Raw File
 * Some extra logging functions via DebugMsg.
 * It traces user-defined function calls, such as TryPostEvent, state objects, EDMAC and whatever else you throw at it.
 * Includes a generic logging function => simply plug the addresses into logged_functions[] and should be ready to go.
 * TODO:
 * - move to module? (I also need it as core functionality, for researching the startup process)
 * - import the patched addresses from stubs

#include "dryos.h"
#include "gdb.h"
#include "patch.h"
#include "state-object.h"
#include "asm.h"
#include "cache_hacks.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "edmac.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "propvalues.h"
#include "dm-spy.h"
#include "backtrace.h"
#include "io_trace.h"

/* this needs pre_isr_hook/post_isr_hook stubs */

/* delay mpu_send calls, to allow grouping MPU messages by timestamps */

/* log calls to malloc, AllocateMemory, alloc_dma_memory */

/* log some common function calls that are usually in RAM */

extern void (*pre_isr_hook)();
extern void (*post_isr_hook)();

static void generic_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void mmio_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void state_transition_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void CreateResLockEntry_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void LockEngineResources_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void UnLockEngineResources_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void fps_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void LockEngineResources_log_r4(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void UnLockEngineResources_log_r7(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void engio_write_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void engdrvbits_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void mpu_send_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void mpu_recv_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void register_interrupt_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void eeko_wakeup_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void SetEDmac_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void StartEDmac_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);
static void TryPostEvent_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc);

#define DM_OVERRIDE(field, new_value) \
    do { \
        struct debug_msg * dm = debug_get_last_block(); \
        if (dm) dm->field = (new_value); \
    } while (0)

struct logged_func
    uint32_t addr;                              /* Logged address (usually at the start of the function; will be passed to gdb_add_watchpoint) */
    const char * name;                          /* Breakpoint (function) name (optional, can be NULL) */
    uint32_t args;                              /* Log function arguments, registers, return values etc */
    patch_hook_function_cbr log_func;           /* if generic_log is not enough, you may use a custom logging function */

/* for args: */
#define NUM_ARGS_MASK 0xF   /* up to 15 function arguments */
#define R(i) (0x100 << i)   /* log any registers */
#define RET  (0x1000000)    /* return value of the function */
#define PTR  (0x2000000)    /* attempt to identify interesting pointers */
#define BKT  (0x4000000)    /* call stack trace (backtrace) for this function */

/* helper to get a function address directly from stubs */
#define STUB_ENTRY(name, ...) { (uint32_t) &name, #name, ## __VA_ARGS__ }

extern thunk _malloc;
extern thunk _free;
extern thunk _AllocateMemory;
extern thunk _FreeMemory;
extern thunk _alloc_dma_memory;
extern thunk _free_dma_memory;

extern thunk _mpu_send;
extern thunk _mpu_recv;

static struct logged_func logged_functions[] = {
    /* dummy entry, just to check cache conflicts */
    { (uint32_t) &DryosDebugMsg, "DebugMsg" },

    /* MPU communication (all models) */
    STUB_ENTRY(_mpu_send, 2, mpu_send_log),
    STUB_ENTRY(_mpu_recv, 1, mpu_recv_log),

    /* some common DIGIC V functions that are usually in RAM */
    STUB_ENTRY(task_create, 5),
    STUB_ENTRY(msleep, 1),

    //STUB_ENTRY(take_semaphore, 2),
    //STUB_ENTRY(give_semaphore, 1),
    //STUB_ENTRY(msg_queue_post, 2),
    //STUB_ENTRY(msg_queue_receive, 3),

    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectReadEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectWriteEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR, 3),
    STUB_ENTRY(SetEDmac, 4, SetEDmac_log),
    STUB_ENTRY(StartEDmac, 2, StartEDmac_log),
    //STUB_ENTRY(AbortEDmac, 1),

    STUB_ENTRY(dma_memcpy, 3),

    STUB_ENTRY(SetTimerAfter, 4),
    STUB_ENTRY(SetHPTimerAfterNow, 4),
    STUB_ENTRY(SetHPTimerNextTick, 4),
    STUB_ENTRY(CancelTimer, 1),
#endif  /* CONFIG_DIGIC_V */

    STUB_ENTRY(_malloc, 1 | RET),
    STUB_ENTRY(_free, 1),
    STUB_ENTRY(_AllocateMemory, 1 | RET),
    STUB_ENTRY(_FreeMemory, 1),
    STUB_ENTRY(_alloc_dma_memory, 1 | RET),
    STUB_ENTRY(_free_dma_memory, 1),

