\name{TrenchMean} \alias{TrenchMean} \title{ Exact MLE for mean given the autocorrelation function } \description{ Sometimes this is also referred to as the BLUE. } \usage{ TrenchMean(r, z) } \arguments{ \item{r}{ vector of autocorrelations or autocovariances of length n } \item{z}{ time series data vector of length n } } \value{ the estimate of the mean } \references{ McLeod, A.I., Yu, Hao, Krougly, Zinovi L. (2007). Algorithms for Linear Time Series Analysis, Journal of Statistical Software. } \author{ A.I. McLeod } \note{ An error is given if r is not a postive-definite sequence or if the lengths of \code{r} and \code{z} are not equal. } \seealso{ \code{\link{TrenchInverse}} } \examples{ #compare BLUE and sample mean phi<- -0.9 a<-rnorm(100) z<-numeric(length(a)) phi<- -0.9 n<-100 a<-rnorm(n) z<-numeric(n) mu<-100 sig<-10 z[1]<-a[1]*sig/sqrt(1-phi^2) for (i in 2:n) z[i]<-phi*z[i-1]+a[i]*sig z<-z+mu r<-phi^(0:(n-1)) TrenchMean(r,z) mean(z) } \keyword{ ts }