Tip revision: 74a0eb7154371c83f9a7881ddd136eff08523754 authored by Alexey Sergushichev on 30 January 2020, 16:08:00 UTC
Remove dependency on Matrix.utils fix #152
Remove dependency on Matrix.utils fix #152
Tip revision: 74a0eb7
#' Constructs data frame with gene annotations and submits it into Shiny GAM web-server
#' @param es Expression set object
#' @return URL for Shiny GAM
#' @importFrom utils write.table
shinyGAMAnalysis <- function(es) {
de <- fData(es)
deFile <- tempfile()
write.table(de, deFile, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
# :ToDo: deal with bad certificates and remove ssl_verifypeer option
r <- httr::POST(url="",
body=readBin(deFile, what="raw", n=20e6),
httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = FALSE))
key <- httr::content(r, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
shinyGAMUrl <- sprintf("", key)