(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcOptions module EP = EcParsetree module T = EcTerminal (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let copyright = let sentences = List.flatten [EcVersion.copyright; String.split_lines EcVersion.License.engine; ["Standard Library (theories/**/*.ec): "]; List.map (Printf.sprintf "\t%s") (String.split_lines EcVersion.License.stdlib); [""; Format.sprintf "GIT hash: %s" EcVersion.hash] ] in String.concat "\n" (List.map (fun s -> Printf.sprintf ">> %s" s) sentences) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let psep = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ";" | _ -> ":" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let confname = "easycrypt.conf" let why3dflconf = Filename.concat XDG.home "why3.conf" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type pconfig = { pc_why3 : string option; pc_ini : string option; pc_loadpath : (EcLoader.namespace option * string) list; } let print_config config = (* Print git-hash *) Format.eprintf "git-hash: %s@\n%!" EcVersion.hash; (* Print load path *) begin let string_of_namespace = function | None -> "" | Some `System -> "" | Some (`Named x) -> x in Format.eprintf "load-path:@\n%!"; List.iter (fun (nm, dir) -> Format.eprintf " %s@@%s@\n%!" (string_of_namespace nm) dir) (EcCommands.loadpath ()); end; (* Print why3 configuration file location *) Format.eprintf "why3 configuration file@\n%!"; begin match config.pc_why3 with | None -> Format.eprintf " @\n%!" | Some f -> Format.eprintf " %s@\n%!" f end; (* Print EC configuration file location *) Format.eprintf "EasyCrypt configuration file@\n%!"; begin match config.pc_ini with | None -> Format.eprintf " @\n%!" | Some f -> Format.eprintf " %s@\n%!" f end; (* Print list of known provers *) begin let string_of_prover prover = let fullname = Printf.sprintf "%s@%s" prover.EcProvers.pr_name prover.EcProvers.pr_version in match prover.EcProvers.pr_evicted with | None -> fullname | Some (cause, overridden) -> let cause = match cause with | `Inconsistent -> "inconsistent" in Printf.sprintf "%s [evicted:%s/overridden=%b]" fullname cause overridden in let provers = EcProvers.known ~evicted:true in Format.eprintf "known provers: %s@\n%!" (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_prover provers)) end; (* Print system PATH *) Format.eprintf "System PATH:@\n%!"; List.iter (fun x -> Format.eprintf " %s@\n%!" x) (EcRegexp.split0 (`S (EcRegexp.quote psep)) (try Sys.getenv "PATH" with Not_found -> "")) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let main () = (* When started from Emacs28 on Apple M1, the set of blocks signals * * disallows Why3 server to detect external provers completion *) let _ : int list = Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_SETMASK [] in let theories = EcRelocate.Sites.theories in (* Parse command line arguments *) let conffile, options = let conffile = let xdgini = XDG.Config.file ~exists:true ~mode:`All ~appname:EcVersion.app confname in let localini = Option.bind EcRelocate.sourceroot (fun src -> let conffile = List.fold_left Filename.concat src ["etc"; confname] in if Sys.file_exists conffile then Some conffile else None) in List.Exceptionless.hd (Option.to_list localini @ xdgini) in let ini = Option.bind conffile (fun ini -> try Some (EcOptions.read_ini_file ini) with | Sys_error _ -> None | EcOptions.InvalidIniFile (lineno, file) -> Format.eprintf "%s:%l: cannot read INI file@." file lineno; exit 1 ) in (conffile, EcOptions.parse_cmdline ?ini Sys.argv) in (* chrdir_$PATH if in reloc mode (FIXME / HACK) *) let relocdir = match options.o_options.o_reloc with | true when Option.is_none EcRelocate.sourceroot -> let pwd = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir ( List.fold_left Filename.concat (List.hd EcRelocate.Sites.theories) (List.init 3 (fun _ -> "..")) ); Some pwd | true -> Format.eprintf "cannot relocate a local installation@."; exit 1 | false -> None in (* Initialize why3 engine *) let cp_why3conf ~exists ~mode : string option = match options.o_options.o_why3 with | None -> let confs = XDG.Config.file ~exists ~mode ~appname:EcVersion.app "why3.conf" in List.nth_opt confs 0 | Some _ as aout -> aout in let why3conf = cp_why3conf ~exists:true ~mode:`All and ovrevict = options.o_options.o_ovrevict in if options.o_command <> `Why3Config then begin try EcProvers.initialize ~ovrevict ?why3conf () with e -> Format.eprintf "cannot initialize Why3 engine: %a@." EcPException.exn_printer e; exit 1 end; (* Initialize load path *) let ldropts = options.o_options.o_loader in begin List.iter (fun theory -> EcCommands.addidir ~namespace:`System (Filename.concat theory "prelude"); if not ldropts.ldro_boot then EcCommands.addidir ~namespace:`System ~recursive:true theory ) theories; List.iter (fun (onm, name, isrec) -> EcCommands.addidir ?namespace:(omap (fun nm -> `Named nm) onm) ~recursive:isrec name) ldropts.ldro_idirs; end; (* Initialize printer *) EcCorePrinting.Registry.register (module EcPrinting); (* Register user messages printers *) begin let open EcUserMessages in register () end; (* Initialize I/O + interaction module *) let (prvopts, input, terminal, interactive, eco) = match options.o_command with | `Config -> let config = { pc_why3 = why3conf; pc_ini = conffile; pc_loadpath = EcCommands.loadpath (); } in print_config config; exit 0 | `Why3Config -> begin let conf = cp_why3conf ~exists:false ~mode:`User in conf |> Option.iter (fun conf -> EcUtils.makedirs (Filename.dirname conf)); let () = let ulnk = conf |> odfl why3dflconf in try Unix.unlink ulnk with Unix.Unix_error _ -> () in let pid = let args = ["why3"; "config"; "detect"] in let args = args @ (conf |> omap (fun x -> ["-C"; x])|> odfl []) in Printf.eprintf "Executing: %s\n%!" (String.concat " " args); Unix.create_process "why3" (Array.of_list args) Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr in let code = match snd (Unix.waitpid [] pid) with | WSIGNALED _ -> 127 | WEXITED e -> e | WSTOPPED _ -> assert false in exit code end | `Cli cliopts -> begin let terminal = if cliopts.clio_emacs then lazy (EcTerminal.from_emacs ()) else lazy (EcTerminal.from_tty ()) in (cliopts.clio_provers, None, terminal, true, false) end | `Compile cmpopts -> begin let name = cmpopts.cmpo_input in begin try let ext = Filename.extension name in ignore (EcLoader.getkind ext : EcLoader.kind) with EcLoader.BadExtension ext -> Format.eprintf "do not know what to do with %s@." ext; exit 1 end; let gcstats = cmpopts.cmpo_gcstats in let progress = if cmpopts.cmpo_script then `Script else `Human in let terminal = lazy (EcTerminal.from_channel ~name ~gcstats ~progress (open_in name)) in ({cmpopts.cmpo_provers with prvo_iterate = true}, Some name, terminal, false, cmpopts.cmpo_noeco) end in (match input with | Some input -> EcCommands.addidir (Filename.dirname input) | None -> match relocdir with | None -> EcCommands.addidir Filename.current_dir_name | Some pwd -> EcCommands.addidir pwd); (* Check if the .eco is up-to-date and exit if so *) oiter (fun input -> if EcCommands.check_eco input then exit 0) input; let finalize_input input scope = match input with | Some input -> let nameo = EcEco.get_eco_filename input in let kind = try EcLoader.getkind (Filename.extension input) with EcLoader.BadExtension _ -> assert false in assert (nameo <> input); let eco = EcEco.{ eco_root = EcEco.{ eco_digest = Digest.file input; eco_kind = kind; }; eco_depends = EcMaps.Mstr.of_list ( List.map (fun (x : EcScope.required_info) -> let ecr = EcEco.