Raw File
 * Bayesian Regression and Adaptive Sampling with Gaussian Process Trees
 * Copyright (C) 2005, University of California
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (rbgramacy@ams.ucsc.edu)

extern "C"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "rand_draws.h"
#include "all_draws.h"
#include "gen_covar.h"
#include "rand_pdf.h"
#include "rhelp.h"
#include "corr.h"
#include "params.h"
#include "model.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

 * Corr:
 * the usual constructor function

Corr::Corr(unsigned int col, Gp_Prior *gp_prior)
  this->col = col;
  n = 0;
  linear = true;

  Vb_new = new_matrix(this->col, this->col);
  bmu_new = new_vector(col);
  K = Ki = Kchol = K_new = Kchol_new = Ki_new = NULL;
  log_det_K = log_det_K_new = 0.0;
  /* set priors */
  this->gp_prior = gp_prior;
  prior = gp_prior->CorrPrior();

  /* set parameters */
  nug = prior->Nug();

 * ~Corr:
 * the usual destructor function 


/* Cov:
 * copy just the covariance part from the
 * passed cc Corr module instace

void Corr::Cov(Corr *cc)
  /* there is no covarance matrix to copy */
  if(cc->n == 0 || linear) return;

  dup_matrix(K, cc->K, n, n);
  dup_matrix(Ki, cc->Ki, n, n);

 * swap_new:
 * swapping the real and utility quantities

void Corr::swap_new(double **Vb, double **bmu, double *lambda)
  if(! linear) {
    swap_matrix(K, K_new, n, n); 
    swap_matrix(Ki, Ki_new, n, n); 
  swap_matrix(Vb, Vb_new, col, col); 
  assert(*bmu != bmu_new);
  swap_vector(bmu, &bmu_new);
  assert(*bmu != bmu_new);
  *lambda = lambda_new;
  log_det_K = log_det_K_new;

 * allocate_new:
 * create new memory for auxillary covariance matrices

void Corr::allocate_new(unsigned int n)
  if(this->n == n) return;
  else {
    this->n = n;
    /* auxilliary matrices */
    assert(!K_new); K_new = new_matrix(n, n);
    assert(!Ki_new); Ki_new = new_matrix(n, n);
    assert(!Kchol_new); Kchol_new = new_matrix(n, n);
    /* real matrices */
    assert(!K); K = new_matrix(n, n);
    assert(!Ki); Ki = new_matrix(n, n);
    assert(!Kchol); Kchol = new_matrix(n, n);

 * invert:
 * invert the covariance matrix K,
 * put the inverse in Ki, and use Kchol
 * as the work matrix

void Corr::Invert(unsigned int n)
  if(! linear) {
    assert(n == this->n);
    inverse_chol(K, Ki, Kchol, n);
    log_det_K = log_determinant_chol(Kchol, n);
  else {
    assert(n > 0);
    log_det_K = n * log(1.0 + nug);

 * deallocate_new:
 * free the memory used for auxilliaty covariance matrices

void Corr::deallocate_new(void)
  if(this->n == 0) return;
  if(K_new) {
    delete_matrix(K_new); K_new = NULL;
    assert(Ki_new); delete_matrix(Ki_new); Ki_new = NULL;
    assert(Kchol_new); delete_matrix(Kchol_new); Kchol_new = NULL;
  assert(K_new == NULL && Ki_new == NULL && Kchol_new == NULL);
  if(K) {
    delete_matrix(K); K = NULL;
    assert(Ki); delete_matrix(Ki); Ki = NULL;
    assert(Kchol); delete_matrix(Kchol); Kchol = NULL;
  assert(K == NULL && Ki == NULL && Kchol == NULL);
  n = 0;

 * Nug:
 * return the current value of the nugget parameter

double Corr::Nug(void)
  return nug;

 * DrawNug:
 * draw for the nugget; 
 * rebuilding K, Ki, and marginal params, if necessary 
 * return true if the correlation matrix has changed; false otherwise

bool Corr::DrawNug(unsigned int n, double **F, double *Z, double *lambda, 
		   double **bmu, double **Vb, double tau2, void *state)
  bool success = false;

