Raw File
Tip revision: 230b98d4ddffee4df25f62ff3c9ac39a2329abf6 authored by Tobias Bosch on 19 October 2017, 00:22:45 UTC
docs: add changelog for 5.0.0-rc.3
Tip revision: 230b98d
import { Component, ElementRef, HostBinding, HostListener, OnInit,
         QueryList, ViewChild, ViewChildren } from '@angular/core';
import { MdSidenav } from '@angular/material';

import { CurrentNodes, NavigationService, NavigationNode, VersionInfo } from 'app/navigation/navigation.service';
import { DocumentService, DocumentContents } from 'app/documents/document.service';
import { DocViewerComponent } from 'app/layout/doc-viewer/doc-viewer.component';
import { Deployment } from 'app/shared/deployment.service';
import { LocationService } from 'app/shared/location.service';
import { ScrollService } from 'app/shared/scroll.service';
import { SearchBoxComponent } from 'app/search/search-box/search-box.component';
import { SearchResults } from 'app/search/interfaces';
import { SearchService } from 'app/search/search.service';
import { TocService } from 'app/shared/toc.service';

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
import { combineLatest } from 'rxjs/observable/combineLatest';

const sideNavView = 'SideNav';

  selector: 'aio-shell',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  currentDocument: DocumentContents;
  currentDocVersion: NavigationNode;
  currentNodes: CurrentNodes;
  currentPath: string;
  docVersions: NavigationNode[];
  dtOn = false;
  footerNodes: NavigationNode[];

   * An HTML friendly identifier for the currently displayed page.
   * This is computed from the `` by replacing `/` with `-`
  pageId: string;
   * An HTML friendly identifer for the "folder" of the currently displayed page.
   * This is computed by taking everything up to the first `/` in the ``
  folderId: string;
   * These CSS classes are computed from the current state of the application
   * (e.g. what document is being viewed) to allow for fine grain control over
   * the styling of individual pages.
   * You will get three classes:
   * * `page-...`: computed from the current document id (e.g. events, guide-security, tutorial-toh-pt2)
   * * `folder-...`: computed from the top level folder for an id (e.g. guide, tutorial, etc)
   * * `view-...`: computef from the navigation view (e.g. SideNav, TopBar, etc)
  hostClasses = '';

  isFetching = false;
  isStarting = true;
  isSideBySide = false;
  private isFetchingTimeout: any;
  private isSideNavDoc = false;

  private sideBySideWidth = 992;
  sideNavNodes: NavigationNode[];
  topMenuNodes: NavigationNode[];
  topMenuNarrowNodes: NavigationNode[];

  hasFloatingToc = true;
  private showFloatingToc = new BehaviorSubject(false);
  private showFloatingTocWidth = 800;
  tocMaxHeight: string;
  private tocMaxHeightOffset = 0;

  versionInfo: VersionInfo;

  get homeImageUrl() {
    return this.isSideBySide ?
      'assets/images/logos/angular/logo-nav@2x.png' :
  get isOpened() { return this.isSideBySide && this.isSideNavDoc; }
  get mode() { return this.isSideBySide ? 'side' : 'over'; }

  // Need the doc-viewer element for scrolling the contents
  @ViewChild(DocViewerComponent, { read: ElementRef })
  docViewer: ElementRef;

  // Search related properties
  showSearchResults = false;
  searchResults: Observable<SearchResults>;
  @ViewChildren('searchBox, searchResultsView', { read: ElementRef })
  searchElements: QueryList<ElementRef>;
  searchBox: SearchBoxComponent;

  sidenav: MdSidenav;

    public deployment: Deployment,
    private documentService: DocumentService,
    private hostElement: ElementRef,
    private locationService: LocationService,
    private navigationService: NavigationService,
    private scrollService: ScrollService,
    private searchService: SearchService,
    private tocService: TocService
  ) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    // Do not initialize the search on browsers that lack web worker support
    if ('Worker' in window) {
      // Delay initialization by up to 2 seconds
      this.searchService.initWorker('app/search/search-worker.js', 2000);


    /* No need to unsubscribe because this root component never dies */

    this.documentService.currentDocument.subscribe(doc => {
      this.currentDocument = doc;

    this.locationService.currentPath.subscribe(path => {
      // Redirect to docs if we are in not in stable mode and are not hitting a docs page
      // (i.e. we have arrived at a marketing page)
      if (this.deployment.mode !== 'stable' && !/^(docs$|api|guide|tutorial)/.test(path)) {
      if (path === this.currentPath) {
        // scroll only if on same page (most likely a change to the hash)
      } else {
        // don't scroll; leave that to `onDocRendered`
        this.currentPath = path;

        // Start progress bar if doc not rendered within brief time
        this.isFetchingTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.isFetching = true, 200);

    this.navigationService.currentNodes.subscribe(currentNodes => {
      this.currentNodes = currentNodes;

      // Preserve current sidenav open state by default
      let openSideNav = this.sidenav.opened;
      const isSideNavDoc = !!currentNodes[sideNavView];

      if (this.isSideNavDoc !== isSideNavDoc) {
        // View type changed. Is it now a sidenav view (e.g, guide or tutorial)?
        // Open if changed to a sidenav doc; close if changed to a marketing doc.
        openSideNav = this.isSideNavDoc = isSideNavDoc;
      // May be open or closed when wide; always closed when narrow
      this.sideNavToggle(this.isSideBySide ? openSideNav : false);

