sns <- function(x, fghEval, rnd=TRUE, gfit=NULL, mh.diag = FALSE, part = NULL , numderiv = 0, numderiv.method = c("Richardson", "simple"), numderiv.args = list() , ...) { fitGaussian <- function(x, f, ...) { ret <- f(x,...) # Evaluate the function at 'x' Sigma <- solve(-ret$h) mu <- x + Sigma %*% ret$g return (list(mu=as.vector(mu), # Newton method solution Sigma=Sigma, # Inverse Hessian or Covariance matrix iSigma=-ret$h, # Inverse covariance or Hessian f=ret$f, # function value g=ret$g)) # gradient } numderiv <- as.integer(numderiv) if (numderiv > 0) { numderiv.method <- match.arg(numderiv.method) if (numderiv == 1) { # we need numeric hessian <- function(x, ...) { fg <- fghEval(x, ...) h <- hessian(func = function(x, ...) fghEval(x, ...)$f, x = x, ..., method = numderiv.method, method.args = numderiv.args) return (list(f = fg$f, g = fg$g, h = h)) } } else { # we need numeric gradient and hessian <- function(x, ...) { f <- fghEval(x, ...) g <- grad(func = fghEval, x = x, ..., method = numderiv.method, method.args = numderiv.args) h <- hessian(func = fghEval, x = x, ..., method = numderiv.method, method.args = numderiv.args) return (list(f = f, g = g, h = h)) } } } else { <- fghEval } if (!is.null(part)) { # code for 'state space partitioning', recursive call fghEval.part <- function(xsub, xfull, subset, ...) { xfull[subset] <- xsub ret <-, ...) return (list(f = ret$f, g = ret$g[subset], h = ret$h[subset, subset])) } npart <- length(part) accept <- logical(npart) if (mh.diag) { diag <- array(NA, dim = c(4, npart)) dimnames(diag) <- list(c("log.p", "log.p.prop", "log.q", "log.q.prop"), 1:npart) } for (n in 1:npart) { subset <- part[[n]] rettmp <- sns(x = x[subset], fghEval = fghEval.part, rnd = rnd, gfit = NULL, part = NULL, mh.diag = mh.diag, xfull = x, subset = subset, ...) x[subset] <- rettmp accept[n] <- attr(rettmp, "accept") if (mh.diag) diag[, n] <- attr(rettmp, "mh.diag") } attr(x, "lp") <- attr(rettmp, "lp") attr(x, "accept") <- accept attr(x, "gfit") <- fitGaussian(x,, ...) if (mh.diag) attr(x, "mh.diag") <- mh.diag return (x) } # rnd: if FALSE, perform Newton's optimization (non-stochastic) # Fit Gaussian at x if (is.null(gfit)) gfit <- fitGaussian(x = x, f =, ...) mu <- gfit$mu Sigma <- gfit$Sigma # Covariance iSigma <- gfit$iSigma # Inverse covariance K <- length(x) if (rnd) { # Draw sample from proposal distribution (Gaussian fit at x) x.prop <- as.vector(rmvnorm(n=1, mean=mu, sigma=Sigma)) } else { # Run (non-stochastic) Newton optimization rho <- 0.5; c <- 0.5; alphak <- 1; d <- mu - x; # use newton's direction as step search_x <- as.vector(mu); fk <- gfit$f; # Values at the current point gk <- gfit$g; fk1 <-, ...)$f; # Function value at searching point ls_iter <- 1; # Linesearch by backtracking from full Newton step while (fk1 < fk + c*alphak*(t(gk)%*%d) && ls_iter < 20) { alphak <- alphak*rho; # if so, then go half way search_x <- x + alphak*d; fk1 <-, ...)$f; ls_iter <- ls_iter + 1; } x.prop <- as.vector(search_x); } log.q.prop <- dmvnorm(as.vector(x.prop), mu, Sigma, log=TRUE) # fit Gaussian at x.prop gfit.prop <- fitGaussian(x=x.prop,,...) mu.prop <- gfit.prop$mu Sigma.prop <- gfit.prop$Sigma iSigma.prop <- gfit.prop$iSigma # create MH acceptance ratio log.q <- dmvnorm(as.vector(x), mu.prop, Sigma.prop, log=TRUE) log.p <- gfit$f log.p.prop <- gfit.prop$f log.ratio <- (log.p.prop-log.p) + (log.q-log.q.prop) ratio <- min(1, exp(log.ratio)) # perform acceptance test if (!rnd || ratio==1 || runif(1)= 1) if (report.progress <= 0) { warning("invalid value specific for 'report.progress', using default.") report.progress <- ceiling(niter/10) } if (missing(init)) stop("starting point for MCMC chain must be specified") npart <- max(length(part),1) # initialization K <- length(init) x <- init accept <- matrix(logical(niter * npart), ncol = npart) lp <- double(niter) chain <- matrix( , nrow = niter, ncol = K) if (mh.diag) { diagnostic <- array(NA, dim = c(niter, 4, npart)) dimnames(diagnostic) <- list(1:niter, c("log.p", "log.p.prop", "log.q", "log.q.prop"), 1:npart) if (niter > nnr && npart == 1) f.reldev <- rep(NA, niter - nnr) } # performing nr/mcmc iterations for (i in 1:niter) { x <- sns(x,, rnd = i > nnr, gfit = attr(x, "gfit"), mh.diag = mh.diag, part = part , numderiv = 0#, numderiv.method = numderiv.method, numderiv.args = numderiv.args , ...) accept[i, ] <- attr(x, "accept") lp[i] <- attr(x, "lp") chain[i, ] <- x if (mh.diag) { diagnostic[i, , ] <- attr(x, "mh.diag") if (npart == 1) { if (i == nnr) { f.ref <- attr(x, "gfit")$f x.ref <- attr(x, "gfit")$mu } else if (i > nnr) { if (attr(x, "gfit")$f < f.ref) f.reldev[i - nnr] <- (attr(x, "gfit")$f - f.ref + 0.5 * t(x - x.ref) %*% attr(x, "gfit")$iSigma %*% (x - x.ref)) / (f.ref - attr(x, "gfit")$f) } } } if (print.level && (i %% report.progress == 0)) cat(paste0("finished iter ", i, " of ", niter, "\n")) } # assembling output attr(chain, "init") <- init attr(chain, "lp.init") <-, ...)$f attr(chain, "accept") <- accept attr(chain, "lp") <- lp attr(chain, "nnr") <- nnr attr(chain, "part") <- part if (mh.diag) { attr(chain, "mh.diag") <- drop(diagnostic) if (niter > nnr && npart == 1) attr(chain, "reldev") <- f.reldev } class(chain) <- "sns" return (chain) }