linear Bayesian LM and GP LLM on linear data from vignette 1 sin Bayesian linear CART, GP, treed GP on sinusoidal data from vignette 1 exp Bayesian GP, treed GP, and treed GP LLM on exponential data from vignette 1 moto Bayesian GP, treed GP, and treed GP LLM on motorcycle accident data from vignette 1 fried Bayesian linear CART and GP LLM on first Friedman data from vignette 1 as adaptive sampling on exponential data from vignette 1 traces demonstration, visualization and interpretation of parameter traces from vignette 1 pred example of a collaborative tgp with predict.tgp from vignette 1 cat using tgp with categorical (i.e., non-real-valued) inputs from vignette 2 sens sensitivity analysis for inputs/covariates from vignette 2 optim sequential optimization of black-box functions from vignette 2 it importance tempering improved mixing in the RJ-MCMC for tgp from vignette 2