{ eco_digest = x.rqd_digest; eco_kind = x.rqd_kind; } in (x.rqd_name, (ecr, x.rqd_direct))) (EcScope.Theory.required scope)); } in let out = open_out nameo in EcUtils.try_finally (fun () -> Format.fprintf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel out) "%a@." EcEco.pp eco) (fun () -> close_out out) | None -> () in let tstats : EcLocation.t -> float option -> unit = match options.o_command with | `Compile { cmpo_tstats = Some out } -> let channel = Format.formatter_of_out_channel (open_out out) in let fmt loc tdelta = Format.fprintf channel "%s %f\n%!" (EcLocation.tostring_raw ~with_fname:false loc) tdelta in fun loc tdelta -> oiter (fmt loc) tdelta | _ -> fun _ _ -> () in (* Instantiate terminal *) let lazy terminal = terminal in (* Initialize PRNG *) Random.self_init (); (* Connect to external Why3 server if requested *) prvopts.prvo_why3server |> oiter (fun server -> try Why3.Prove_client.connect_external server with Why3.Prove_client.ConnectionError e -> Format.eprintf "cannot connect to Why3 server `%s': %s" server e; exit 1); (* Display Copyright *) if EcTerminal.interactive terminal then EcTerminal.notice ~immediate:true `Warning copyright terminal; try if EcTerminal.interactive terminal then Sys.catch_break true; (* Interaction loop *) let first = ref `Init in while true do let terminate = ref false in try begin match !first with | `Init | `Restart -> let restart = (!first = `Restart) in (* Initialize global scope *) let checkmode = { EcCommands.cm_checkall = prvopts.prvo_checkall; EcCommands.cm_timeout = prvopts.prvo_timeout; EcCommands.cm_cpufactor = prvopts.prvo_cpufactor; EcCommands.cm_nprovers = prvopts.prvo_maxjobs; EcCommands.cm_provers = prvopts.prvo_provers; EcCommands.cm_profile = prvopts.prvo_profile; EcCommands.cm_iterate = prvopts.prvo_iterate; } in EcCommands.initialize ~restart ~undo:interactive ~boot:ldropts.ldro_boot ~checkmode; (try List.iter EcCommands.apply_pragma prvopts.prvo_pragmas with EcCommands.InvalidPragma x -> EcScope.hierror "invalid pragma: `%s'\n%!" x); let notifier (lvl : EcGState.loglevel) (lazy msg) = EcTerminal.notice ~immediate:true lvl msg terminal in EcCommands.addnotifier notifier; oiter (fun ppwidth -> let gs = EcEnv.gstate (EcScope.env (EcCommands.current ())) in EcGState.setvalue "PP:width" (`Int ppwidth) gs) prvopts.prvo_ppwidth; first := `Loop | `Loop -> () end; oiter (EcTerminal.setwidth terminal) (let gs = EcEnv.gstate (EcScope.env (EcCommands.current ())) in match EcGState.getvalue "PP:width" gs with | Some (`Int i) -> Some i | _ -> None); begin match EcLocation.unloc (EcTerminal.next terminal) with | EP.P_Prog (commands, locterm) -> terminate := locterm; List.iter (fun p -> let loc = p.EP.gl_action.EcLocation.pl_loc in let timed = p.EP.gl_debug = Some `Timed in let break = p.EP.gl_debug = Some `Break in try let tdelta = EcCommands.process ~timed ~break p.EP.gl_action in tstats loc tdelta with | EcCommands.Restart -> raise EcCommands.Restart | e -> begin if Printexc.backtrace_status () then begin if not (EcTerminal.interactive terminal) then Printf.fprintf stderr "%t\n%!" Printexc.print_backtrace end; raise (EcScope.toperror_of_exn ~gloc:loc e) end) commands | EP.P_Undo i -> EcCommands.undo i | EP.P_Exit -> terminate := true end; EcTerminal.finish `ST_Ok terminal; if !terminate then begin EcTerminal.finalize terminal; if not eco then finalize_input input (EcCommands.current ()); exit 0 end; with | EcCommands.Restart -> first := `Restart | e -> begin EcTerminal.finish (`ST_Failure (EcScope.toperror_of_exn e)) terminal; if (!first = `Init) || not (EcTerminal.interactive terminal) then exit 1 end done with e -> (try EcTerminal.finalize terminal with _ -> ()); raise e (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let () = main ()