#if 0
    #ifdef CONFIG_5D2
    { 0xff9b3cb4, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },

#if 0
    //~ { 0xFF87284C, "dma_memcpy", 3 },            // conflicts with mpu_recv
    { 0xff9b989c, "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    { 0xff9b8f24, "TryPostStageEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },

    /* register-level SIO3/MREQ communication */
    { 0xFF99F318, "MREQ_ISR", 0 },
    { 0xFF99F330, "MREQ_C020302C", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F348, "MREQ_C022009C", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F36C, "MREQ_C0820304", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F3A8, "SIO3_ISR", 0 },
    { 0xFF99F3E4, "SIO3_C022009C", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F404, "SIO3_C0820304", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F658, "SIO3_recv", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F244, "MREQ_SIO3_get_data_to_send", 2 },
    { 0xFF99F418, "SIO3_get_data_to_send_ret", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F424, "SIO3_data_to_send", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F380, "MREQ_get_data_to_send_ret", 1 },
    { 0xFF99F38C, "MREQ_data_to_send", 1 },

    #ifdef CONFIG_5D3_113
    { 0x83b8,     "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },

    #ifdef CONFIG_5D3_123
    //{ 0x17d54,    "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    #ifdef CONFIG_6D	/* 1.1.3 */
    { 0x39F04,    "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },

    #ifdef CONFIG_60D
    { 0xFF0F8BA8, "evfComAct", 4 | BKT } 
    //~ { 0xFF1C8658, "CreateResLockEntry", 2, CreateResLockEntry_log },
    //~ { 0xFF1C8B98, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    //~ { 0xFF1C8CD4, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log },
    /* this conflicts with DebugMsg... not sure how to fix */
    //~ { 0xFF1D68C0, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },

    #ifdef CONFIG_700D
    { 0x13344,    "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },

    #ifdef CONFIG_7D_203
    { 0xFF080094, "0xC0220024", R(0), mmio_log },     /* [GPIO] GPIO_9 (master woke up on 7D) at Startup:FF080090 (0x0)*/


#ifdef CONFIG_5D2
    { 0xff9b9198, "StateTransition", 4 , state_transition_log },
    { 0xff9b989c, "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    //~ { 0xff9b8f24, "TryPostStageEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },                 // conflicts with SetHPTimerAfter

    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectReadEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectWriteEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR, 3),
    //~ STUB_ENTRY(SetEDmac, 4, SetEDmac_log),             // conflicts with RegisterHead1InterruptHandler
    STUB_ENTRY(StartEDmac, 2, StartEDmac_log),
    { 0xff9b3cb4, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },
    //~ { 0xffb277c8, "register_obinteg_cbr", 2 },              // conflicts with UnLockEngineResources
    { 0xffaf6930, "set_digital_gain_and_related", 3 },
    //~ { 0xffaf68a4, "set_saturate_offset", 1 },               // conflicts with TryPostEvent
    { 0xffaf686c, "set_saturate_offset_2", 1 },
    { 0xff987200, "set_fps_maybe", 1, fps_log },
    { 0xffa38114, "set_fps_maybe_2", 1 },
    { 0xffa366c8, "AJ_FixedPoint_aglrw_related", 4 },
    { 0xffa37de4, "RegisterHead1InterruptHandler", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff986d9c, "RegisterHead2InterruptHandler", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff986ebc, "RegisterHead3InterruptHandler", 3 },     // conflicts with AJ_FixedPoint_aglrw_related
    //~ { 0xff986f74, "RegisterHead4InterruptHandler", 3 },
    { 0xff86c720, "SetHPTimerAfter", 4 },
    { 0xff9a86e0, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    { 0xff9a87d0, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log},

#ifdef CONFIG_60D
    { 0xFF1C8658, "CreateResLockEntry", 2, CreateResLockEntry_log },
    { 0xFF1C8B98, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    { 0xFF1C8CD4, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log },
    STUB_ENTRY(StartEDmac, 2, StartEDmac_log),
    STUB_ENTRY(SetEDmac, 4, SetEDmac_log),
    { 0xFF06E534, "take_semaphore", 2 },
    { 0xFF06E61C, "give_semaphore", 1 },
    { 0xFF1C8C00, "resinfo_wait_smth", R(0) },
    { 0xFF1C8AC0, "resinfo_check", R(7) },

