( copyObject() ); b = 0; return int2imm( 1 ); } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::bextgcd(), InternalRational::bextgcdsame() **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::bextgcdcoeff ( InternalCF *, CanonicalForm & a, CanonicalForm & b ) { a = 1/CanonicalForm( copyObject() ); b = 0; return int2imm( 1 ); } /** * reduce InternalRational to lowest terms **/ InternalCF * InternalRational::normalize_myself() { ASSERT( getRefCount() == 1, "illegal operation" ); mpz_t g; mpz_init( g ); mpz_gcd( g, _num, _den ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( g, 1 ) != 0 ) { mpz_divexact( _num, _num, g ); mpz_divexact( _den, _den, g ); } mpz_clear( g ); if ( mpz_cmp_si( _den, 0 ) < 0 ) { mpz_neg( _num, _num ); mpz_neg( _den, _den ); } if ( mpz_cmp_si( _den, 1 ) == 0 ) { if ( mpz_is_imm( _num ) ) { InternalCF * res = int2imm( mpz_get_si( _num ) ); delete this; return res; } else { mpz_t res; mpz_init_set( res, _num ); delete this; return new InternalInteger( res ); } } else return this; } long InternalRational::intval() const { ASSERT( mpz_cmp_si( _den, 1 ) == 0, "illegal operation" ); return mpz_get_si( _num ); } /** * @sa CanonicalForm::sign() **/ int InternalRational::sign () const { return mpz_sgn( _num ); }