import numpy as np def formal(z,nd,chi,bcu,bcd,s,csz,wtdir,evaldiag): # #-------------------------------------------------# # Short-characteristics formal solver # # 1D plane-parallel radiation transfer equation # #-------------------------------------------------# # # written by (July 2009) # now (made public Oct 2015) # # made python3 compliant Apr 2020, # #--- please cite Lambert, Paletou, Josselin & Glorian, Eur. J. Phys. #--- (arXiv:1509.01158) for any further use! # also doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/1/015603 # #--- references: # # # # # (in french) # #--- aknowledgements: to my 'sensei' Larry H. Auer, and my friends # Loic Chevallier and Ludovick Leger # #--- Inputs: z......... spatial grid (nd) # nd........ # points in z # chi....... absorption coefficient (nd) # bcu....... lower boundary external radiation # bcd....... upper boundary external radiation # s......... source function # csz....... direction cosine of ray # wtdir..... angular quadrature weight # evaldiag.. BOOLEAN for Lstar OR Jbar computation # #--- Output: jbar...... either Jbar OR Lstar (diagonal operator) # jbar=np.zeros((nd)) for imu in range(-1,3,2): # #--- starts boundary conditions stuff for mu>0 or mu<0 # if (imu < 0): k0=1 k1=nd kdel=1 if (evaldiag): xint=0. else: xint=bcu # #--- CAUTION: consider that, in general, xint(freq,dir), so that #--- instead of this simple command-line, a double integration #--- over 'freq' (inner) and 'dir' (outer) should be used # jbar[k0-1]=jbar[k0-1] + wtdir*xint # #----------------------------------------------------| # else: k0=nd k1=1 kdel=-1 if (evaldiag): xint=0. else: xint=bcd jbar[k0-1]=jbar[k0-1] + wtdir*xint # #--- ends boundary conditions contribution to Jbar # for k in range(k0+kdel,k1+kdel,kdel): mu=imu*csz ku=k-kdel du=(z[ku-1]-z[k-1])/mu chiu=chi[ku-1] chi0=chi[k-1] su=s[ku-1] s0=s[k-1] # if (k==k1): # #--- forces linear interpolation at boundary (d: undefined there) # dd=du sd=2.*s0-su chid=chiu else: kd=k+kdel dd=(z[k-1]-z[kd-1])/mu sd=s[kd-1] chid=chi[kd-1] # #--- CAUTION: consider that, in general one may expect, s(freq) - #--- eventually s(dir,freq) too - and chi(freq,k) # dtu=0.5*(chiu+chi0)*du dtd=0.5*(chid+chi0)*dd exu=np.exp(-dtu) # if (dtu <= 0.01): # #--- this may definitely be useful, believe me... # w0=dtu*(1.-dtu/2.+dtu**2/6.-dtu**3/24.+dtu**4/120. \ -dtu**5/720.+dtu**6/5040.-dtu**7/40320. \ +dtu**8/362880.) w1=dtu**2*(0.5-dtu/3.+dtu**2/8.-dtu**3/30.+dtu**4/144. \ -dtu**5/840.+dtu**6/5760.-dtu**7/45360. \ +dtu**8/403200.) w2=dtu**3*(1./3.-dtu/4.+dtu**2/10.-dtu**3/36. \ +dtu**4/168.-dtu**5/960.+dtu**6/6480. \ -dtu**7/50400.+dtu**8/443520.) else: w0= 1.-exu w1= w0-dtu*exu w2= 2.*w1-dtu*dtu*exu # psi0=w0+ (w1*(dtu/dtd-dtd/dtu)-w2*(1./dtd+1./dtu))/(dtu+dtd) psiu=(w2/dtu + w1*dtd/dtu)/(dtu+dtd) psid=(w2/dtd - w1*dtu/dtd)/(dtu+dtd) # if (evaldiag): xint=psi0 else: xint=xint*exu + psiu*su + psi0*s0 + psid*sd # #--- caution: consider that, in general, xint(freq,dir), so that #--- instead of this simple command-line, a double integration #--- over 'freq' (inner) and 'dir' (outer) should be used # jbar[k-1]=jbar[k-1] + wtdir*xint # return jbar def formalGS(z,nd,chi,bcu,bcd,s,csz,wtdir,evaldiag,b,eps,lstar,omega): # #-------------------------------------------------# # Short-characteristics formal solver # # --- for GS/SOR iterative scheme --- # # 1D plane-parallel radiation transfer equation # #-------------------------------------------------# # # written by (July 2009) # now (made public Oct 2015) # # made python3 compliant Apr 2020, # #--- please cite Lambert, Paletou, Josselin & Glorian, Eur. J. Phys. #--- (arXiv:1509.01158) for any further use! # also doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/37/1/015603 # #--- references: # # # (in french) # #--- aknowledgements: to my 'sensei' Larry H. Auer, and my friends # Loic Chevallier and Ludovick Leger # #--- Inputs: z......... spatial grid (nd) # nd........ # points in z # chi....... absorption coefficient (nd) # bcu....... lower boundary external radiation # bcd....... upper boundary external radiation # s......... source function # csz....... direction cosine of ray # wtdir..... angular quadrature weight # evaldiag.. BOOLEAN for Lstar OR Jbar computation # eps....... collisional destruction parameter [GS] # lstar..... diagonal operator [GS] # omega..... relaxation parameter [GS] # #--- Output: S......... S(new) of GS/SOR # jbar=np.zeros((nd)) #---GS specific psidd=np.zeros((nd)) for imu in range(-1,3,2): # #--- starts boundary conditions stuff for mu>0 or mu<0 # if (imu < 0): k0=1 k1=nd kdel=1 if (evaldiag): xint=0. else: xint=bcu # #--- CAUTION: consider that, in general, xint(freq,dir), so that #--- instead of this simple command-line, a double integration #--- over 'freq' (inner) and 'dir' (outer) should be used # jbar[k0-1]=jbar[k0-1] + wtdir*xint # #----------------------------------------------------| # else: k0=nd k1=1 kdel=-1 if (evaldiag): xint=0. else: xint=bcd jbar[k0-1]=jbar[k0-1] + wtdir*xint # #--- ends boundary conditions contribution to Jbar #---GS specific: update S at boundaries, before advancing to next k dsk=((1.-eps)*jbar[k0-1]+eps*b[k0-1]-s[k0-1]) \ /(1.-(1.-eps)*lstar[k0-1]) s[k0-1]=s[k0-1] + omega*dsk # #----------------------------------------------------| for k in range(k0+kdel,k1+kdel,kdel): mu=imu*csz ku=k-kdel du=(z[ku-1]-z[k-1])/mu chiu=chi[ku-1] chi0=chi[k-1] su=s[ku-1] s0=s[k-1] # if (k==k1): # #--- forces linear interpolation at boundary (d: undefined there) # dd=du sd=2.*s0-su chid=chiu else: kd=k+kdel dd=(z[k-1]-z[kd-1])/mu sd=s[kd-1] chid=chi[kd-1] # #--- CAUTION: consider that, in general one may expect, s(freq) - #--- eventually s(dir,freq) too - and chi(freq,k) # dtu=0.5*(chiu+chi0)*du dtd=0.5*(chid+chi0)*dd exu=np.exp(-dtu) # if (dtu <= 0.01): # #--- this may definitely be useful, believe me... # w0=dtu*(1.-dtu/2.+dtu**2/6.-dtu**3/24.+dtu**4/120. \ -dtu**5/720.+dtu**6/5040.-dtu**7/40320. \ +dtu**8/362880.) w1=dtu**2*(0.5-dtu/3.+dtu**2/8.-dtu**3/30.+dtu**4/144. \ -dtu**5/840.+dtu**6/5760.-dtu**7/45360. \ +dtu**8/403200.) w2=dtu**3*(1./3.-dtu/4.+dtu**2/10.-dtu**3/36. \ +dtu**4/168.-dtu**5/960.+dtu**6/6480. \ -dtu**7/50400.+dtu**8/443520.) else: w0= 1.-exu w1= w0-dtu*exu w2= 2.*w1-dtu*dtu*exu # psi0=w0+ (w1*(dtu/dtd-dtd/dtu)-w2*(1./dtd+1./dtu))/(dtu+dtd) psiu=(w2/dtu + w1*dtd/dtu)/(dtu+dtd) psid=(w2/dtd - w1*dtu/dtd)/(dtu+dtd) # #---GS specific: store those Psi's reused for add. corrections if (imu < 0): psidd[k-1]=psid else: psi0u=psi0 #---------------------------------| if (evaldiag): xint=psi0 else: xint=xint*exu + psiu*su + psi0*s0 + psid*sd # #--- caution: consider that, in general, xint(freq,dir), so that #--- instead of this simple command-line, a double integration #--- over 'freq' (inner) and 'dir' (outer) should be used # #---GS specific: upward Delta Jbar correction if ((imu<0) or (evaldiag)): jbar[k-1]=jbar[k-1] + wtdir*xint else: #---GS specific: Eq. (39) of Trujillo Bueno & Fabiani Bendicho (1995) jbar[k-1]=jbar[k-1] + wtdir*xint \ + omega*dsk*wtdir*psidd[k-1] # #---GS specific: AFTER inner freq and dir loops, in general----| # if ((imu>0) and (not evaldiag)): dsk=((1.-eps)*jbar[k-1]+eps*b[k-1]-s[k-1]) \ /(1.-(1.-eps)*lstar[k-1]) s[k-1]=s[k-1] + omega*dsk #---GS specific: Eq. (40) of Trujillo Bueno & Fabiani Bendicho (1995) xint=xint + omega*dsk*psi0u #---GS specific: now return S, not jbar - S(new) now exists! return s