#ifdef CONFIG_550D
    { 0xff1d84f4, "StateTransition", 4 , state_transition_log },
    { 0xff1d8c30, "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    { 0xff1d82b8, "TryPostStageEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },

    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectReadEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectWriteEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR, 3),
    STUB_ENTRY(SetEDmac, 4, SetEDmac_log),
    STUB_ENTRY(StartEDmac, 2, StartEDmac_log),
    { 0xff1d2944, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },
    { 0xff2806f8, "RegisterHead1InterruptHandler", 3 },
    { 0xFF068BB8, "SetHPTimerAfter", 4 },
    { 0xff1c4a34, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    { 0xff1c4618, "LockEngineResources_0", 1, LockEngineResources_log_r4 },  // note: hooking in the middle of the function to avoid conflict with engio_write
    { 0xff1c4794, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log_r7}, // same here, for RegisterHead1InterruptHandler

#ifdef CONFIG_500D
    { 0xff1a62a0, "StateTransition", 4 , state_transition_log },
    { 0xff1a69a4, "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    { 0xff1a602c, "TryPostStageEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },

    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectReadEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(ConnectWriteEDmac, 2),
    STUB_ENTRY(RegisterEDmacCompleteCBR, 3),
    STUB_ENTRY(SetEDmac, 4, SetEDmac_log),
    STUB_ENTRY(StartEDmac, 2, StartEDmac_log),
    //~ { 0xff1a0b90, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log }, // conflicts with ConnectReadEDmac
    //~ { 0xff32646c, "register_obinteg_cbr", 2 },              // conflicts with set_digital_gain_and_related
    { 0xff2f6c7c, "set_digital_gain_and_related", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff2f6bf0, "set_saturate_offset", 1 },               // conflicts with ConnectReadEDmac
    { 0xff2f6bb8, "set_saturate_offset_2", 1 },
    { 0xff171e94, "set_fps_maybe", 1, fps_log },
    { 0xff23180c, "set_fps_maybe_2", 1 },
    //~ { 0xff2302a8, "AJ_FixedPoint_aglrw_related", 4 },       // conflicts with StateTransition
    { 0xff2314ac, "RegisterHead1InterruptHandler", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff1719a0, "RegisterHead2InterruptHandler", 3 },     // conflicts with TryPostEvent
    { 0xff171acc, "RegisterHead3InterruptHandler", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff171b84, "RegisterHead4InterruptHandler", 3 },     // conflicts with ConnectReadEDmac
    { 0xFF068268, "SetHPTimerAfter", 4 },
    { 0xff194190, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    { 0xff193ed0, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log},

#ifdef CONFIG_5D3_113
    { 0x83b8, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },
    { 0x178ec, "StateTransition", 4 , state_transition_log },

    { 0xFF290B94, "CreateResLockEntry", 2, CreateResLockEntry_log },
    { 0xFF29105C, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    { 0xFF291200, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log },

    { 0x17d54, "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    { 0x17674, "TryPostStageEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },

    { 0x4588, "SetTgNextState", 2 },

    //~ { 0xFF6B4E2C, "DryEFatFormat", 7 },
    //~ { 0xFF729BDC, "sd_choose_filesystem", 2 },
    //~ { 0xFF729FC4, "sd_choose_filesystem_ret", 1 },
    //~ { 0xFF508F78, "Eeko WakeUp", 0, eeko_wakeup_log },

#ifdef CONFIG_5D3_123
    { 0x178ec, "StateTransition", 4 , state_transition_log },
    { 0x17d54, "TryPostEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    { 0x17674, "TryPostStageEvent", 5, TryPostEvent_log },
    { 0x83b8, "register_interrupt", 4, register_interrupt_log },
    //~ { 0xff3aa650, "set_digital_gain_maybe", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff4fa6ac, "set_fps_maybe", 1, fps_log },
    //~ { 0xff2170d8, "SetSsgVsize_fps_timer_B", 1 },
    //~ { 0x4588, "SetTgNextState", 2 },
    { 0xff216a20, "RegisterHead1InterruptHandler", 3 },
    { 0xff4fa16c, "RegisterHead2InterruptHandler", 3 },
    //~ { 0xff4fa224, "RegisterHead3InterruptHandler", 3 }, /* conflicts with RegisterHead1InterruptHandler */
    { 0xff4fa4ec, "RegisterHead4InterruptHandler", 3 },
    { 0xff2953b8, "LockEngineResources", 1, LockEngineResources_log },
    { 0xff29555c, "UnLockEngineResources", 1, UnLockEngineResources_log},

