This is a branch of **VolEsti** that contains the supplementary code for the submission of the paper *"Geometric algorithms for sampling the flux space of metabolic networks"* at the *37th International Symposium on Computational Geometry 2021 (SoCG 21)*. Authors: Apostolos Chalkis, Vissarion Fisikopoulos, Elias Tsigaridas, Haris Zafeiropoulos. --- ![logo](doc/logo/volesti_logo.jpg) **VolEsti** is a `C++` library for volume approximation and sampling of convex bodies (*e.g.* polytopes) with an `R` and limited `python` interface. **VolEsti** is part of the [GeomScale]( project. ### Dependencies To run the code you need `R 3.6.3` and you have to install the following `R` packages: 1. `volesti` dependencies (see the DESCRIPTION file in folder `root/R-proj`) 2. `Rmosek` first complete the (a) [mosek installation guide]( and then proceed to (b) [Rmosek installation guide]( 3. `pracma` 4. `Matrix` 5. `R.matlab` ### Installation To install volesti of the current branch, in folder `/root/R-proj` run the following command in `R`: ```r Rcpp::compileAttributes() devtools::install() library(volesti) ``` ### Sample steady states First you have to download the mat file of the model you wish to sample from [Bigg]( or the Recon2D_v04, Recon_d_301 from [VMH]( and save it to the folder `root/R-proj/metabolic_mat_files`. Then follow the script `root/R-proj/example.R`. In that script we sample from the simplest model of the Escherichia Coli (the mat file is already saved in `root/R-proj/metabolic_mat_files`). If you execute it you shall get the following histogram that approximates the flux distribution of the reaction `Acetate kinase`. ![histogram](doc/histograms/acetate_kinase.png)