Tip revision: 70e973c2d935e4ff2cb080d7feef0dd08c23e061 authored by sabelarl on 07 July 2021, 12:56:38 UTC
Tip revision: 70e973c
#' Loading the panel, the single-cell data and exploring normalisation options
# Load adjusted prepData function to allow for more metadata (age, gender, etc)
### Load panel (it has the metal names swaped so we need to change them):
load_panel <- function(settings) {
panel <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "CP_CyTOF_panel.csv"))
panel[, name1 := sub('^([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)$', '\\1', fcs_colname)]
panel[, name2 := sub('^([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)$', '\\2', fcs_colname)]
pnames <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "CP_CyTOF_panel_names.csv"))
pnames[, name1 := sub('^([[:alpha:]]+)([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)$', '\\1', fcs_colname)]
pnames[, name2 := sub('^([[:alpha:]]+)([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)$', '\\2', fcs_colname)]
pnames[, name3 := sub('^([[:alpha:]]+)([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)$', '\\3', fcs_colname)]
pnames <- pnames[fcs_colname != name1]
panel <- merge(panel, pnames, by.x = "name1", by.y = "name2")
panel <- panel[, c("fcs_colname.y", "antigen", "marker_class")]
setnames(panel, "fcs_colname.y", "fcs_colname")
### LOAD DATA ###
load_data <- function(settings) {
if (settings$tissue == 'cp') {
if (settings$norm) {
normalised_folder <- "normalised"
} else {
normalised_folder <- "original"
files <- list.files(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Pregated_fcs/Cp",
full.names = T)
files <- files[grepl(".fcs$", files)] # keep only fcs files
files <- files[!grepl("ref", files)] # exclude ref
files <- files[!grepl("2019-110", files)] # exclude control6 (no cells)
if (settings$subsetting == T) {
fs <- list()
ncells <- c()
for (file in files) {
cat("Reading File", file, "\n", sep = " ")
temp <- read.FCS(filename = file)
ncells <- c(ncells, dim(temp@exprs)[1])
n_subset <- quantile(ncells, 0.75)
for (file in files) {
temp <- read.FCS(filename = file)
if(nrow(temp) > n_subset) {
lines <- sample(1:nrow(temp), n_subset)
temp <- temp[lines]
fs[[file]] <- temp
fs <- as(fs, "flowSet")
} else {
fs <- read.flowSet(files = files,
transformation = F, truncate_max_range = F)
# fs <- flowCore::rbind2(fs1, fs2)
## Metadata:
md <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Clinical_info/CP_CyTOF_metadata_cp.csv"))
md <- md[patient_id != "2019-110"] # exclude control6 (no cells)
for (i in 1:nrow(md)) {
md[i, file_name := files[grepl(md[i]$patient_id, files)]]
batch <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "CP_CyTOF_batches_cp.csv"))
setnames(batch, "barcode", "batch_id")
info <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Clinical_info/CP_CyTOF_clinical_info_selection_cp.csv"))
info <- info[, c("donor", "age", "gender", "pmd_hours")]
# Combine metadata of fixed effects
md <- merge(md, batch, by = "patient_id")
md <- merge(md, info, by.x = "patient_id", by.y = "donor")
return(list(fs = fs, md = md))
if (settings$tissue == 'septum') {
if (settings$norm) {
normalised <- "normalised/"
} else {
normalised <- "original/"
files <- list.files(paste0(settings$experiment_dir, "/Pregated_fcs/Spt/",
full.names = T)
files <- files[grepl(".fcs$", files)] # keep only fcs files
files <- files[!grepl("ref", files)] # exclude ref
if (settings$subsetting == T) {
fs <- list()
ncells <- c()
for (file in files) {
cat("Reading File", file, "\n", sep = " ")
temp <- read.FCS(filename = file)
ncells <- c(ncells, dim(temp@exprs)[1])
n_subset <- quantile(ncells, 0.75)
for (file in files) {
temp <- read.FCS(filename = file)
if(nrow(temp) > n_subset) {
lines <- sample(1:nrow(temp), n_subset)
temp <- temp[lines]
fs[[file]] <- temp
fs <- as(fs, "flowSet")
} else {
fs <- read.flowSet(files = files,
transformation = F, truncate_max_range = F)
# fs <- flowCore::rbind2(fs1, fs2)
md <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Clinical_info/CP_CyTOF_metadata_septum.csv"))
# Keep only md from those samples that have septum
md[, file_name := ""]
for (i in 1:nrow(md)) {
md[i, file_name := {
my_value <- files[grepl(md[i]$patient_id, files)]
if (is_empty(my_value)) {
} else {
md <- md[file_name != "no_septum"]
batch <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "CP_CyTOF_batches_spt.csv"))
setnames(batch, "barcode", "batch_id")