  /* allocate K_new, Ki_new, Kchol_new */
  if(! linear) assert(n == this->n);
  if(runi(state) > 0.5) return false;
  /* make the draw */
  double nug_new = 
    nug_draw_margin(n, col, nug, F, Z, K, log_det_K, *lambda, Vb, K_new, Ki_new, 
		    Kchol_new, &log_det_K_new, &lambda_new, Vb_new, bmu_new, gp_prior->get_b0(), 
		    gp_prior->get_Ti(), gp_prior->get_T(), tau2, prior->NugAlpha(), prior->NugBeta(), 
		    gp_prior->s2Alpha(), gp_prior->s2Beta(), (int) linear, state);
  /* did we accept the draw? */
  if(nug_new != nug) { nug = nug_new; success = true; swap_new(Vb, bmu, lambda); }
  return success;

 * get_delta_nug:
 * compute nug for two nugs (used in prune)

double Corr::get_delta_nug(Corr* c1, Corr* c2, void *state)
  double nugch[2];
  int ii[2];
  nugch[0] = c1->nug;
  nugch[1] = c2->nug;
  propose_indices(ii,0.5, state);
  return nugch[ii[0]];

 * propose_new_nug:
 * propose new NUGGET parameters for possible
 * new children partitions

void Corr::propose_new_nug(Corr* c1, Corr* c2, void *state)
  int i[2];
  double nugnew[2];
  propose_indices(i, 0.5, state);
  nugnew[i[0]] = nug;
  nugnew[i[1]] = prior->NugDraw(state);
  c1->nug = nugnew[0];
  c2->nug = nugnew[1];

 * CombineNug:
 * used in tree-prune steps, chooses one of two
 * sets of parameters to correlation functions,
 * and choose one for "this" correlation function

void Corr::CombineNug(Corr *c1, Corr *c2, void *state)
  nug = get_delta_nug(c1, c2, state);

 * SplitNug:
 * used in tree-grow steps, splits the parameters
 * of "this" correlation function into a parameterization
 * for two (new) correlation functions

void Corr::SplitNug(Corr *c1, Corr *c2, void *state)
  propose_new_nug(c1, c2, state);

 * get_K:
 * return the covariance matrix (K)

double** Corr::get_K(void)
  assert(K != NULL);
  return K;

 * get_Ki:
 * return the inverse covariance matrix (Ki)

double** Corr::get_Ki(void)
  assert(Ki != NULL);
  return Ki;

 * getlog_det_K:
 * return the log determinant of the covariance 
 * matrix (K)

double Corr::get_log_det_K(void)
  return log_det_K;

 * Linear:
 * return the linear boolean indicator

bool Corr::Linear(void)
  return linear;

 * log_NugPrior:
 * compute the (log) prior for the nugget

double Corr::log_NugPrior(void)
  return prior->log_NugPrior(nug);

 * printCorr
 * now prints only covariance matrix K

void Corr::printCorr(unsigned int n)
  if(K && !linear) {
    assert(this->n == n);
    matrix_to_file("K_debug.out", K, n, n);
    assert(Ki); matrix_to_file("Ki_debug.out", Ki, n, n);
  } else {
    double **Klin = new_id_matrix(n);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) Klin[i][i] += nug;
    matrix_to_file("K_debug.out", Klin, n, n);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) Klin[i][i] = 1.0 / Klin[i][i];
    matrix_to_file("Ki_debug.out", Klin, n, n);

 * Corr_Prior:
 * constructor function for the correllation function module
 * parameterized with a nugget

Corr_Prior::Corr_Prior(const unsigned int col)
  this->col = col;
  gp_prior = NULL;
  gamlin[0] = 10;		/* gamma for the linear pdf */
  gamlin[1] = 0.2;	        /* min prob for the linear pdf */
  gamlin[2] = 0.75;	        /* max-min prob for the linear pdf */

  nug = 0.1;		        /* starting correlation nugget parameter */
  default_nug_priors();	        /* set nug_alpha and nug_beta */
  default_nug_lambdas();	/* set nug_alpha_lambda and nug_beta_lambda */

 * Corr_Prior: (new duplicate)
 * duplicate constructor function for the correllation function 
 * module parameterized with a nugget

