(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Enum = BatEnum (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception Unexpected let unexpected () = raise Unexpected (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec makedirs (x : string) = if not (Sys.file_exists x) then begin makedirs (Filename.dirname x); Unix.mkdir x 0o755 end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type 'data cb = Cb : 'a * ('data -> 'a -> unit) -> 'data cb (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type 'a eq = 'a -> 'a -> bool type 'a cmp = 'a -> 'a -> int (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let clamp ~min ~max i = Stdlib.min max (Stdlib.max min i) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let tryexn (ignoreexn : exn -> bool) (f : unit -> 'a) = try Some (f ()) with e -> if ignoreexn e then None else raise e let try_nf (f : unit -> 'a) = tryexn (function Not_found -> true | _ -> false) f let try_finally (body : unit -> 'a) (cleanup : unit -> unit) = let aout = try body () with e -> cleanup (); raise e in cleanup (); aout let timed f x = let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let aout = f x in let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in (t2 -. t1, aout) let identity x = x let pred0 (_ : 'a) = false let predT (_ : 'a) = true let (^~) f = fun x y -> f y x let (-|) f g = fun x -> f (g x) let (|-) g f = fun x -> g (f x) let (|>) x f = f x let (<|) f x = f x let (|?) = BatPervasives.(|?) let curry f (x, y) = f x y let uncurry f x y = f (x, y) let curry3 f (x, y, z) = f x y z let uncurry3 f x y z = f (x, y, z) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let copy (x : 'a) : 'a = Obj.obj (Obj.dup (Obj.repr x)) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let reffold (f : 'a -> 'b * 'a) (r : 'a ref) : 'b = let (x, v) = f !r in r := v; x let postincr (i : int ref) = incr i; !i (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let compare_tag (x1 : 'a) (x2 : 'a) = match Obj.tag (Obj.repr x1), Obj.tag (Obj.repr x2) with | n1, n2 when (n1, n2) = (Obj.int_tag, Obj.int_tag) -> Stdlib.compare (Obj.magic x1 : int) (Obj.magic x2 : int) | n1, _ when n1 = Obj.int_tag -> 1 | _, n2 when n2 = Obj.int_tag -> -1 | n1, n2 -> Stdlib.compare n1 n2 type lzcmp = int lazy_t let compare2 (c1 : lzcmp) (c2 : lzcmp) = match c1 with | lazy 0 -> Lazy.force c2 | lazy n -> n let compare3 (c1 : lzcmp) (c2 : lzcmp) (c3 : lzcmp) = match c1 with | lazy 0 -> compare2 c2 c3 | lazy n -> n (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type 'a tuple0 = unit type 'a tuple1 = 'a type 'a tuple2 = 'a * 'a type 'a tuple3 = 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a tuple4 = 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a tuple5 = 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a tuple6 = 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a tuple7 = 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a tuple8 = 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a tuple9 = 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a type 'a pair = 'a * 'a (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t2_map (f : 'a -> 'b) (x, y) = (f x, f y) let t3_map (f : 'a -> 'b) (x, y, z) = (f x, f y, f z) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let in_seq1 (x : 'a) = [x] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let as_seq0 = function [] -> () | _ -> assert false let as_seq1 = function [x] -> x | _ -> assert false let as_seq2 = function [x1; x2] -> (x1, x2) | _ -> assert false let as_seq3 = function [x1; x2; x3] -> (x1, x2, x3) | _ -> assert false let as_seq4 = function | [x1; x2; x3; x4] -> (x1, x2, x3, x4) | _ -> assert false let as_seq5 = function | [x1; x2; x3; x4; x5] -> (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) | _ -> assert false let as_seq6 = function | [x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6] -> (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) | _ -> assert false let as_seq7 = function | [x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x7] -> (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) | _ -> assert false (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let int_of_bool (b : bool) = if b then 1 else 0 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let proj3_1 (x, _, _) = x let proj3_2 (_, x, _) = x let proj3_3 (_, _, x) = x let proj4_1 (x, _, _, _) = x let proj4_2 (_, x, _, _) = x let proj4_3 (_, _, x, _) = x let proj4_4 (_, _, _, x) = x let fst_map (f : 'a -> 'c) ((x, y) : 'a * 'b) = (f x, y) let snd_map (f : 'b -> 'c) ((x, y) : 'a * 'b) = (x, f y) let pair_map (f : 'a -> 'b) ((x, y) : 'a * 'a) = (f