\name{localRFiles} \alias{localRFiles} \alias{menuRFile} \title{The R source files in the local directory} \description{ Returns the names of the R source files in a directory, by default the current working directory. } \usage{ localRFiles(directory = getwd(), suffix = "[.][RSq]$", ask = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{directory}{ Where to look, by default the directory in which R is currently running} \item{suffix}{Regular expression to identify R source files.} \item{ask}{If \code{TRUE}, uses the menu function to prompt the user for one of the local R files or to enter a file name.} } \value{ The character vector of matching file names. \code{menuRFile} } \author{John M. Chambers} \examples{ ## all the example files for this package localRFiles(system.file("R-ex",package="SoDA")) } \keyword{programming}