Corr_Prior::Corr_Prior(Corr_Prior *c)
  col = c->col;
  nug = c->nug;
  fix_nug = c->fix_nug;
  dupv(nug_alpha, c->nug_alpha, 2);
  dupv(nug_beta, c->nug_beta, 2); 
  dupv(nug_alpha_lambda, c->nug_alpha_lambda, 2); 
  dupv(nug_beta_lambda, c->nug_beta_lambda, 2);
  gp_prior = NULL;

 * ~Corr_Prior:
 * destructor function for the correllation function module
 * parameterized with a nugget


 * default_nug_priors:
 * set nug prior parameters
 * to default values

void Corr_Prior::default_nug_priors(void)
	nug_alpha[0] = 1.0;
	nug_beta[0] = 1.0;
	nug_alpha[1] = 1.0;
	nug_beta[1] = 1.0;

 * default_nug_lambdas:
 * set nug (lambda) hierarchical prior parameters
 * to default values

void Corr_Prior::default_nug_lambdas(void)
	nug_alpha_lambda[0] = 0.5;
	nug_beta_lambda[0] = 10.0;
	nug_alpha_lambda[1] = 0.5;
	nug_beta_lambda[1] = 10.0;
	fix_nug = false;
	//fix_nug = true;

 * fix_nug_prior:
 * fix the nug priors (alpha, beta) so that
 * they are not estimated

void Corr_Prior::fix_nug_prior(void)
	fix_nug = true;

 * read_double_nug:
 * read the a prior paramter vector of doubles for
 * items pertaining to the nugget, coming from R

void Corr_Prior::read_double_nug(double *dparams)
  /* read the starting nugget value */
  nug = dparams[0]; 
  // myprintf(stdout, "starting nug=%g\n", nug);

  /* the d parameter is at dparams[1], should change this later */
  /* read nug gamma mixture prior parrameters */
  get_mix_prior_params_double(nug_alpha, nug_beta, &(dparams[2]), "nug");

  /* nug hierarchical lambda prior parameters */
  if((int) dparams[6] == -1) 
    { fix_nug = true; /* myprintf(stdout, "fixing nug prior\n"); */}
  else {
    fix_nug = false;
    get_mix_prior_params_double(nug_alpha_lambda, nug_beta_lambda, 
				&(dparams[6]), "nug lambda");
  /* reset dparams */
  dparams += 10;

  /* read gamma linear pdf prior parameter */
  dupv(gamlin, dparams, 3);

  /* print and sanity check the gamma linear pdf parameters */
  // myprintf(stdout, "gamlin=[%g,%g,%g]\n", gamlin[0], gamlin[1], gamlin[2]);
  assert(gamlin[0] == -1 || gamlin[0] >= 0);
  assert(gamlin[1] >= 0.0 && gamlin[1] <= 1);
  assert(gamlin[2] >= 0.0 && gamlin[2] <= 1);
  assert(gamlin[2] + gamlin[1] <= 1);

 * read_ctrlfile_nug:
 * read the a prior paramter the control file
 * items pertaining to the nugget

void Corr_Prior::read_ctrlfile_nug(ifstream* ctrlfile)
  char line[BUFFMAX], line_copy[BUFFMAX];

  /* Read the starting nugget value */
  ctrlfile->getline(line, BUFFMAX);
  nug = atof(strtok(line, " \t\n#"));
  myprintf(stdout, "starting nug=%g\n", nug);

  /* read the nug gamma mixture prior parameters */
  ctrlfile->getline(line, BUFFMAX);
  get_mix_prior_params(nug_alpha, nug_beta, line, "nug");

  /* nug hierarchical lambda prior parameters */
  ctrlfile->getline(line, BUFFMAX);
  strcpy(line_copy, line);
  if(!strcmp("fixed", strtok(line_copy, " \t\n#")))
    { fix_nug = true; myprintf(stdout, "fixing nug prior\n"); }
  else {
    fix_nug = false;
    get_mix_prior_params(nug_alpha_lambda, nug_beta_lambda, line, "nug lambda");

  /* read gamma linear pdf parameter */
  ctrlfile->getline(line, BUFFMAX);
  gamlin[0] = atof(strtok(line, " \t\n#"));
  gamlin[1] = atof(strtok(NULL, " \t\n#"));
  gamlin[2] = atof(strtok(NULL, " \t\n#"));