x, f y) let pair_equal tx ty (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (tx x1 x2) && (ty y1 y2) let swap (x, y) = (y, x) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Option = BatOption (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let opt_equal (f : 'a -> 'a -> bool) o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with | Some x1, Some x2 -> f x1 x2 | None , None -> true | _ , _ -> false (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let none = None let some = fun x -> Some x let is_none = function None -> true | _ -> false let is_some = function Some _ -> true | _ -> false let funnone (_ : 'a) : 'b option = None let oiter (f : 'a -> unit) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> () | Some x -> f x let obind (f : 'a -> 'b option) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> None | Some x -> f x let otolist (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> [] | Some x -> [x] let ofold (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'b) (v : 'b) (x : 'a option) = match x with | None -> v | Some x -> f x v let omap (f : 'a -> 'b) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x) let opair (f : 'a -> 'b option) x y = match f x with | Some fx -> begin match f y with | Some fy -> Some (fx, fy) | None -> None end | _ -> None let omap_dfl (f : 'a -> 'b) (d : 'b) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> d | Some x -> f x let odfl (d : 'a) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> d | Some x -> x let ofdfl (d : unit -> 'a) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> d () | Some x -> x let oif (test : 'a -> bool) (x : 'a option) = match x with None -> false | Some x -> test x let oget ?exn (x : 'a option) = match x, exn with | None , None -> assert false | None , Some exn -> raise exn | Some x, _ -> x let oall2 f x y = match x, y with | Some x, Some y -> f x y | None , None -> true | _ , _ -> false let oeq f o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with | None , None -> true | Some x1, Some x2 -> f x1 x2 | _ , _ -> false let ocompare f o1 o2 = match o1, o2 with | None , None -> 0 | None , Some _ -> -1 | Some _ , None -> 1 | Some x1, Some x2 -> f x1 x2 module OSmart = struct let omap (f : 'a -> 'b) (x : 'a option) = match x with | None -> x | Some y -> let y' = f y in if y == y' then x else Some y' let omap_fold (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'c) (v : 'a) (x : 'b option) = match x with | None -> (v, x) | Some y -> let (v, y') = f v y in (v, if y == y' then x else Some y') end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type 'a doption = | Single of 'a | Double of ('a * 'a) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type ('a, 'b) tagged = Tagged of ('a * 'b option) let tg_val (Tagged (x, _)) = x let tg_tag (Tagged (_, t)) = t let tg_map f (Tagged (x, t)) = Tagged (f x, t) let notag x = Tagged (x, None) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let iterop (op : 'a -> 'a) (n : int) (x : 'a) = let rec doit n x = if n <= 0 then x else doit (n-1) (op x) in if n < 0 then invalid_arg "[iterop]: n < 0"; doit n x (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let iter (op : 'a -> 'a) (x : 'a) = let rec doit x = doit (op x) in doit x (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module OneShot : sig type t val mk : (unit -> unit) -> t val now : t -> unit end = struct type t = unit Lazy.t let mk (f : unit -> unit) : t = Lazy.from_fun f let now (susp : t) : unit = Lazy.force susp end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Counter : sig type t val create : unit -> t val next : t -> int end = struct type t = { mutable state : int; } let create () = { state = 0; } let next (state : t) = let aout = state.state in state.state <- state.state + 1; aout end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Disposable : sig type 'a t exception Disposed val create : ?cb:('a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a t val get : 'a t -> 'a val dispose : 'a t -> unit end = struct type 'a t = ((('a -> unit) option * 'a) option) ref exception Disposed let get (p : 'a t) = match !p with | None -> raise Disposed | Some (_, x) -> x let dispose (p : 'a t) = let do_dispose p = match p with | Some (Some cb, x) -> cb x | _ -> () in let oldp = !p in p := None; do_dispose oldp let create ?