    //~ { 0xff290f98, "engio_write", 1, engio_write_log},   /* on 5D3, Canon's engio_write is silent */
    //~ { 0xff290c80, "EngDrvOut", 2 },                     /* same here */
    //~ { 0xff290ca0, "EngDrvIn", 1 },
    //~ { 0xff290d38, "EngDrvBits", 3, engdrvbits_log},
    //~ { 0xff290cd4, "EngDrvIns", 3 },
    /* only EngDrvOuts is verbose, no need to log it here */
    //~ { 0xFF694880, "eeko_setup_global_vars", 10 },
    //~ { 0xFF69518C, "eeko_prepare_dsunpack", 3 },
    //~ { 0xFF6950BC, "eeko_prepare_adunpack", 3 },
    //~ { 0xFF695124, "eeko_prepare_unpack24", 3 },
    //~ { 0xFF695D50, "eeko_setup_shad", 2 },
    //~ { 0xFF694DE4, "PathDrv_EekoAddRawPathCore.c", 4 },
    //~ { 0xFF694C88, "eeko_setup_twoadd", 3 },
    //~ { 0xFF694A04, "PathDrv_EekoAddRawPathCore.c_div8", 4 },


/* format arg to string and try to guess its type, with snprintf-like usage */
/* (string, ROM function name or regular number) */
static int snprintf_guess_arg(char* buf, int maxlen, uint32_t arg)
    if (looks_like_string(arg))
        return snprintf(buf, maxlen, "\"%s\"", arg);
    else if (is_sane_ptr(arg) && looks_like_string(MEM(arg)))
        return snprintf(buf, maxlen, "&\"%s\"", MEM(arg));
        char* guessed_name = 0;
        /* ROM function? try to guess its name */
        /* todo: also for RAM functions (how to recognize them quickly?) */
        if ((arg & 0xF0000000) == 0xF0000000)
            guessed_name = asm_guess_func_name_from_string(arg);
        if (guessed_name && guessed_name[0])
            return snprintf(buf, maxlen, "0x%x \"%s\"", arg, guessed_name);
            return snprintf(buf, maxlen, "0x%x", arg);

static uint32_t last_result_pc = 0;

/* temporary hook, for logging the return value of a function */
static void result_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "==> 0x%x", regs[0]);
    DM_OVERRIDE(pc, pc - 4);

    /* we can't disable this hook right now, as it's still executing */
    /* workaround: we'll just disable the previous one */
    if (last_result_pc)

    last_result_pc = pc;

static void generic_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    uint32_t args = 0;
    int num_args = 0;
    int log_result = 0;
    const char * func_name = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT(logged_functions); i++)
        if (logged_functions[i].addr == pc)
            args = logged_functions[i].args;
            func_name = logged_functions[i].name;

    num_args = args & NUM_ARGS_MASK;
    log_result = args & RET;

    /* this is too large to be placed on the stack (init_task) */
    /* allocate it statically and guard it with cli/sei */
    static char msg[200];
    int old = cli();
    int len = (func_name)
        ? snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "*** %s(", func_name)
        : snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "*** FUNC(%x)(", pc);

    int first_arg = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++)
        uint32_t arg = (i < 4) ? regs[i] : stack[i-4];

        if (!first_arg) len += snprintf(msg + len, sizeof(msg) - len, ", ");
        len += snprintf_guess_arg(msg + len, sizeof(msg) - len, arg);
        first_arg = 0;

    for (int reg = 0; reg < 13; reg++)
        if (args & R(reg))
            if (!first_arg) len += snprintf(msg + len, sizeof(msg) - len, ", ");
            len += snprintf(msg + len, sizeof(msg) - len, "R%d=%x", reg, regs[reg]);
            first_arg = 0;

    len += snprintf(msg + len, sizeof(msg) - len, ")");