info <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Clinical_info/CP_CyTOF_clinical_info_selection_septum.csv"))
info <- info[, c("donor", "age", "gender", "pmd_hours")]
# Combine metadata of fixed effects
md <- merge(md, batch, by = "patient_id")
md <- merge(md, info, by.x = "patient_id", by.y = "donor")
return(list(fs = fs, md = md)) }
if (settings$tissue == 'blood') {
if (settings$norm) {
normalised <- "normalised/"
} else {
normalised <- "original/"
files <- list.files(paste0(settings$experiment_dir, "/Pregated_fcs/Bld/",
full.names = T)
files <- files[grepl(".fcs$", files)] # keep only fcs files
files <- files[!grepl("ref", files)] # exclude ref
if (settings$subsetting == T) {
fs <- list()
ncells <- c()
for (file in files) {
cat("Reading File", file, "\n", sep = " ")
temp <- read.FCS(filename = file)
ncells <- c(ncells, dim(temp@exprs)[1])
n_subset <- quantile(ncells, 0.75)
for (file in files) {
temp <- read.FCS(filename = file)
if(nrow(temp) > n_subset) {
lines <- sample(1:nrow(temp), n_subset)
temp <- temp[lines]
fs[[file]] <- temp
fs <- as(fs, "flowSet")
} else {
fs <- read.flowSet(files = files,
transformation = F, truncate_max_range = F)
# fs <- flowCore::rbind2(fs1, fs2)
md <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Clinical_info/CP_CyTOF_metadata_blood.csv"))
# Keep only md from those samples that have septum
md[, file_name := ""]
for (i in 1:nrow(md)) {
md[i, file_name := {
my_value <- files[grepl(md[i]$patient_id, files)]
if (is_empty(my_value)) {
} else {
md <- md[file_name != "no_bld"]
# for (i in 1:nrow(md)) {
# md[i, file_name := files[grepl(md[i]$patient_id, files)]]
# }
batch <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "CP_CyTOF_batches_bld.csv"))
setnames(batch, "barcode", "batch_id")
info <- fread(file.path(settings$experiment_dir, "Clinical_info/CP_CyTOF_clinical_info_selection_blood.csv"))
info <- info[, c("donor", "age", "gender", "pmd_hours")]
# Combine metadata of fixed effects
md <- merge(md, batch, by = "patient_id")
md <- merge(md, info, by.x = "patient_id", by.y = "donor")
return(list(fs = fs, md = md))
normalise <- function(settings, exclude = c('CD39'), method="95p", transformation=FALSE) {
# Create list of channels to adjust:
panel_dt <-
exclude <- exclude # list antigens/channels to exclude
panel_dt <- panel_dt[!(antigen %in% exclude),] # Exclude unreliable markers
fwrite((panel_dt[, .(fcs_colname)]),
paste0(settings$experiment_dir, "/channels_to_adjust.txt"),
col.names = F)
# Choose tissue folder name
tissue <- settings$tissue
folder_name <- if (tissue == 'cp') {
} else if (tissue == 'septum') {
} else if (tissue == 'blood') {
basedir= paste0(settings$experiment_dir, "/Pregated_fcs/",
folder_name, "/"),
outdir= paste0(settings$experiment_dir, "/Pregated_fcs/",
folder_name, "/normalised"),
channelsFile = paste0(settings$experiment_dir, "/channels_to_adjust.txt"),
batchKeyword=paste0("_", folder_name),
anchorKeyword = "ref",
load_experiment <- function(settings) {
#' Loads panel, fcs files and metadata.
### Load panel (marker_class varies: use latest version; or use cellpop-specific panel)
panel <- load_panel(settings)
if (settings$norm == T) {
normalise(exclude = c('CD39'), method="95p", transformation=FALSE)
### Load fcs data into a flowset and metadata:
# read.flowSet(), by default, may transform the marker intensities and
# remove cells with extreme positive values. This behavior can be controlled
# with arguments transformation and truncate_max_range, respectively.
# Apply function to each tissue:
data <- load_data(settings)
fs <- data$fs
md <- data$md
# Check that all panel columns are in the flowSet object:
all(panel$fcs_colname %in% colnames(fs))
panel <-
panel = panel,
flowset = fs,
metadata = md
construct_sce <- function(experiment) {
md <- experiment$metadata
fs <- experiment$flowset
panel <- experiment$panel
### Specify levels for conditions & sample IDs to assure desired ordering:
md$condition <- factor(md$condition, levels = c("control", "ms", "ad"))
md$sample_id <- factor(md$sample_id,
levels = md$sample_id[order(md$condition, md$sample_id)])
### Construct SingleCellExperiment (default arcsinh transformation of
# marker expressions with a cofactor of 5
# Do the following manually because of error in function
# when "merging" fs and md, otherwise sample names are wrong:
md <- md[match(c(keyword(fs, "FILENAME")), md$file_name)]
### Construct sce:
sce <- prepData_adjusted(fs, panel, md)#, features = panel$fcs_colname)