(cb : ('a -> unit) option) (x : 'a) = let r = ref (Some (cb, x)) in Gc.finalise (fun r -> dispose r) r; r end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module ISet = BatISet (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module List = struct include BatList (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) module Smart = struct let rec map f xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | y :: ys -> let z = f y in let zs = map f ys in if y == z && ys == zs then xs else (z :: zs) let map_fold f a xs = let r = ref a in let f x = let (a, x) = f !r x in r := a; x in let xs = map f xs in (!r, xs) end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let ohead = Exceptionless.hd let otail = Exceptionless.tl let olast = Exceptionless.last let ofind = Exceptionless.find let opick = Exceptionless.find_map let ocons o xs = match o with None -> xs | Some x -> x :: xs (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let oindex (f : 'a -> bool) (xs : 'a list) : int option = Exceptionless.findi (fun _ -> f) xs |> omap fst let orindex (f : 'a -> bool) (xs : 'a list) : int option = omap (fun i -> List.length xs - i - 1) (oindex f (List.rev xs)) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) module Parallel = struct let iter2i f xs ys = let rec doit i = function | [], [] -> () | x :: xs, y :: ys -> f i x y; doit (i + 1) (xs, ys) | _, _ -> failwith "List.iter2i" in doit 0 (xs, ys) let rec filter2 f la lb = match la, lb with | [], [] -> [], [] | a :: la, b :: lb -> let ((la, lb) as r) = filter2 f la lb in if f a b then (a :: la, b :: lb) else r | _, _ -> invalid_arg "List.filter2" let map_fold2 f = let rec doit a xs1 xs2 = match xs1, xs2 with | [], [] -> (a, []) | x1 :: xs1, x2 :: xs2 -> let (a, x ) = f a x1 x2 in let (a, xs) = doit a xs1 xs2 in (a, x :: xs) | _, _ -> invalid_arg "List.map_fold2" in fun a xs1 xs2 -> doit a xs1 xs2 let rec iter2o f xs ys = match xs, ys with | [] , [] -> () | x::xs, [] -> f (Some x) (None ); iter2o f xs [] | [] , y::ys -> f (None ) (Some y); iter2o f [] ys | x::xs, y::ys -> f (Some x) (Some y); iter2o f xs ys let all2 (f : 'a -> 'b -> bool) xs ys = let rec all2 = function | ([] , [] ) -> true | (x :: xs, y :: ys) -> (f x y) && (all2 (xs, ys)) | (_ , _ ) -> false in all2 (xs, ys) let prefix2 = let rec prefix2 (r1, r2) xs ys = match xs, ys with | [], _ | _, [] -> (List.rev r1, xs), (List.rev r2, ys) | x::xs, y::ys -> prefix2 (x::r1, y::r2) xs ys in fun xs ys -> prefix2 ([], []) xs ys end include Parallel (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let nth_opt (s : 'a list) (i : int) = try Some (List.nth s i) with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> None let last (s : 'a list) = match Exceptionless.last s with | None -> failwith "List.last" | Some x -> x let mbfilter (p : 'a -> bool) (s : 'a list) = match s with [] | [_] -> s | _ -> List.filter p s let rec fusion f xs ys = match xs, ys with | zs, [] | [], zs -> zs | x :: xs, y :: ys -> let z = f x y in z :: (fusion f xs ys) let pivot_at n l = let rec aux r n l = match n, l with | _, [] -> raise Not_found | 0, x::l -> r, x, l | _, x::l -> aux (x::r) (n-1) l in if n < 0 then invalid_arg "List.pivot_at"; aux [] n l let find_pivot f xs = let rec aux acc xs = match xs with | [] -> raise Not_found | y :: ys -> if f y then acc, y, ys else aux (y::acc) ys in aux [] xs let pmapi (f : int -> 'a -> 'b option) = let rec doit i xs = match xs with | [] -> [] | x :: xs -> let v = f i x in ocons v (doit (i + 1) xs) in fun (xs : 'a list) -> doit 0 xs let pmap (f : 'a -> 'b option) (xs : 'a list) = pmapi (fun _ -> f) xs let rev_pmap (f : 'a -> 'b option) (xs : 'a list) = let rec aux acc xs = match xs with | [] -> acc | x :: xs -> aux (ocons (f x) acc) xs in aux [] xs let mapi_fold f a xs = let a = ref a in let xs = List.mapi (fun i b -> let (a', b') = f i !a b in a := a'; b') xs in (!a, xs) let map_fold f a xs = mapi_fold (fun (_ : int) x -> f x) a xs let rec fpick (xs : (unit -> 'a option) list) = match xs with | [] -> None | x :: xs -> begin match x () with | None -> fpick xs | Some v -> Some v end let rec is_unique ?(eq = (=)) (xs : 'a list) = match xs with | [] -> true | x :: xs -> not (List.exists (eq x) xs) && (is_unique ~eq xs) let sum xs = List.fold_left (+) 0 xs let rotate (d : [`Left|`Right]) (i : int) (xs : 'a list) = if i < 0 then invalid_arg "List.rotate: [i < 0]"; let i = i mod List.length xs in if i = 0 then (0, xs) else let mrev = match d with `Left -> identity | `Right -> rev in let hd, tl = takedrop i (mrev xs) in (i, mrev (tl @ hd)) let for_all2 f xs ys = List.length xs = List.length ys && for_all2 f xs ys (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let ksort ?(stable = false) ?(rev = false) ~key ~cmp xs = let cmp = match rev with | false -> (fun x y -> cmp (key x) (key y)) | true -> (fun y x -> cmp (key x) (key y)) in let sort = if stable then List.stable_sort else List.sort in sort cmp xs let min ?