    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "%s", msg);

    if (args & PTR)
        for (int i = 0; i < num_args + 13; i++)
            uint32_t arg = (i < 4) ? regs[i] : stack[i-4];
            if (i >= num_args)
                int reg = i - num_args;
                if (args & R(reg)) {
                    arg = regs[reg];
                } else {

            if (arg > 0x1000 && arg < 0x1000000 && !looks_like_string(arg))
                DryosDebugMsg(0, 0,
                    "    *0x%x = { %x %x %x %x  %x %x %x %x  %x %x %x %x ... }", arg,
                    MEM(arg),    MEM(arg+4),  MEM(arg+8),  MEM(arg+12),
                    MEM(arg+16), MEM(arg+20), MEM(arg+24), MEM(arg+28),
                    MEM(arg+32), MEM(arg+36), MEM(arg+40), MEM(arg+44)

    if (last_result_pc)
        last_result_pc = 0;

    if (log_result)
        int err = patch_hook_function(
            regs[13], MEM(regs[13]),    /* LR */
            result_log, "result_log"

        if (err)
            DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "!!! cannot log return value (err %x)", err);

    if (args & BKT)
        static char msg[512];
        backtrace_getstr(msg, sizeof(msg));

/* we want this to work very early in the boot process; snprintf not available */
static void mmio_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    uint32_t caller = PATCH_HOOK_CALLER();

    uint32_t args = 0;
    const char * func_name = 0;

    /* fixme: might be slow with many entries */
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT(logged_functions); i++)
        if (logged_functions[i].addr == pc)
            args = logged_functions[i].args;
            func_name = logged_functions[i].name;

    uint32_t old = cli();

    uint32_t us_timer = MEM(0xC0242014);
    debug_loghex2(us_timer, 5);

    debug_logstr("> [MMIO] ");

    /* func_name is actually register name */
    debug_logstr(": ");

    int first_arg = 1;
    for (int reg = 0; reg < 13; reg++)
        if (args & R(reg))
            if (!first_arg) debug_logstr(", ");
            char regstr[] = "Rx=";
            regstr[1] = '0' + reg;
            first_arg = 0;

    debug_logstr(", from ");
    if (current_task)


static void state_transition_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    struct state_object * state = (void*) regs[0];
    int old_state = state->current_state;
    char* state_name = (char*) state->name;
    int input = regs[2];
    int next_state = state->state_matrix[old_state + state->max_states * input].next_state;
    uint32_t next_function = (uint32_t) state->state_matrix[old_state + state->max_states * input].state_transition_function;
    /* function name is on the next line, no need to print it here */

    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, 
        "*** %s: (%d) --%d--> (%d)          "
        "%x (x=%x z=%x t=%x)", state_name, old_state, input, next_state,
        next_function, regs[1], regs[3], stack[0]

static void EngineResources_list(uint32_t* resIds, int resNum)
    for (int i = 0; i < resNum; i++)
        uint32_t class = resIds[i] & 0xFFFF0000;
        uint32_t entry = resIds[i] & 0x0000FFFF;
        char* desc = 
            class == 0x00000000 ? "write channel 0x%x" :
            class == 0x00010000 ? "read channel 0x%x" :
            class == 0x00020000 ? "write connection 0x%x" :
            class == 0x00030000 ? "read connection 0x%x" :
            class == 0x00110000 ? "%sPBAccessHandle" :
        uint32_t arg =
            class == 0x00000000 ? edmac_index_to_channel(entry, EDMAC_DIR_WRITE) :
            class == 0x00010000 ? edmac_index_to_channel(entry, EDMAC_DIR_READ) :
            class == 0x00110000 ? (uint32_t)(entry ? "Bitmap" : "Image") :
        if (strchr(desc, '%'))
            char msg[100];
            snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), desc, arg);
            DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "    %2d) %8x (%s)", (i+1), resIds[i], msg);
            DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "    %2d) %8x (%s)", (i+1), resIds[i], desc);

static void CreateResLockEntry_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    uint32_t* resIds = (void*) regs[0];
    int resNum = regs[1];
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** CreateResLockEntry(%x, %d)", resIds, resNum);
    EngineResources_list(resIds, resNum);

static void LockEngineResources_log_base(uint32_t* regs, char* name, uint32_t* arg0)
    uint32_t* resLock = arg0;
    uint32_t* resIds = (void*) resLock[5];
    int resNum = resLock[6];
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** %s(%x) x%d:", name, resLock, resNum);
    EngineResources_list(resIds, resNum);

static void LockEngineResources_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    LockEngineResources_log_base(regs, "LockEngineResources", (void*) regs[0]);

static void UnLockEngineResources_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    LockEngineResources_log_base(regs, "UnLockEngineResources", (void*) regs[0]);

static void LockEngineResources_log_r4(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    LockEngineResources_log_base(regs, "LockEngineResources", (void*) regs[4]);

static void UnLockEngineResources_log_r7(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    LockEngineResources_log_base(regs, "UnLockEngineResources", (void*) regs[7]);

static void fps_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    /* log the original call as usual */
    generic_log(regs, stack, pc);

