#pragma once namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { struct DistGradHeader { public: size_t numSamples; size_t numSamplesWithLabel; // this is the denominator for 'criterion' double criterion; // variable-size array int numEvalNode; pair evalErrors[1]; static DistGradHeader* Create(int numEvalNode) { DistGradHeader* header = (DistGradHeader*) new char[DistGradHeaderSize(numEvalNode)]; header->numEvalNode = numEvalNode; return header; } static void Destroy(DistGradHeader* header) { delete[]((char*) header); } // aggregate header information void Aggregate(DistGradHeader* other, bool add = false) { if (other->numEvalNode != numEvalNode) RuntimeError("mismatched size"); if (!add) { memcpy((void*) this, (void*) other, DistGradHeaderSize(numEvalNode)); } else { numSamples += other->numSamples; numSamplesWithLabel += other->numSamplesWithLabel; criterion = (float)criterion + (float)other->criterion; for (int i = 0; i < numEvalNode; i++) { evalErrors[i].first += other->evalErrors[i].first; // numer evalErrors[i].second += other->evalErrors[i].second; // denom } } } size_t Size() const { return DistGradHeaderSize(numEvalNode); } void Clear() { numSamples = 0; numSamplesWithLabel = 0; criterion = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numEvalNode; i++) { evalErrors[i].first = 0; evalErrors[i].second = 0; } } friend void swap(DistGradHeader& first, DistGradHeader& second) { if (first.numEvalNode != second.numEvalNode) LogicError("Cannot swap DistGradHeader objects with different number of evalNodes!"); std::swap(first.numSamples, second.numSamples); std::swap(first.numSamplesWithLabel, second.numSamplesWithLabel); std::swap(first.criterion, second.criterion); for (int i = 0; i < first.numEvalNode; i++) { std::swap(first.evalErrors[i], second.evalErrors[i]); } } private: static size_t DistGradHeaderSize(size_t nEvalNodes) { // BUGBUG: Should be sizeof(evalErrors[0]), but the compiler won't let me. This is only correct because evalErrors has 1 element. return sizeof(DistGradHeader) + (sizeof(decltype(evalErrors)) * (nEvalNodes - 1)); } // Disallow construction and destruction since this type contains a variable sized array member // and hence must be constructed through the create and destroy functions DistGradHeader() = delete; ~DistGradHeader() = delete; // Disallow copy and move construction/assignment DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(DistGradHeader); }; }}}