    // Compute the version picker list from the current version and the versions in the navigation map
      this.navigationService.versionInfo, => views['docVersions']))
      .subscribe(([versionInfo, versions]) => {
        // TODO(pbd): consider whether we can lookup the stable and next versions from the internet
        const computedVersions = [
          { title: 'next', url: '' },
          { title: 'stable', url: '' },
        if (this.deployment.mode === 'archive') {
          computedVersions.push({ title: `v${versionInfo.major}`, url: null });
        this.docVersions = [...computedVersions, ...versions];

        // Find the current version - eithers title matches the current deployment mode
        // or its title matches the major version of the current version info
        this.currentDocVersion = this.docVersions.find(version =>
          version.title === this.deployment.mode || version.title === `v${versionInfo.major}`);
        this.currentDocVersion.title += ` (v${versionInfo.raw})`;

    this.navigationService.navigationViews.subscribe(views => {
      this.footerNodes  = views['Footer']  || [];
      this.sideNavNodes = views['SideNav'] || [];
      this.topMenuNodes = views['TopBar']  || [];
      this.topMenuNarrowNodes = views['TopBarNarrow'] || this.topMenuNodes;

    this.navigationService.versionInfo.subscribe( vi => this.versionInfo = vi );

    const hasNonEmptyToc = => tocList.length > 0);
    combineLatest(hasNonEmptyToc, this.showFloatingToc)
        .subscribe(([hasToc, showFloatingToc]) => this.hasFloatingToc = hasToc && showFloatingToc);

  // Scroll to the anchor in the hash fragment or top of doc.
  autoScroll() {

  onDocRendered() {
    // Stop fetching timeout (which, when render is fast, means progress bar never shown)

    // Put page in a clean visual state

    // Scroll 500ms after the doc-viewer has finished rendering the new doc
    // The delay is to allow time for async layout to complete
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.isStarting = false;
      this.isFetching = false;
    }, 500);

  onDocVersionChange(versionIndex: number) {
    const version = this.docVersions[versionIndex];
    if (version.url) {

  @HostListener('window:resize', ['$'])
  onResize(width) {
    this.isSideBySide = width > this.sideBySideWidth; > this.showFloatingTocWidth);

  @HostListener('click', ['$', '$event.button', '$event.ctrlKey', '$event.metaKey', '$event.altKey'])
  onClick(eventTarget: HTMLElement, button: number, ctrlKey: boolean, metaKey: boolean, altKey: boolean): boolean {

    // Hide the search results if we clicked outside both the "search box" and the "search results"
    if (!this.searchElements.some(element => element.nativeElement.contains(eventTarget))) {

    // Show developer source view if the footer is clicked while holding the meta and alt keys
    if (eventTarget.tagName === 'FOOTER' && metaKey && altKey) {
      this.dtOn = !this.dtOn;
      return false;

    // Deal with anchor clicks; climb DOM tree until anchor found (or null)
    let target = eventTarget;
    while (target && !(target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) {
      target = target.parentElement;
    if (target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
      return this.locationService.handleAnchorClick(target, button, ctrlKey, metaKey);

    // Allow the click to pass through
    return true;

  sideNavToggle(value?: boolean) {

  setPageId(id: string) {
    // Special case the home page
    this.pageId = (id === 'index') ? 'home' : id.replace('/', '-');

  setFolderId(id: string) {
    // Special case the home page
    this.folderId = (id === 'index') ? 'home' : id.split('/', 1)[0];

  updateHostClasses() {
    const mode = `mode-${this.deployment.mode}`;
    const sideNavOpen = `sidenav-${this.sidenav.opened ? 'open' : 'closed'}`;
    const pageClass = `page-${this.pageId}`;
    const folderClass = `folder-${this.folderId}`;
    const viewClasses = Object.keys(this.currentNodes || {}).map(view => `view-${view}`).join(' ');

    this.hostClasses = `${mode} ${sideNavOpen} ${pageClass} ${folderClass} ${viewClasses}`;

  // Dynamically change height of table of contents container
  onScroll() {
    if (!this.tocMaxHeightOffset) {
      // Must wait until now for md-toolbar to be measurable.
      const el = this.hostElement.nativeElement as Element;
      this.tocMaxHeightOffset =
          el.querySelector('footer').clientHeight +
          el.querySelector('').clientHeight +
          24; //  fudge margin

    this.tocMaxHeight = (document.body.scrollHeight - window.pageYOffset - this.tocMaxHeightOffset).toFixed(2);

  // Restrain scrolling inside an element, when the cursor is over it
  restrainScrolling(evt: WheelEvent) {
    const elem = evt.currentTarget as Element;
    const scrollTop = elem.scrollTop;

    if (evt.deltaY < 0) {
      // Trying to scroll up: Prevent scrolling if already at the top.
      if (scrollTop < 1) {
    } else {
      // Trying to scroll down: Prevent scrolling if already at the bottom.
      const maxScrollTop = elem.scrollHeight - elem.clientHeight;
      if (maxScrollTop - scrollTop < 1) {

  // Search related methods and handlers

  hideSearchResults() {
    this.showSearchResults = false;

  focusSearchBox() {
    if (this.searchBox) {

  doSearch(query) {
    this.searchResults =;
    this.showSearchResults = !!query;

  @HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event.key', '$event.which'])
  onKeyUp(key: string, keyCode: number) {
    // forward slash "/"
    if (key === '/' || keyCode === 191) {
    if (key === 'Escape' || keyCode === 27 ) {
      // escape key
      if (this.showSearchResults) {
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