    /* force very slow FPS to avoid lockup */
    regs[0] = 8191;

static void engio_write_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    uint32_t* data_buf = (uint32_t*) regs[0];

    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** engio_write(%x):", data_buf);

    /* log all ENGIO register writes */
    while(*data_buf != 0xFFFFFFFF)
        uint32_t reg = *data_buf;
        uint32_t val = *data_buf;
        DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "    0x%x: %x", reg, val);

static void engdrvbits_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** EngDrvBits(0x%x, 0x%08x, 0x%x) => 0x%x", regs[0], regs[1], regs[2], shamem_read(regs[0]));

static void mpu_decode(char* in, char* out, int max_len)
    int len = 0;
    int size = in[0];

    /* print each byte as hex */
    for (char* c = in; c < in + size; c++)
        len += snprintf(out+len, max_len-len, "%02x ", *c);
    /* trim the last space */
    if (len) out[len-1] = 0;

static volatile int last_mpu_timestamp = 0;

static void mpu_send_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    /* wait 10ms after the last mpu_send/recv
     * (related messages usually arrive at less than 1ms apart)
     * note: during a mpu_send (usually called from PropMgr),
     * mpu_recv may be called from other tasks;
     * we'll wait until mpu_recv activity calms down for 10ms.
    int l, t;
        /* for some reason, msleep here appears to disturb the startup process */
        /* busy waiting appears fine though */

        /* for thread safety, timer must be read after last_mpu_timestamp */
        /* assume int assignments are atomic and not reordered */
        /* => even if a context switch happens between them, t will be >= l. */
        /* to test: swap the two assignments => a few loops will stop too early (t < l) */
        l = last_mpu_timestamp;
        t = MEM(0xC0242014);
    while (MOD(t - l, 0x100000) < 10000);
    //~ DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** mpu wait (%d)", t - l);

    char* buf = (char*) regs[0];
    int size = regs[1];                 /* message size */
    int size_ex = (size + 2) & 0xFE;    /* packet size, prepended to the message */
                                        /* must be multiple of 2, so it's either size+1 or size+2 */
    char msg[256];
    mpu_decode(buf, msg, sizeof(msg));
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** mpu_send(%02x %s)", size_ex, msg);
    last_mpu_timestamp = MEM(0xC0242014);

static void mpu_recv_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    char* buf = (char*) regs[0];
    int size = buf[-1];
    char msg[256];
    mpu_decode(buf, msg, sizeof(msg));
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** mpu_recv(%02x %s)", size, msg);
    last_mpu_timestamp = MEM(0xC0242014);

static void eeko_dump()
    /* RAM (overlaps 2 memory regions) */
    dump_seg((void*)0x1E00000, 0x120000, "1E00000.DMP");

    /* Shared memory? (configured as I/O) */
    dump_seg((void*)0x1F20000, 0x020000, "1F20000.DMP");

    /* reading from 0xD028[08]000 results in camera lockup;
     * let's use EekoBltDmac to copy the contents to main memory */
    void (*EekoBltDmac_copy)(int zero, uint32_t dst, uint32_t src, uint32_t size, void* cbr, int arg)
        = (void*) 0xFF3B940C;   /* 5D3 1.1.3 */
    void * buf = malloc(0x8000);
    if (buf)
        /* RAM (mapped to 0) */
        EekoBltDmac_copy(0, (uint32_t)buf, 0xD0288000, 0x8000, ret_0, 0);
        dump_seg(buf, 0x8000, "D0288000.DMP");

        /* TCM (mapped to 0x40000000) */
        EekoBltDmac_copy(0, (uint32_t)buf, 0xD0280000, 0x4000, ret_0, 0);
        dump_seg(buf, 0x4000, "D0280000.DMP");


static void eeko_wakeup_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "*** Eeko about to wake up; dumping RAM...");

static void SetEDmac_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    /* we will want two messages together */
    uint32_t old = cli();

