#include #include #include #include #include #include "LogoFrame.h" #include "logo.h" #include "wxTerminal.h" #include #include #include #include "wxGlobals.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // structs // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct line { short int x1; short int y1; short int x2; short int y2; short int pw; unsigned char color; unsigned char pm; int vis; }; typedef struct { int color; int xpos; int ypos; int vis; int pw; int ph; int pen_mode; } pen_info; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // what do we show on screen (there are too many shapes to put them all on // screen simultaneously) enum ScreenToShow { Show_Default, Show_Text, Show_Lines, Show_Brushes, Show_Polygons, Show_Mask, Show_Ops, Show_Regions, Show_Circles }; enum messageEnum { PREPARE = 0, SPLITSCREEN, FULLSCREEN, TEXTSCREEN, DRAWLINE, EDITCALL, CLEARSCREEN, SAVEPEN, RESTOREPEN, KILLAPPLICATION, SETPENCOLOR, ADDLINE, SETPENWIDTH, GETPALETTE, FLOODFILL, TOPRINTER, GETMOUSECOORDS, GETMOUSEDOWN, SETINFO, GETINFO, DRAWLABEL, CATCHUP, PRINTPICT, PRINTPREVIEWPICT, PRINTTEXT, PRINTPREVIEWTEXT }; #define PEN_REVERSE 0 #define PEN_ERASE 1 #define PEN_DOWN 2 #define NUMCOLORS 512 #define NUMINITCOLORS 16 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Classes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TurtleCanvas; // This frame will contain the TurtleCanvas class TurtleFrame : public wxFrame { public: TurtleFrame( wxFrame * parent, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size); // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual) void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnShow(wxCommandEvent &event); static int back_ground, screen_height, screen_width, in_graphics_mode, in_splitscreen; static pen_info xgr_pen; int m_backgroundMode; int m_textureBackground; int m_mapMode; double m_xUserScale; double m_yUserScale; int m_xLogicalOrigin; int m_yLogicalOrigin; bool m_xAxisReversed, m_yAxisReversed; wxColour m_colourForeground, // these are _text_ colours m_colourBackground; wxBrush m_backgroundBrush; TurtleCanvas *m_canvas; TurtleCanvas * GetCanvas (); private: // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; struct mypoint { int x,y; }; // define a scrollable canvas for drawing onto class TurtleCanvas: public wxWindow { public: TurtleCanvas( wxFrame *parent ); virtual ~TurtleCanvas(); wxFrame *m_owner; wxPaintDC * dc; static void FinishedEvent(); static void WaitForEvent(); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event); void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &event); void OnDraw(wxDC &dc); bool SetFont(const wxFont &f); void Show(ScreenToShow show) { m_show = show; Refresh(); } void internalPrepare(); void TurtlePrintPreview(wxCommandEvent& event); void PrintTurtleWindow(wxCommandEvent& event); void SetOwner (wxFrame * frame); void SetDC (wxPaintDC * dc); void drawLine(wxCommandEvent & e); void editCall(); void logoHandle ( wxCommandEvent & e); void exitApplication(); void OnFocus (wxFocusEvent & event); void LoseFocus (wxFocusEvent & event); void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event) ; void OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnMiddleDown(wxMouseEvent& event) ; void OnMiddleUp(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event) ; void OnRightUp(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) ; void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event); static void setInfo(int type, int val); static int getInfo(int type); void OnTimer (wxTimerEvent& event); void OnEraseBackGround(wxEraseEvent& event) ; void OnPageSetup(wxCommandEvent& event); static void drawOneLine(struct line *, wxDC *); static void realFloodFill(int, wxDC *); static void realdoFilled(int fillcolor, int count, struct mypoint *points, wxDC *dc); static void realDrawLabel(char *, wxDC *); static void realClearScreen(wxDC *); void PaintBackground(wxDC& dc) ; wxFrame * GetOwner(); wxDC * GetDC(); static int mousePosition_x; static int mousePosition_y; static int clickPosition_x; static int clickPosition_y; static int mouse_down_left; static int mouse_down_middle; static int mouse_down_right; static int mouse_down_last; static wxColour colors[NUMCOLORS+SPECIAL_COLORS]; private: wxBitmap *m_bitmap; int resized; ScreenToShow m_show; wxBitmap m_smile_bmp; wxIcon m_std_icon; bool m_clip; wxTimer * m_timer; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Accessed by interpreter // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" void nop(); extern "C" void set_palette(int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); extern "C" void get_palette(int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*); extern "C" void save_pen(pen_info *p); extern "C" void restore_pen(pen_info *p); extern "C" void set_pen_patter(); extern "C" void logofill(); extern "C" void wx_clear(); extern "C" NODE lclearscreen(NODE *); extern "C" void wxDrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int vis); extern "C" void wxSplitScreen(); extern "C" void wxFullScreen(); extern "C" void wxTextScreen(); extern "C" void wxPrepare(); extern "C" int wxEditFile(char * f); extern "C" int wxGetMouseX(); extern "C" int wxGetMouseY(); extern "C" int wxGetButton(); extern "C" void redraw_graphics(); extern "C" void wxSetInfo(int type, int val); extern "C" int wxGetInfo(int type);