Raw File
include .astropy-root
include README.rst
include CHANGES.rst

include ez_setup.py
include ah_bootstrap.py
include setup.cfg
include astropy/tests/coveragerc
recursive-include astropy *.pyx *.c *.h *.map *.templ

include astropy/astropy.cfg

# We have to explicitly include the following modules, otherwise only the
# Python 2 versions are included when making a source distribution in Python
# 2, and similarly for Python 3:
include astropy/extern/configobj/*.py
recursive-include astropy/utils/compat *.py

include astropy/table/tests/notebook_repr_html.ipynb

include astropy/utils/misc/data/.hidden_file.txt

recursive-include docs *
recursive-include licenses *
recursive-include cextern *
recursive-include scripts *
recursive-include static *
recursive-include astropy/sphinx/themes *

prune docs/_build
prune build

recursive-include astropy_helpers *
exclude astropy_helpers/.git
exclude astropy_helpers/.gitignore

global-exclude *.pyc *.o
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