    /* log the original call as usual */
    generic_log(regs, stack, pc);
    struct edmac_info * edmac_info = (struct edmac_info *) regs[2];
    if (edmac_info)
        char * size_fmt = edmac_format_size(edmac_info);
        DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "    size %s", size_fmt ? size_fmt : "(please load edmac.mo)");


static void StartEDmac_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    /* we will want two messages together */
    uint32_t old = cli();

    /* log the original call as usual */
    generic_log(regs, stack, pc);
    int ch = regs[0];
    struct edmac_info edmac_info = edmac_get_info(ch);
    char * size_fmt = edmac_format_size(&edmac_info);
    uint32_t edmac_address = edmac_get_address(ch);
    uint32_t edmac_pointer = edmac_get_pointer(ch);
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0,
        "    addr %x, ptr %x, size %s",
        edmac_address, edmac_pointer,
        size_fmt ? size_fmt : "(please load edmac.mo)"


static void TryPostEvent_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    const char * class = (const char *) MEM(regs[0]);
    const char * event_prefix =
        streq(class, "StageClass") ? "Stage" :
        streq(class, "TaskClass" ) ? ""      :
                                     class   ;
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0,
        "*** TryPost%sEvent(%s, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)",
        MEM(regs[1]), regs[2], regs[3], MEM(stack)

static char* isr_names[0x200] = {
    [0x0A] = "Timer",
    [0x10] = "HPTimer",
    [0x2E] = "Term-RD",
    [0x3A] = "Term-WR",
    [0x34] = "SIO1",
    [0x35] = "SIO2",
    [0x36] = "SIO3",
    [0x50] = "MREQ",
    [0x2f] = "DMA1",
    [0x74] = "DMA2",
    [0x75] = "DMA3",
    [0x76] = "DMA4",

    /* sorry, couldn't get dynamic code
     * to run without stack overflows...
     * (list autogenerated from qemu)
    [0x58] = "EDMAC#0",
    [0x59] = "EDMAC#1",
    [0x5A] = "EDMAC#2",
    [0x5B] = "EDMAC#3",
    [0x5C] = "EDMAC#4",
    [0x6D] = "EDMAC#5",
    [0xC0] = "EDMAC#6",
    [0x5D] = "EDMAC#8",
    [0x5E] = "EDMAC#9",
    [0x5F] = "EDMAC#10",
    [0x6E] = "EDMAC#11",
    [0xC1] = "EDMAC#12",
    [0xC8] = "EDMAC#13",
    [0xF9] = "EDMAC#16",
    [0x83] = "EDMAC#17",
    [0x8A] = "EDMAC#18",
    [0xCA] = "EDMAC#19",
    [0xCB] = "EDMAC#20",
    [0xD2] = "EDMAC#21",
    [0xD3] = "EDMAC#22",
    [0x8B] = "EDMAC#24",
    [0x92] = "EDMAC#25",
    [0xE2] = "EDMAC#26",
    [0x95] = "EDMAC#27",
    [0x96] = "EDMAC#28",
    [0x97] = "EDMAC#29",
    [0xDA] = "EDMAC#32",
    [0xDB] = "EDMAC#33",
    [0x9D] = "EDMAC#40",
    [0x9E] = "EDMAC#41",
    [0x9F] = "EDMAC#42",
    [0xA5] = "EDMAC#43",

static void register_interrupt_log(uint32_t* regs, uint32_t* stack, uint32_t pc)
    /* log the original call as usual */
    generic_log(regs, stack, pc);

    /* store the interrupt name */
    int isr = regs[1];
    char* name = (char*) regs[0];
    if (name && !isr_names[isr & 0x1FF])
        isr_names[isr & 0x1FF] = name;

/* don't use snprintf in interrupts - it's a little heavy
 * most interrupts are fine with it, but a few are tricky */

static const char * interrupt_name(int i)
    static char name[] = "INT-00h";
    int i0 = (i & 0xF);
    int i1 = (i >> 4) & 0xF;
    int i2 = (i >> 8) & 0xF;
    name[3] = i2 ? '0' + i2 : '-';
    name[4] = i1 < 10 ? '0' + i1 : 'A' + i1 - 10;
    name[5] = i0 < 10 ? '0' + i0 : 'A' + i0 - 10;
    return name;

static void pre_isr_log(uint32_t isr)
    /* not sure about all models, only checked 5D2, 60D and 5D3 */
    uint32_t handler = MEM(0x40000000 + 4*isr);
    uint32_t arg = MEM(0x40000800 + 4*isr);
    uint32_t handler = MEM(0x400006F8 + 4*isr);
    uint32_t arg = MEM(0x40000AF8 + 4*isr);

    char* name = isr_names[isr & 0x1FF];

    uint32_t old = cli();
    debug_logstr(">>> ");
    debug_logstr(" ");
    debug_logstr(" ");

