CITE-seq optimization - Reducing cell number at staining ================ Terkild Brink Buus 30/3/2020 ## Load utilities Including libraries, plotting and color settings and custom utility functions ``` r set.seed(114) require("Seurat", quietly=T) require("tidyverse", quietly=T) library("Matrix", quietly=T) library("patchwork", quietly=T) ## Load ggplot theme and defaults source("R/ggplot_settings.R") ## Load helper functions source("R/Utilities.R") ## Load predefined color schemes source("R/color.R") ## Load feature_rankplot functions source("R/feature_rankplot.R") source("R/feature_rankplot_hist.R") source("R/feature_rankplot_hist_custom.R") outdir <- "figures" data.Seurat <- "data/5P-CITE-seq_Titration.rds" data.abpanel <- "data/Supplementary_Table_1.xlsx" data.markerStats <- "data/markerByClusterStats.tsv" ## Make a custom function for formatting the concentration scale scaleFUNformat <- function(x) sprintf("%.2f", x) ``` ## Load Seurat object Subset to only focus on conditions with 1 mio cells and dilution factor 4 (thus comparing 50µl to 25µl staining volume in PBMCs). ``` r object <- readRDS(file=data.Seurat) ## Show number of cells from each sample table(object$group) ``` ## ## PBMC_50ul_1_1000k PBMC_50ul_4_1000k PBMC_25ul_4_1000k PBMC_25ul_4_200k ## 1777 1777 1777 1777 ## Lung_50ul_1_500k Lung_50ul_4_500k Doublet Negative ## 1681 1681 0 0 ``` r object <- subset(object, subset=volume == "25µl") object ``` ## An object of class Seurat ## 33572 features across 3554 samples within 3 assays ## Active assay: RNA.kallisto (33514 features) ## 2 other assays present: HTO.kallisto, ADT.kallisto ## 3 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, tsne, umap ## Load Ab panel annotation and concentrations Marker stats is reused in other comparisons and was calculated in the end of the preprocessing vignette. ``` r abpanel <- data.frame(readxl::read_excel(data.abpanel)) rownames(abpanel) <- abpanel$Marker ## As we are only working with dilution factor 4 samples here, we want to show labels accordingly # a bit of a hack... abpanel$conc_µg_per_mL <- abpanel$conc_µg_per_mL/4 markerStats <- read.table(data.markerStats) markerStats.PBMC <- markerStats[markerStats$tissue == "PBMC",] rownames(markerStats) <- paste(markerStats$marker,markerStats$tissue,sep="_") ## Make a ordering vector ordering markers per concentration and total UMI count marker.order <- markerStats.PBMC$marker[order(markerStats.PBMC$conc_µg_per_mL, markerStats.PBMC$UMItotal, decreasing=TRUE)] head(abpanel) ``` ## Marker Category Alias Clone Isotype_Mouse Corresponding_gene ## CD103 CD103 B BerACT8 IgG1 ITGAE ## CD107a CD107a B LAMP1 H4A3 IgG1 LAMP1 ## CD117 CD117 E C-kit 104D2 IgG1 KIT ## CD11b CD11b B ICRF44 IgG1 ITGAM ## CD123 CD123 E 6H6 IgG1 IL3RA ## CD127 CD127 E IL7Ralpha A019D5 IgG1 IL7R ## TotalSeqC_Tag BioLegend_Cat Stock_conc_µg_per_mL conc_µg_per_mL ## CD103 0145 350233 500 0.31250 ## CD107a 0155 328649 500 0.62500 ## CD117 0061 313243 500 0.62500 ## CD11b 0161 301359 500 0.15625 ## CD123 0064 306045 500 0.12500 ## CD127 0390 351356 500 0.31250 ## dilution_1x ## CD103 400 ## CD107a 200 ## CD117 200 ## CD11b 800 ## CD123 1000 ## CD127 400 ``` r head(markerStats) ``` ## marker tissue fineCluster nCells UMIsum nth median f90 UMItotal ## CD103_PBMC CD103 PBMC 1 638 1740 5.0 2 5.0 5082 ## CD103_Lung CD103 