% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/dataSets.R \docType{data} \name{ageCatWorld} \alias{ageCatWorld} \title{child, middle and eldery population} \format{A data frame with 195 rows and 4 variables} \usage{ data(ageCatWorld) } \description{ Percentages of childs, middle generation and eldery population in 195 countries. } \details{ \itemize{ \item{\code{<15 }}{Percentage of people with age below 15} \item{\code{15-60 }}{Percentage of people with age between 15 and 60} \item{\code{60+ }}{Percentage of people with age above 60} \item{\code{country }}{country of origin} } The rows sum up to 100. } \examples{ data(ageCatWorld) str(ageCatWorld) summary(ageCatWorld) rowSums(ageCatWorld[, 1:3]) ternaryDiag(ageCatWorld[, 1:3]) plot(pivotCoord(ageCatWorld[, 1:3])) } \references{ Fiserova, E. and Hron, K. (2012). Statistical Inference in Orthogonal Regression for Three-Part Compositional Data Using a Linear Model with Type-II Constraints. \emph{Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods}, 41 (13-14), 2367-2385. } \author{ extracted by Karel Hron and Eva Fiserova, implemented by Matthias Templ } \keyword{data}