    /* set context (what task was interrupted) */
    /* fixme: only correct for first-level interrupts and likely only on specific models */
    struct debug_msg * dm = debug_get_last_block();
    if (dm)
        dm->pc = MEM(0xFFC);
        dm->task_name = current_task->name;
        qprintf(">>> interrupted %s:%x\n", dm->task_name, dm->pc);

#if 1
    if (name)
        if (strncmp(name, "EDMAC#", 6) == 0)
            int ch = atoi(name + 6);
            struct edmac_info edmac_info = edmac_get_info(ch);
            debug_logstr("    addr ");
            debug_logstr(", ptr ");
            debug_logstr(", size ");
            char * size_fmt = edmac_format_size(&edmac_info);
            debug_logstr(size_fmt ? size_fmt : "(please load edmac.mo)");
            debug_logstr(", flags ");

            struct debug_msg * dm = debug_get_last_block();
            if (dm)
                dm->pc = MEM(0xFFC);
                dm->task_name = current_task->name;


static void post_isr_log(uint32_t isr)
    uint32_t old = cli();

    debug_logstr("<<< ");
    debug_logstr(" done\n");

    /* set context (what task we are going to return to) */
    /* fixme: how to find it? the task switch logic appears to be after this hook */
    struct debug_msg * dm = debug_get_last_block();
    if (dm)
        dm->pc = MEM(0xFFC);
        dm->task_name = current_task->name;
        qprintf("<<< return to %s:%x\n", dm->task_name, dm->pc);


static int check_no_conflicts(int i)
    #ifdef CONFIG_QEMU
    /* you can safely log conflicting addresses from QEMU */
    return 1;

    /* two memory addresses can't be patched at the same time if their index bits are the same */
    /* fixme: hardcoded masks */
    int index_mask = 0x7E0;
    /* but if the higher bits are identical, it's all fine */
    int high_mask = 0xFFFFF800;

    int a = logged_functions[i].addr;

    if (!IS_ROM_PTR(a))
        /* this function is patched in RAM - no cache conflicts possible */
        return 1;

    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        int b = logged_functions[j].addr;

        if (!IS_ROM_PTR(b))
            /* this function is patched in RAM - no cache conflicts possible */

        if (((a & index_mask) == (b & index_mask)) && ((a & high_mask) != (b & high_mask)))
            #if 0
            /* for debugging in QEMU (without CONFIG_QEMU=y), see qemu-util.h */
            /* with CONFIG_QEMU=y we don't have cache conflicts */
            MEM(0xCF12300C) = logged_functions[i].addr;
            MEM(0xCF12300C) = logged_functions[j].addr;

            printf("Birthday paradox: %x %s\n"
                   "  conflicts with: %x %s.\n", 
                logged_functions[i].addr, logged_functions[i].name,
                logged_functions[j].addr, logged_functions[j].name
            return 0;
    /* all fine; let's also check the other cache patches, unrelated to our hooks */
    if (!cache_locked())
        /* no conflicts possible */
        return 1;
    if (cache_is_patchable(logged_functions[i].addr,   TYPE_ICACHE, 0))
        /* seems OK */
        return 1;

    /* NOK, conflict with some other patch */
    printf("%x %s not patchable.\n", logged_functions[i].addr, logged_functions[i].name);
    return 0;

void dm_spy_extra_install()
    printf("ICache: %db, idx=%x tag=%x word=%x seg=%x\n",

    /* note: first entry is DebugMsg */
    for (int i = 1; i < COUNT(logged_functions); i++)
        if (logged_functions[i].addr)
            if (check_no_conflicts(i))
                    logged_functions[i].addr, MEM(logged_functions[i].addr),
                    logged_functions[i].log_func ? logged_functions[i].log_func : generic_log,

    pre_isr_hook = &pre_isr_log;
    post_isr_hook = &post_isr_log;
    ASSERT((void*)&post_isr_hook - (void*)&pre_isr_hook == 4);

void dm_spy_extra_uninstall()
    for (int i = 1; i < COUNT(logged_functions); i++)

    pre_isr_hook = 0;
    post_isr_hook = 0;
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