Lung 16 132 7084 187.0 5 187.0 60252 ## CD107a_PBMC CD107a PBMC 1 638 7757 26.3 8 26.3 13396 ## CD107a_Lung CD107a Lung 12 260 11674 99.2 15 99.2 23273 ## CD117_PBMC CD117 PBMC 1 638 1318 4.0 2 4.0 3316 ## CD117_Lung CD117 Lung 21 32 1695 41.0 41 130.4 5878 ## Alias Clone Isotype_Mouse Corresponding_gene TotalSeqC_Tag ## CD103_PBMC BerACT8 IgG1 ITGAE 145 ## CD103_Lung BerACT8 IgG1 ITGAE 145 ## CD107a_PBMC LAMP1 H4A3 IgG1 LAMP1 155 ## CD107a_Lung LAMP1 H4A3 IgG1 LAMP1 155 ## CD117_PBMC C-kit 104D2 IgG1 KIT 61 ## CD117_Lung C-kit 104D2 IgG1 KIT 61 ## BioLegend_Cat Stock_conc_µg_per_mL conc_µg_per_mL dilution_1x ## CD103_PBMC 350233 500 1.25 400 ## CD103_Lung 350233 500 1.25 400 ## CD107a_PBMC 328649 500 2.50 200 ## CD107a_Lung 328649 500 2.50 200 ## CD117_PBMC 313243 500 2.50 200 ## CD117_Lung 313243 500 2.50 200 ## marker.y DSB.cutoff positive count pct ## CD103_PBMC CD103 7 14 1777 0.79 ## CD103_Lung CD103 7 501 1681 29.80 ## CD107a_PBMC CD107a 7 122 1777 6.87 ## CD107a_Lung CD107a 7 150 1681 8.92 ## CD117_PBMC CD117 7 3 1777 0.17 ## CD117_Lung CD117 7 32 1681 1.90 ## Cell type and tissue overview Make tSNE plots colored by cell type, cluster and tissue of origin. ``` r p.tsne.cellsAtStaining <- DimPlot(object,"cellsAtStaining", reduction="tsne", pt.size=0.1, combine=FALSE)[[1]] + theme_get() + facet_wrap(~"cellsAtStaining") + scale_color_manual(values=color.cellsAtStaining) p.tsne.cluster <- DimPlot(object,"supercluster", reduction="tsne", pt.size=0.1, combine=FALSE)[[1]] + theme_get() + scale_color_manual(values=color.supercluster) + facet_wrap(~"Cell types") p.tsne.finecluster <- DimPlot(object, label=TRUE, label.size=3, reduction="tsne","fineCluster", pt.size=0.1, combine=FALSE)[[1]] + theme_get() + facet_wrap( ~"Clusters") + guides(col=F) p.tsne.cluster + p.tsne.finecluster + p.tsne.cellsAtStaining ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/tsnePlots-1.png) ## Overall ADT counts Extract UMI data and calculate UMI sum per marker within each condition. ``` r ## Get the data ADT.matrix <- data.frame(GetAssayData(object, assay="ADT.kallisto", slot="counts")) ADT.matrix$marker <- rownames(ADT.matrix) ADT.matrix$conc <- abpanel[ADT.matrix$marker,"conc_µg_per_mL"] ADT.matrix <- ADT.matrix %>% pivot_longer(c(-marker,-conc)) ## Get cell annotations cell.annotation <- FetchData(object, vars=c("cellsAtStaining")) ## Calculate marker sum from each dilution within both tissues ADT.matrix.agg <- ADT.matrix %>% group_by(cellsAtStaining=cell.annotation[name,"cellsAtStaining"], marker, conc) %>% summarise(sum=sum(value)) ## Order markers by concentration ADT.matrix.agg$marker.byConc <- factor(ADT.matrix.agg$marker, levels=marker.order) ## Extract marker annotation ann.markerConc <- abpanel[marker.order,] ann.markerConc$Marker <- factor(marker.order, levels=marker.order) <- ADT.matrix.agg ``` ## Plot overall ADT counts by conditions Samples stained with diluted Ab panel have reduced ADT counts. ``` r p.UMIcountsPerCondition <- ggplot([order(-ADT.matrix.agg$conc, -ADT.matrix.agg$sum),], aes(x=cellsAtStaining, y=sum/10^6, fill=conc)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", col=alpha(col="black",alpha=0.05)) + scale_fill_viridis_c(trans="log2", labels=scaleFUNformat, breaks=c(0.0375,0.15,0.625,2.5,10)) + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0,0,0.05)) + labs(fill="DF4\nµg/mL", y=bquote("ADT