(cmp = Stdlib.compare) s = reduce (fun x y -> if cmp x y < 0 then x else y) s let max ?(cmp = Stdlib.compare) s = reduce (fun x y -> if cmp x y > 0 then x else y) s let is_singleton l = match l with | [_] -> true | _ -> false (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let fst xs = List.map fst xs let snd xs = List.map snd xs (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let reduce1 (f : 'a list -> 'a) : 'a list -> 'a = function [x] -> x | xs -> f xs (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rec find_dup ?(cmp = Stdlib.compare) (xs : 'a list) = match xs with | [] -> None | x :: xs -> if BatList.mem_cmp cmp x xs then Some x else find_dup ~cmp xs let has_dup ?(cmp = Stdlib.compare) (xs : 'a list) = Option.is_some (find_dup ~cmp xs) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Parray = struct type 'a parray = 'a array include Array let empty = [||] let of_array = Array.copy let fmap (f : 'a -> 'b) (xs : 'a list) = Array.map f (of_list xs) let split a = (Array.init (Array.length a) (fun i -> fst a.(i)), Array.init (Array.length a) (fun i -> snd a.(i))) let fold_left2 f a t1 t2 = if Array.length t1 <> Array.length t2 then raise (Invalid_argument "Parray.fold_left2"); let aux i a t1 t2 = if i < Array.length t1 then f a t1.(i) t2.(i) else a in aux 0 a t1 t2 let iter2 (f : 'a -> 'b -> unit) a1 a2 = for i = 0 to (min (length a1) (length a2)) - 1 do f a1.(i) a2.(i) done let exists f t = let rec aux i t = if i < Array.length t then f t.(i) || aux (i+1) t else false in aux 0 t let for_all f t = let rec aux i t = if i < Array.length t then f t.(i) && aux (i+1) t else true in aux 0 t end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module String = struct include BatString let split_lines = split_on_string ~by:"\n" let trim (s : string) = let aout = BatString.trim s in if s == aout then BatString.copy aout else s let rev (s:string) = init (length s) (fun i -> s.[length s - 1 - i]) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) module OptionMatching = struct let all_matching tomatch s = let matched = List.map (fun s -> (s, 0)) tomatch in let rec aux matched i = if i = length s || List.is_empty matched then List.map fst matched else let c = s.[i] in let do1 (tomatch, k) = try Some (tomatch, index_from tomatch k c + 1) with Invalid_argument _ | Not_found -> None in aux (List.filter_map do1 matched) (i+1) in aux matched 0 let first_matching tomatch s = let matched = List.map (fun s -> (s, 0)) tomatch in let rec aux matched i = if i = length s || List.is_empty matched then List.map fst matched else let do1 (tomatch,k) = try Some (tomatch, index_from tomatch k s.[i] + 1) with Invalid_argument _ | Not_found -> None in let matched = List.filter_map do1 matched in if List.is_empty matched then [] else begin let min = snd (List.min ~cmp:(fun (_, x) (_, y) -> x - y) matched) in let oge = fun x -> if snd x <= min then Some x else None in let matched = List.filter_map oge matched in if List.is_singleton matched then List.map fst matched else aux matched (i+1) end in aux matched 0 end let option_matching tomatch s = match OptionMatching.all_matching tomatch s with | [s] -> [s] | matched -> OptionMatching.first_matching matched s end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module IO = BatIO (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module File = struct include BatFile let read_from_file ~offset ~length source = try let input = Stdlib.open_in_bin source in try_finally (fun () -> Stdlib.seek_in input offset; Stdlib.really_input_string input length) (fun () -> Stdlib.close_in input) with | End_of_file | Invalid_argument _ | Sys_error _ -> invalid_arg "File.read_from_file" let write_to_file ~output data = try let output = Stdlib.open_out_bin output in try_finally (fun () -> Stdlib.output_string output data; Stdlib.flush output) (fun () -> Stdlib.close_out output) with | Invalid_argument _ | Sys_error _ -> invalid_arg "File.write_to_file" end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Buffer = struct include BatBuffer let from_string ?(size = 0) (s : string) : t = let buffer = BatBuffer.create size in BatBuffer.add_string buffer s; buffer let from_char ?(size = 0) (c : char) : t = let buffer = BatBuffer.create size in BatBuffer.add_char buffer c; buffer end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Os = struct let getenv (name : string) = try Some (Sys.getenv name) with Not_found -> None let listdir (dir : string) = BatEnum.fold (fun xs x -> x :: xs) [] (BatSys.files_of dir) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Array = struct include BatArray let count f a = Array.fold_left (fun i x -> if f x then i+1 else i) 0 a end