Tip revision: 62a8c2d3568cd81470c25155d8906974378578bf authored by awojna on 11 March 2022, 16:14:02 UTC
Version changed to 3.2.4
Version changed to 3.2.4
Tip revision: 62a8c2d
# Rseslib
Rough set and machine learning data structures, algorithms and tools in Java. The project includes algorithms for discernibility matrix, reducts, decision rules and wide range of discretization and classification algorithms, including optimized for large data high-accuracy K-NN classifier implementing analogy-based reasoning. The project includes also QMAK - a tool for interacting with machine learning models and visualizing classification process and Simple Grid Manager for running experiments on many computers or cores.
The project is built with Maven.
For more information see the user guide at