Raw File
Top performances in the Decathlon from 1985 to 2006.
The point scoring system for the Decathlon last changed in 1985.  Best annual performances of 6800 points and over for a twenty-one year period after the new rules were introduced were downloaded from the excellent Estonian website Decathlon2000.  Handtimed performances were not included.  Names with accents have been simplified.
  A data frame with 7968 observations on the following 24 variables.
    \item{\code{Totalpoints}}{the total points achieved over all 10 events}
    \item{\code{DecathleteName}}{Decathlete's name}
    \item{\code{Nationality}}{Decathlete's nationality}
    \item{\code{m100}}{Time for the 100 metres (secs)}
    \item{\code{Longjump}}{Distance jumped (metres)}
    \item{\code{Shotput}}{Distance putting the shot (metres)}
    \item{\code{Highjump}}{Height jumped (metres)}
    \item{\code{m400}}{Time for the 400 metres (secs)}
    \item{\code{m110hurdles}}{Time for the 110 metres hurdles (secs)}
    \item{\code{Discus}}{Distance throwing the discus (metres)}
    \item{\code{Polevault}}{Height achieved (metres)}
    \item{\code{Javelin}}{Distance throwing the javelin (metres)}
    \item{\code{m1500}}{Time for the 1500 metres (secs)}
    \item{\code{yearEvent}}{Year of performance}
    \item{\code{P100m}}{Points for performance in 100 metres}
    \item{\code{Plj}}{Points for performance in long jump}
    \item{\code{Psp}}{Points for performance in putting the shot}
    \item{\code{Phj}}{Points for performance in high jump}
    \item{\code{P400m}}{Points for performance in 400 metres}
    \item{\code{P110h}}{Points for performance in 110 metres hurdles}
    \item{\code{Ppv}}{Points for performance in pole vault}
    \item{\code{Pdt}}{Points for performance in discus}
    \item{\code{Pjt}}{Points for performance in javelin}
    \item{\code{P1500}}{Points for performance in 1500 metres}
data(Decathlon, package="GDAdata")
summary(Decathlon[, grep("P.*", names(Decathlon))])
ggplot(Decathlon, aes(Plj)) + geom_histogram()
ggplot(Decathlon, aes(P100m, Plj)) + geom_point()
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