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Tip revision: 418c18edd9ec92f19aacbbf32c7c134fb08713ea authored by Sebastian Bank on 18 August 2018, 18:13:24 UTC
release 0.9
Tip revision: 418c18e

Version 0.9

Use sys.stderr to write stderr output from rendering process to stderr (instead
of file descriptor inhertiance). Ensures stderr is passed in special
enviroments such as IDLE.

Suppress rendering process stdout in render().

Make quiet=True also suppress stderr on success of render() and pipe() (zero

Include stderr from rendering process in CalledProcessError exception.

Version 0.8.4

Tag Python 3.7 support (work around subprocess close_fds issue on Windows).

Version 0.8.3

Fix compatibility with ``python -OO``.

Version 0.8.2

Add ``nohtml()`` to support labels of the form ``'<...>'`` (disabling their default
treatment as HTML strings).

Make default ``'utf-8'`` ``encoding`` more visible.

Set ``encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()`` when ``encoding`` argument/property is
set to ``None`` explicitly (follow stdlib ```` behaviour).

Version 0.8.1

Add ``Source.from_file()``-classmethod (simpler in-line SVG display of ready-made
.gv files within Jupyter).

Drop Python 3.3 support.

Version 0.8

Add ``clear()``-method for ``Graph`` and ``Digraph``. 

Add ``grapviz.version()`` function.

Drop dot source extra indent for edge statements following dotguide examples.

Include LICENSE file in wheel.

Version 0.7.1

Fix ``TypeError`` in ``graphviz.pipe()`` with invalid dot code under Python 3.

Add ``copy()``-method for ``Graph``, ``Digraph``, and ``Source``.

Add ``graphviz.render(..., quiet=True)``.

Fix ``graphivz.view()`` exception on unsupported platform.

Raise a dedicated ``RuntimeError`` subclass ``graphviz.ExecutableNotFound`` when the
Graphviz executables are not found.

Port tests from ``nose/unittest`` to ``pytest``, extend, use mocks.

Version 0.7

Support setting top-level attrs with ``g.attr(key=value)``.

Add context manager usage of ``subgraph()`` for adding a subgraph in a with-block.

Add json-based output formats to known ``FORMATS`` (Graphviz 2.40+).

Drop extra indent level for DOT source with nonempty ``graph/node/edge_attr``.

Add a final newline to a saved DOT source file if it does not end with one.

Raise ``subprocess.CalledProcessError`` on non-zero exit status from rendering.

Raise early when adding a ``subgraph()`` with ``strict=True`` (avoid DOT syntax error).

Make undocumented ``quote()``, ``quote_edge()``, and ``attributes()`` methods private.

Version 0.6

Drop Python 2.6 support (use ``graphviz<0.6`` there).

Improve tests for ``mkdirs()``.

Better document adding custom DOT using the ``body`` attribute.

Add ``view()``-support for FreeBSD (pull request Julien Gamba).

Version 0.5.2

Add ``ENGINES`` and ``FORMATS`` to the documented public API.

Version 0.5.1

Fixed PY3 compatibility.

Version 0.5

Add low-level functions ``render()``, ``pipe()``, and ``view()`` for directly working with
existing files and strings.

Support all ``render()``-arguments in the ``view()``-short-cut-method.

Version 0.4.10

Added ``'patchwork'`` engine.

Version 0.4.9

Add support for ``strict`` graphs and digraphs.

Hide ``render/pipe()`` subrocess console window on Windows when invoked from
non-console process (e.g. from IDLE).

Improve documentation markup/wording.

Make ``TestNoent`` more robust.

Version 0.4.8

Make ``_repr_svg_()`` available on ``Source`` (pull request RafalSkolasinski).

Version 0.4.7

Fixed ``view()``-method on Linux under Python 3 (pull request Antony Lee).

Version 0.4.6

Fixed ``view()``-method on Linux and Darwin (pull request Eric L. Frederich).

Version 0.4.5

Added example for HTML-like labels (````).

Added ``Source`` class for rendering verbatim DOT source code. 

Added Python 2.6 support (pull request Jim Crist).

Version 0.4.4

Added the ``pipe()``-method directly returning the ``stdout`` of rendering.

Added ``_repr_svg_()`` for inline rendering in IPython notebooks.

Version 0.4.3

Added examples generating some of the graphs from the Graphviz Gallery.

Added sphinx-based API documentation.

Version 0.4.2

Added support for HTML-like labels.

Version 0.4.1

Added support for less common output formats. Removed dropped formats (``'dia'``, ``'pcl'``).

Added ``'osage'`` layout engine.

Documented ``format`` and ``engine`` options in the README.

The ``view()`` convenience method now returns the result file name (like render()).

Version 0.4

Added ``attr()`` method for inline switching of node/edge attributes.

Added ``subgraph()`` method (obsoletes separate ``Subgraph`` class).

Add ``cleanup`` option to ``render()``.

Replaced ``dry`` option on ``render()`` with separate ``save()`` method.

Removed undocumented ``append()`` and ``extend()`` methods (if needed, the ``body``
attribute can be edited directly).

Version 0.3.5

Skip empty ``comment`` when creating DOT source.

Document ``graph_attr``, ``node_attr``, and ``edge_attr`` in the README.

More informative exception when Graphviz excutables cannot be called.

Version 0.3.4

Fixed missing identifier quoting for DOT keywords (thanks to Paulo Urio).

Version 0.3.3

Made ``format`` and ``engine`` case-insensitive.

Version 0.3.2

Indent ``graph_attr``, ``node_attr``, and ``edge_attr`` lines, adapt nodes and edges.

Version 0.3.1

Fixed ``view()`` failing on paths with forward slashes on Windows.

Version 0.3

Added Python 3.3+ support.

Made attributes order stable (sorting plain dicts).

Fixed edgeop in undirected graphs.

Version 0.2.2

Support pdf opening on Linux.

Fixed rendering filenames w/spaces.

Version 0.2.1

Fixed rendering on Mac OS X.

Version 0.2

Added format selection, use ``'PDF``' as default.
Added engines selection, use ``'dot'`` as default.
Added source encoding, use ``'UTF-8'`` as default.

Changed constructor arguments order, removed ``compile()`` and ``save()``-method,
reimplemented compilation in ``render()`` method, make interface more similar to
gv.3python (backwards incompatible change).

Double-quote-sign escaping, attribute list quoting.

``mkdirs()`` now correctly supports current directory filenames.

Version 0.1.1

Removed automatic ``'-'`` to ``'&minus;'`` replacement from labels.

Fixed documentation typos.

Version 0.1

First public release.
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