\name{impKNNa} \alias{impKNNa} \title{ Imputation of missing values in compositional data using knn methods } \description{ This function offers several k-nearest neighbor methods for the imputation of missing values in compositional data. } \usage{ impKNNa(x, method = "knn", k = 3, metric = "Aitchison", agg = "median", primitive = FALSE, normknn = TRUE, das = FALSE, adj="median") } \arguments{ \item{x}{ data frame or matrix } \item{method}{ method (at the moment, only \dQuote{knn} can be used) } \item{k}{ number of nearest neighbors chosen for imputation } \item{metric}{ \dQuote{Aichison} or \dQuote{Euclidean} } \item{agg}{ \dQuote{median} or \dQuote{mean}, for the aggregation of the nearest neighbors } \item{primitive}{ if TRUE, a more enhanced search for the $k$-nearest neighbors is obtained (see details)} \item{normknn}{ An adjustment of the imputed values is performed if TRUE } \item{das}{depricated. if TRUE, the definition of the Aitchison distance, based on simple logratios of the compositional part, is used (Aitchison, 2000) to calculate distances between observations. if FALSE, a version using the clr transformation is used.} \item{adj}{ either \sQuote{median} (default) or \sQuote{sum} can be chosen for the adjustment of the nearest neighbors, see Hron et al., 2010. } } \details{ The Aitchison \code{metric} should be chosen when dealing with compositional data, the Euclidean \code{metric} otherwise. If \code{primitive} \eqn{==} FALSE, a sequential search for the \eqn{k}-nearest neighbors is applied for every missing value where all information corresponding to the non-missing cells plus the information in the variable to be imputed plus some additional information is available. If \code{primitive} \eqn{==} TRUE, a search of the \eqn{k}-nearest neighbors among observations is applied where in addition to the variable to be imputed any further cells are non-missing. If \code{normknn} is TRUE (prefered option) the imputed cells from a nearest neighbor method are adjusted with special adjustment factors (more details can be found online (see the references)). } \value{ \item{xOrig }{Original data frame or matrix} \item{xImp }{Imputed data} \item{w }{Amount of imputed values} \item{wind }{Index of the missing values in the data} \item{metric }{Metric used} } \references{ Aitchison, J. and Barcelo-Vidal, C. and Martin-Fernandez, J.A. and Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2000) Logratio analysis and compositional distance, Mathematical Geology 32(3):271-275. Hron, K. and Templ, M. and Filzmoser, P. (2010) Imputation of missing values for compositional data using classical and robust methods \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis}, vol 54 (12), pages 3095-3107. } \author{ Matthias Templ } \seealso{ \code{\link{impCoda}} } \examples{ data(expenditures) x <- expenditures x[1,3] x[1,3] <- NA xi <- impKNNa(x)$xImp xi[1,3] } \keyword{ manip } \keyword{ multivariate }