Tip revision: 3da9cc968671049f7a73e3dcd23821ad832f5617 authored by Adriana on 18 January 2021, 23:51:08 UTC
Added CMAPS source code
Added CMAPS source code
Tip revision: 3da9cc9
# For each CG site this script picks the Infinium 2 probe with the most species covered and outputs how many
# species that probe covers. The output from this can be used to sort by number of species covered and look at the
# coverage of each species.
# This script assumes that each CG site has 4 probes in the input file (with Inf 1 and 2 results on the same line)
import sys
import gzip
from collections import defaultdict
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "Usage: python <probes file> <output file> <infinium type 1/2>"
probesFile =[1], 'r')
oFile =[2], 'w')
infiniumType = int(sys.argv[3])
CGSpeciesCount = defaultdict(int)
probesPicked = defaultdict(str)
for line in probesFile:
splitLine = line.strip().split("\t")
if (infiniumType == 2):
if len(splitLine) > 14:
species = splitLine[12].split(",")
if len(species) > 1:
chr = "chr" + splitLine[2]
coord = int(splitLine[3])
SNVlocation = splitLine[13]
SNVchoice = splitLine[14]
if len(species) - 1 > CGSpeciesCount[(chr, coord)]:
CGSpeciesCount[(chr, coord)] = len(species) - 1
probesPicked[(chr, coord)] = chr + "\t" + str(coord) + "\t" + str(coord + 2) + "\t" + str(len(species) - 1) + "\t" + ",".join(species) + "\t" + SNVlocation + "\t" + SNVchoice + "\t" + splitLine[4] + "\t" + splitLine[5] + "\t" + splitLine[6] + "\t" + splitLine[7] + "\n"
if len(splitLine) > 11:
species = splitLine[9].split(",")
if len(species) > 1:
chr = "chr" + splitLine[2]
coord = int(splitLine[3])
SNVlocation = splitLine[10]
SNVchoice = splitLine[11]
if len(species) - 1 > CGSpeciesCount[(chr, coord)]:
CGSpeciesCount[(chr, coord)] = len(species) - 1
probesPicked[(chr, coord)] = chr + "\t" + str(coord) + "\t" + str(coord + 2) + "\t" + str(len(species) - 1) + "\t" + ",".join(species) + "\t" + SNVlocation + "\t" + SNVchoice + "\t" + splitLine[4] + "\t" + splitLine[5] + "\t" + splitLine[6] + "\t" + splitLine[7] + "\n"
for site in probesPicked: