FROM node:12-alpine AS build RUN apk add --no-cache make gcc g++ python bash git openssh jq WORKDIR /app # see .dockerignore to know all copied files COPY . /app/ ENV NODE_ENV="production" RUN mkdir /app/upload && \ cp /app/config/production-dist.js /app/config/production.js && \ npm install --production && \ npm run build && \ npm cache clean --force && \ npm prune --production && \ npm run clean && \ ./lodex-extended-sync FROM node:12-alpine AS release RUN apk add --no-cache su-exec COPY --from=build /app /app # ezmasterizing of lodex # See # cleanupScript disabled because of this commit # change uid/gid to be compilant with Debian/Ubuntu container (and so with ezmaster-webdav) RUN echo '{ \ "httpPort": 3000, \ "configPath": "/app/config.json", \ "dataPath": "/app/src/app/custom", \ "#cleanupScript": "/app/src/common/" \ }' > /etc/ezmaster.json && \ sed -i -e "s/daemon:x:2:2/daemon:x:1:1/" /etc/passwd && \ sed -i -e "s/daemon:x:2:/daemon:x:1:/" /etc/group && \ sed -i -e "s/bin:x:1:1/bin:x:2:2/" /etc/passwd && \ sed -i -e "s/bin:x:1:/bin:x:2:/" /etc/group WORKDIR /app ENV NODE_ENV="production" EXPOSE 3000 ENTRYPOINT [ "/app/" ] CMD [ "npm", "start" ]