EasyCrypt: Computer-Aided Cryptographic Proofs ==================================================================== EasyCrypt is a toolset for reasoning about relational properties of probabilistic computations with adversarial code. Its main application is the construction and verification of game-based cryptographic proofs. Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------- * [EasyCrypt: Computer-Aided Cryptographic Proofs](#easycrypt-computer-aided-cryptographic-proofs) - [Installation requirements](#installation-requirements) - [Via OPAM](#via-opam) - [Installing requirements using OPAM (POSIX systems)](#installing-requirements-using-opam-posix-systems) - [Installing requirements using OPAM (non-POSIX systems)](#installing-requirements-using-opam-non-posix-systems) - [Via NIX](#via-nix) * [Configuring Why3](#configuring-why3) - [Note on prover versions](#note-on-prover-versions) * [Installing/Compiling EasyCrypt](#installingcompiling-easycrypt) * [Proof General Front-End](#proof-general-front-end) - [Installing using opam](#installing-using-opam) - [Installing from sources](#installing-from-sources) Installation requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- EasyCrypt uses the following third-party tools/libraries: * OCaml (>= 4.08) Available at https://ocaml.org/ * OCamlbuild * Why3 (>= 1.7.x, < 1.8) Available at Why3 must be installed with a set a provers. See Why3 libraries must be installed (make byte && make install-lib) * Menhir * OCaml Batteries Included * OCaml PCRE (>= 7) * OCaml Zarith * OCaml ini-files On POSIX/Win32 systems (GNU/Linux, *BSD, OS-X), we recommend that users install EasyCrypt and all its dependencies via `opam`. Via OPAM -------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Installing requirements using OPAM 2 (POSIX systems) Opam can be easily installed from source or via your packages manager: * On Ubuntu and derivatives: ``` $> add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa $> apt-get update $> apt-get install ocaml ocaml-native-compilers camlp4-extra opam ``` * On Fedora/OpenSUSE: ``` $> sudo dnf update $> sudo dnf install ocaml ocaml-docs ocaml-camlp4-devel opam ``` * On MacOSX using brew: ``` $> brew install ocaml opam ``` Once `opam` and `ocaml` has been successfully installed run the following: ``` $> opam init $> eval $(opam env) ``` For any issues encountered installing `opam` see: * [https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html] for detailed opam installation instructions. * [https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Usage.html] for how to initialize opam. You can then install all the needed dependencies via the opam OCaml packages manager. 0. Optionally, switch to a dedicated compiler for EasyCrypt: ``` $> opam switch create easycrypt $OVERSION ``` where `$OVERSION` is a valid OCaml version (e.g. ocaml-base-compiler.4.07.0) 1. Add the EasyCrypt package from repository: ``` $> opam pin -yn add easycrypt https://github.com/EasyCrypt/easycrypt.git ``` 2. Optionally, use opam to install the system dependencies: ``` $> opam install opam-depext $> opam depext easycrypt ``` 3. Install EasyCrypt's dependencies: ``` $> opam install --deps-only easycrypt $> opam install alt-ergo ``` If you get errors about ocamlbuild failing because it's already installed, the check can be skipped with the following: ``` CHECK_IF_PREINSTALLED=false opam install --deps-only easycrypt ``` 4. You can download extra provers at the following URLs: * Z3: [https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3] * CVC4: [https://cvc4.github.io/] ### Installing requirements using OPAM (non-POSIX systems) You can install all the needed dependencies via the opam OCaml packages manager. 1. Install the opam Ocaml packages manager, following the instructions at: https://fdopen.github.io/opam-repository-mingw/installation/ 2. Add the EasyCrypt package from repository: ``` $> opam pin -yn add easycrypt https://github.com/EasyCrypt/easycrypt.git ``` 3. Use opam to install the system dependencies: ``` $> opam install depext depext-cygwinports $> opam depext easycrypt ``` 4. Install EasyCrypt's dependencies: ``` $> opam install --deps-only easycrypt $> opam install alt-ergo ``` 5. You can download extra provers at the following URLs: * Z3: [https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3] * CVC4: [https://cvc4.github.io/] Via NIX -------------------------------------------------------------------- First, install the [Nix package manager](https://nixos.org/) by following [these instructions](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/#chap-installation). Then, at the root of the EasyCrypt source tree, type: ``` $> nix-shell ``` These should install all the required dependencies. From there, simply run: ``` $> make ``` to compile EasyCrypt. Note on Prover Versions -------------------------------------------------------------------- Why3 and SMT solvers are independent pieces of software with their own version-specific interactions. Obtaining a working SMT setup may require installing specific versions of some of the provers. At the time of writing, we depend on Why3 1.7.x, which supports the following prover versions: * Alt-Ergo 2.5.2 * CVC4 1.8 * CVC5 1.0.8 * Z3 4.12.x `alt-ergo` can be installed using opam, if you do you can use pins to select a specific version (e.g, `opam pin alt-ergo 2.5.2`). Installing/Compiling EasyCrypt ==================================================================== If installing from source, running ``` $> make $> make install ``` builds and install EasyCrypt (under the binary named `easycrypt`), assuming that all dependencies have been successfully installed. If you choose not to install EasyCrypt system wide, you can use the binary `ec.native` that is located at the root of the source tree. EasyCrypt comes also with an opam package. Running ``` $> opam install easycrypt ``` installs EasyCrypt and its dependencies via opam. In that case, the EasyCrypt binary is named `easycrypt`. Configuring Why3 ==================================================================== Initially, and after the installation/removal/update of SMT provers, you need to (re)configure Why3 via the following `easycrypt` command: ``` $> easycrypt why3config ``` EasyCrypt stores the Why3 configuration file under ``` $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/easycrypt/why3.conf ``` EasyCrypt allows you, via the option -why3, to load a Why3 configuration file from a custom location. For instance: ``` $> easycrypt why3config -why3 $WHY3CONF.conf $> easycrypt -why3 $WHY3CONF.conf ``` where `$WHY3CONF` must be replaced by some custom location. Proof General Front-End ==================================================================== EasyCrypt mode has been integrated upstream. Please, go to and follow the instructions. Examples ==================================================================== Examples of how to use EasyCrypt are in the `examples` directory. You will find basic examples at the root of this directory, as well as a more advanced example in the `MEE-CBC` sub-directory and a tutorial on how to use the complexity system in `cost` sub-directory.