UMI counts ("~10^6~")")) + guides(fill=guide_colourbar(reverse=T)) + theme(panel.grid.major=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank(), panel.border=element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(), legend.position="right") p.UMIcountsPerCondition ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/UMIcountsPerCondition-1.png) ## Compare total UMI counts per marker Plot total UMI counts for each marker at the investigated dilution factors (DF1 vs. DF4). To ease readability, we place dashed lines between each concentration. ``` r ## Calculate "breaks" where concentration change. lines <- length(marker.order)-cumsum(sapply(split(ann.markerConc$Marker,ann.markerConc$conc_µg_per_mL),length))+0.5 lines <- data.frame(breaks=lines[-length(lines)]) ## Make a marker by concentration "heatmap" p.markerByConc <- ggplot(ann.markerConc, aes(x=1, y=Marker, fill=conc_µg_per_mL)) + geom_tile(col=alpha(col="black",alpha=0.2)) + geom_hline(data=lines,aes(yintercept=breaks), linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5) + scale_fill_viridis_c(trans="log2") + labs(fill="µg/mL") + theme_get() + theme(axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_blank(), panel.grid=element_blank(), legend.position="right", plot.margin=unit(c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1),"mm")) + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) ## Make UMI counts per Marker plot p.UMIcountsPerMarker <- ggplot(ADT.matrix.agg, aes(x=marker.byConc,y=log2(sum))) + geom_line(aes(group=marker), size=1.2, color="#666666") + geom_point(aes(group=cellsAtStaining, fill=cellsAtStaining), pch=21, size=0.7) + geom_vline(data=lines,aes(xintercept=breaks), linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5) + scale_fill_manual(values=color.cellsAtStaining) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(9:17)) + ylab("log2(UMI sum)") + guides(fill=guide_legend(override.aes=list(size=1.5), reverse=TRUE)) + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank(), legend.position="bottom", legend.justification="left", legend.title.align=0, legend.key.width=unit(0.2,"cm"), legend.title=element_blank()) + coord_flip() ## Combine plot with markerByConc annotation heatmap plotUMIcountsPerMarker <- p.markerByConc + guides(fill=F) + p.UMIcountsPerMarker + guides(fill=F) + plot_spacer() + guide_area() + plot_layout(ncol=4, widths=c(1,30,0.1), guides='collect') plotUMIcountsPerMarker ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/plotUMIcountsPerMarker-1.png) ## Compare change in UMI/cell within expressing cluster Using a specific percentile may be prone to outliers in small clusters (i.e. the 90th percentile of a cluster of 30 will be the \#3 higest cell making it prone to outliers). We thus set a threshold of the value to only be the 90th percentile if cluster contains more than 100 cells. For smaller clusters, the median is used. Expressing cluster is identified in the “preprocessing” vignette. ``` r ## Get the data ADT.matrix <- data.frame(GetAssayData(object, assay="ADT.kallisto", slot="counts")) ADT.matrix$marker <- rownames(ADT.matrix) ADT.matrix$conc <- abpanel[ADT.matrix$marker,"conc_µg_per_mL"] ADT.matrix <- ADT.matrix %>% pivot_longer(c(-marker,-conc)) ## Get cell annotations cell.annotation <- FetchData(object, vars=c("cellsAtStaining", "fineCluster")) ## Calculate marker statistics from each dilution within each cluster ADT.matrix.agg <- ADT.matrix %>% group_by(cellsAtStaining=cell.annotation[name,"cellsAtStaining"], fineCluster=cell.annotation[name,"fineCluster"], marker, conc) %>% summarise(sum=sum(value), median=quantile(value, probs=c(0.9)), nth=nth(value)) ADT.matrix.agg$tissue == "PBMC" ``` ## logical(0) ``` r ## Use data for the previously determined expressing cluster. Cluster.max <- markerStats[markerStats$tissue == "PBMC",c("marker","fineCluster")] Cluster.max$fineCluster <- factor(Cluster.max$fineCluster) ADT.matrix.aggByClusterMax <- Cluster.max %>% left_join(ADT.matrix.agg) ADT.matrix.aggByClusterMax$marker.byConc <- factor(ADT.matrix.aggByClusterMax$marker, levels=marker.order) p.UMIinExpressingCells <- ggplot(ADT.matrix.aggByClusterMax, aes(x=marker.byConc, y=log2(nth))) + geom_line(aes(group=marker), size=1.2, color="#666666") + geom_point(aes(group=cellsAtStaining, fill=cellsAtStaining), pch=21, size=0.7) + geom_vline(data=lines,aes(xintercept=breaks), linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5) + geom_text(aes(label=paste0(fineCluster," ")), y=Inf, adj=1, size=1.5) + scale_fill_manual(values=color.cellsAtStaining) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0:11), labels=2^c(0:11), expand=c(0.05,0.5)) + ylab("90th percentile UMI of expressing cluster") + theme(axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.text.y=element_blank(), legend.position="right", legend.justification="left", legend.title.align=0, legend.key.width=unit(0.2,"cm")) + coord_flip() ## Combine plot with markerByConc annotation heatmap UMIinExpressingCells <- p.markerByConc + theme(legend.position="none") + p.UMIinExpressingCells + theme(legend.position="none") + plot_spacer() + plot_layout(ncol=4, widths=c(1,30,0.1), guides='collect') UMIinExpressingCells ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/UMIinExpressingCells-1.png) ## Titration examples Most markers are largely unaffected by reducing staining cellsAtStaining. However, some antibodies used at low concentrations and targeting abundant epitopes are affected, an example of such is CD31: ``` r ## Make helper function for plotting titration plots titrationPlot <- function(marker, gate.PBMC=NULL, gate.Lung=NULL, y.axis=FALSE, show.gate=TRUE, legend=FALSE){ <- marker ## Get antibody concentration for legends curMarker.DF1conc <- abpanel[, "conc_µg_per_mL"] if(show.gate==TRUE){ ## Load gating percentages from manually set DSB thresholds gate <- data.frame(gate=markerStats[markerStats$marker == & markerStats$tissue== "PBMC",c("pct")]) gate$gate <- 1-(gate$gate/100) rownames(gate) <- gate$wrap ## Allow manual gating if(!is.null(gate.PBMC)) gate <- gate.PBMC } else { gate <- NULL } p <- feature_rankplot_hist_custom(data=object, marker=paste0("adt_",, group="cellsAtStaining", barcodeGroup="supercluster", conc=curMarker.DF1conc, legend=legend, yaxis.text=y.axis, gates=gate, histogram.colors=color.cellsAtStaining, return(p) } p.CD31 <- titrationPlot("CD31", legend=TRUE) p.CD31 ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png) ## Final plot ``` r A <- p.UMIcountsPerCondition + theme(legend.key.width=unit(0.3,"cm"), legend.key.height=unit(0.4,"cm"), legend.text=element_text(size=unit(5,"pt")), plot.margin=unit(c(0.3,0,0.5,0),"cm")) B1 <- p.markerByConc + theme(text = element_text(size=10), plot.margin=unit(c(0.3,0,0,0),"cm"), legend.position="none") B2 <- p.UMIcountsPerMarker + theme(legend.position="none") C <- p.UMIinExpressingCells + theme(legend.position="none") BC.legend <- cowplot::get_legend(p.UMIcountsPerMarker + guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=FALSE)) + theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal", legend.background=element_blank(),, legend.key=element_blank())) D <- p.CD31 + theme(plot.margin=unit(c(0.5,0,0,0),"cm")) AD <- cowplot::plot_grid(A,D,NULL, ncol=1, rel_heights = c(13,17,1.5), labels=c("A","D",""), label_size=panel.label_size, vjust=panel.label_vjust, hjust=panel.label_hjust) BC <- cowplot::plot_grid(B1, B2, C, nrow=1, rel_widths=c(2,10,10), align="h", axis="tb", labels=c("B", "", "C"), label_size=panel.label_size, vjust=panel.label_vjust, hjust=panel.label_hjust) p.figure <- cowplot::ggdraw(plot_grid(AD, BC, nrow=1, rel_widths=c(1,4), align="v", axis="l")) + cowplot::draw_plot(BC.legend,0.27,0.020,0.2,0.00001) png(file=file.path(outdir,"Figure 4.png"), width=figure.width.full, height=4.5, units = figure.unit, res=figure.resolution, antialias=figure.antialias) p.figure ``` ## png ## 2 ``` r p.figure ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/figure-1.png) ## Individual titration plots For supplementary information. ``` r plots.columns = 6 rows.max <- 5 markers <- abpanel[rownames(object[["ADT.kallisto"]]),] markers <- markers[order(markers$Category, markers$Marker),] plots <- list() ## Make individual plots for each marker for(i in 1:nrow(markers)){ curMarker <- markers[i,] <- curMarker$Marker y.axis <- ifelse((i-1) %in% c(0,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48),TRUE,FALSE) plots[[]] <- titrationPlot(, y.axis=y.axis) } # a bit of a hack to make celltype legend p.legend <- cowplot::get_legend(ggplot(data.frame(supercluster=object$supercluster), aes(color=supercluster,x=1,y=1)) + geom_point(shape=15, size=1.5) + scale_color_manual(values=color.supercluster) + theme(legend.title=element_blank(), legend.margin=margin(0,0,0,0), legend.key.size = unit(0.15,"cm"), legend.position = c(0.98,1.1), legend.justification=c(1,1), legend.direction="horizontal")) plots.num <- length(plots) plots.perPage <- plots.columns*rows.max plots.pages <- ceiling(plots.num/plots.perPage) ## Make a supplementary figure split into pages for(i in 1:plots.pages){ start <- (i-1)*plots.perPage+1 end <- i*plots.perPage end <- min(end,plots.num) curPlots <- c(start:end) plots.rows <- ceiling(length(curPlots)/plots.columns) curPlots <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=plots[curPlots],ncol=plots.columns, rel_widths=c(1.1,1,1,1,1,1), align="h", axis="tb") curPlots.layout <- cowplot::plot_grid(NULL, p.legend, curPlots, vjust=-0.5, hjust=panel.label_hjust, label_size=panel.label_size, ncol=1, rel_heights= c(0.5, 1.3, 70/5*plots.rows)) png(file=file.path(outdir,paste0("Supplementary Figure 4",LETTERS[i],".png")), units=figure.unit, res=figure.resolution, width=figure.width.full, height=(2*plots.rows), antialias=figure.antialias) print(curPlots.layout) print(curPlots.layout) } ``` ![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/suppFig-1.png)![](Cell-number-titration_files/figure-gfm/suppFig-2.png)