  /* print and sanity check the gamma linear pdf parameters */
  myprintf(stdout, "lin[gam,min,max]=[%g,%g,%g]\n", 
	   gamlin[0], gamlin[1], gamlin[2]);
  assert(gamlin[0] == -1 || gamlin[0] >= 0);
  assert(gamlin[1] >= 0.0 && gamlin[1] <= 1);
  assert(gamlin[2] >= 0.0 && gamlin[2] <= 1);
  assert(gamlin[2] + gamlin[1] <= 1); 

 * Nug:
 * return the starting nugget value

double Corr_Prior::Nug(void)

 * NugAlpha:
 * return the starting nugget alpha paramter
 * vector for the mixture gamma prior

double *Corr_Prior::NugAlpha(void)
  return nug_alpha;

 * NugBeta:
 * return the starting nugget beta paramter
 * vector for the mixture gamma prior

double *Corr_Prior::NugBeta(void)
  return nug_beta;

 * NugDraw
 * sample a nugget value from the prior

double Corr_Prior::NugDraw(void *state)
  return nug_prior_rand(nug_alpha, nug_beta, state);

 * DrawNug:
 * draws for the hierarchical priors for the nugget
 * contained in the params module

void Corr_Prior::DrawNug(Corr **corr, unsigned int howmany, void *state)
  if(!fix_nug) {
    double *nug = new_vector(howmany);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<howmany; i++) nug[i] = corr[i]->Nug();
    mixture_priors_draw(nug_alpha, nug_beta, nug, howmany, 
			nug_alpha_lambda, nug_beta_lambda, state);

 * log_NugPrior:
 * compute the (log) prior for the nugget

double Corr_Prior::log_NugPrior(double nug)
  return nug_prior_pdf(nug, nug_alpha, nug_beta);

 * CorrModel:
 * return an indicator of what type of correlation
 * model this is a generaic module for: e.g., exp, expsep

CORR_MODEL Corr_Prior::CorrModel(void)
  return corr_model;

 * Linear:
 * returns true if the prior is "forcing" a linear model

bool Corr_Prior::Linear(void)
  if(gamlin[0] == -1) return true;
  else return false;

 * LLM:
 * returns true if the prior is allwoing the LLM

bool Corr_Prior::LLM(void)
  if(gamlin[0] > 0) return true;
  else return false;

 * ForceLinear:
 * make the prior force the linear model by setting the
 * gamma (gamlin[0]) parameter to -1; return the old
 * gamma parameter

double Corr_Prior::ForceLinear(void)
  double gam = gamlin[0];
  gamlin[0] = -1;
  return gam;

 * ResetLinear:
 * (re)-set the gamma linear parameter (gamlin[0])
 * to the passed in gam value

void Corr_Prior::ResetLinear(double gam)
  gamlin[0] = gam;

 * GamLin
 * return the (three) vector of "gamma" prior parameters
 * governing the LLM booleans b

double* Corr_Prior::GamLin(void)
  return gamlin;

 * GpPrior:
 * return the prior for the Gp model

Gp_Prior* Corr_Prior::GpPrior(void)
  return gp_prior;

 * SetGpPrior:
 * set the gp_prior field

void Corr_Prior::SetGpPrior(Gp_Prior *gp_prior)
  this->gp_prior = gp_prior;

 * Print:
 * pretty print the correllation function (nugget) parameters out
 * to a file 

void Corr_Prior::PrintNug(FILE *outfile)
  /* range parameter */
  //myprintf(outfile, "starting nug=%g\n", nug);

  /* range gamma prior */
  myprintf(outfile, "nug[a,b][0,1]=[%g,%g],[%g,%g]\n", 
	   nug_alpha[0], nug_beta[0], nug_alpha[1], nug_beta[1]);
  /* range gamma hyperprior */
  if(fix_nug) myprintf(outfile, "nug prior fixed\n");
  else {
    myprintf(stdout, "nug lambda[a,b][0,1]=[%g,%g],[%g,%g]\n", 
	     nug_alpha_lambda[0], nug_beta_lambda[0], nug_alpha_lambda[1], nug_beta_lambda[1]);

  /* gamma linear parameters */
  myprintf(outfile, "gamlin=[%g,%g,%g]\n", gamlin[0], gamlin[1], gamlin[2]);
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