import atexit import os import sys from collections import namedtuple from itertools import product, permutations __python_version__ = str(sys.version).split(os.linesep)[0].split(' ')[0] __pycsp3_version__ = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'version.txt'), encoding='utf-8').read() if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 6: raise Exception(os.linesep + " Python should be at least 3.6" + os.linesep + " Your version is Python " + __python_version__) from pycsp3.functions import variant, subvariant, Var, VarArray, satisfy, minimize, maximize, annotate from pycsp3.functions import And, Or, Not, Xor, IfThen, IfThenElse, Iff, Slide from pycsp3.functions import protect, col, abs, min, max, xor, iff, imply, ift, expr, belong, not_belong, conjunction, disjunction from pycsp3.functions import (AllDifferent, AllDifferentList, AllEqual, Increasing, Decreasing, LexIncreasing, LexDecreasing, Precedence, Sum, Count, NValues, Cardinality, Maximum, Minimum, Channel, NoOverlap, Cumulative, BinPacking, Circuit, Clause) from pycsp3.functions import posted, objective, unpost, value, values from import columns, ring, diagonal_down, diagonals_down, diagonal_up, diagonals_up, cp_array from import ANY, ALL, combinations, different_values, symmetric_cells, flatten, alphabet_positions, all_primes, integer_scaling, \ to_ordinary_table, warning from pycsp3.classes.auxiliary.conditions import lt, le, ge, gt, eq, ne, complement from pycsp3.classes.auxiliary.ptypes import TypeStatus, TypeSolver from pycsp3.classes.entities import clear from pycsp3.classes.auxiliary.structures import Automaton, MDD # KEEP it here after other imports from pycsp3.compiler import default_data, load_json_data UNSAT = TypeStatus.UNSAT """ Solver status: unsatisfiable (means that no solution is found by the solver) """ SAT = TypeStatus.SAT """ Solver status: satisfiable (means that at least one solution is found by the solver) """ OPTIMUM = TypeStatus.OPTIMUM """ Solver status: optimum (means that an optimal solution is found by the solver) """ CORE = TypeStatus.CORE """ Solver status: core (means that an unsatisfiable core has been extracted by the solver) """ UNKNOWN = TypeStatus.UNKNOWN """ Solver status: unknown (means that the solver is unable to solve the problem instance) """ ACE = TypeSolver.ACE """ Solver ACE (AbsCon Essence) """ CHOCO = TypeSolver.CHOCO """ Solver Choco """ if sys.argv: if len(sys.argv) == 1 and sys.argv[0] == "-m": # copy of models import shutil import pycsp3 print("Python version: ", __python_version__) print("PyCSP3 version: ", __pycsp3_version__) problems = os.sep.join(pycsp3.__file__.split(os.sep)[:-1]) + os.sep + "problems" + os.sep target = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "problems" + os.sep print("Source of files found: ", problems) shutil.copytree(problems, target, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('g6_testing', 'g7_todo', 'tests', '', '__pycache__*')) print("Successfully created the directory " + target + " containing the problems !") exit(0) from pycsp3.compiler import Compilation if sys.argv[-1] == '-debug': # debug mode try: Compilation.load() data = with open(sys.argv[0]) as f: code = compile(, sys.argv[0], 'exec') exec(code) except Exception as e: import traceback print("Error: ", e) # TODO analysing cases and displaying information (most modeling mistakes) print("\n") print(traceback.format_exc()) exit(1) elif sys.argv[0] == '': # console mode Compilation.load(console=True) data = None elif "pycsp3/problems/tests/" in sys.argv[0]: # test mode # TODO is it correct (for avoiding compiling two times)? # analysing if we have to compile (e..g, when running the tester, we should not try to do that); # Trying to replace this with the inspector? Compilation.done = True else: Compilation.load() data = _solver = None # current solver def _set_solver(name): global _solver if name == CHOCO: from pycsp3.solvers.choco import Choco _solver = Choco() else: # Fallback case => ace from pycsp3.solvers.ace import Ace _solver = Ace() return _solver def solver(name=None): """ With no argument (name being None), the function returns the current solver (the last one that has been built). With an argument (name not being None), the function builds the solver whose name is specified, and returns it. :param name: the name of the solver to be built, or None (by default) :return: either the current solver if the specified name is None, or a newly created solver whose name is specified """ return _solver if name is None else _set_solver(name) def compile(filename=None, *, verbose=0): """ Compiles the current model :param filename: the filename of the compiled problem instance :param verbose: verbosity level from -1 to 2 :return: a pair composed of a string (filename) and a Boolean (True if a COP, False otherwise) """ from pycsp3.compiler import Compilation filename, cop = Compilation.compile(filename, verbose=verbose) return filename, cop def status(): """ Returns the status of the last solving operation, or None """ return None if _solver is None else _solver.status def solution(): """ Returns a complex object corresponding to the last found solution, or None """ return None if _solver is None else _solver.last_solution def n_solutions(): """ Returns the number of solutions found by the last solving operation, or None """ return None if _solver is None else _solver.n_solutions def bound(): """ Returns the bound found by the last solving operation, or None """ return None if _solver is None else _solver.bound def core(): """ returns the core identified by the last extraction operation, or None """ return None if _solver is None else _solver.core def _process_solving(solving): from pycsp3.solvers.solver import process_options solver_name, args, args_recursive = process_options(solving) t = [ss for ss in TypeSolver if == solver_name.lower()] assert len(t) == 1, "The name of the solver is not valid" return t[0], args, args_recursive def solve(*, solver=ACE, options="", filename=None, verbose=-1, sols=None, extraction=False): """ Solves the current model (after compiling it) and returns the status of this operation. :param solver: name of the solver (ACE or CHOCO), possibly accompanied with general options as defined in :param options: specific options for the solver :param filename: the filename of the compiled problem instance :param verbose: verbosity level from -1 to 2 :param sols: number of solutions to be found (ALL if no limit) :param extraction: True if an unsatisfiable core of constraints must be sought :return: the status of the solving operation """ global _solver instance = compile(filename, verbose=verbose) if instance is None: print("Problem when compiling") else: if isinstance(solver, TypeSolver): if sols == ALL or isinstance(sols, int) and sols > 1: # options for displaying all solution in XML format options += " -xe -xc=false" if solver == ACE else " -a " solver = "[" + if verbose != -1: solver += "," + ("v" if verbose == 0 else "vv" if verbose == 1 else "vvv") if sols is not None: solver += ",limit=" + ("no" if sols == ALL else str(sols) + "sols") solver += "]" else: assert isinstance(solver, str) msg = "As you use the parameter 'solver', you should not use the parameter" if verbose != -1: warning(msg + "'verbose' (which is then ignored); you can write e.g., [ace,v]") if sols is not None: warning(msg + "'sols' (which is then ignored); you can write e.g., [ace,limit=no]") solver = ("[" if len(solver) > 0 and solver[0] != '[' else "") + solver + ("]" if len(solver) > 0 and solver[-1] != ']' else "") solver_name, args, args_recursive = _process_solving(solver) _solver = _set_solver(solver_name) _solver.setting(options) return _solver.solve(instance, solver, args, args_recursive, verbose=verbose, extraction=extraction) # _solver = _set_solver(solver) # if solver == ACE: # options += " -v=" + str(verbose) # if sols == ALL or isinstance(sols, int) and sols > 1: # options += " -xe -xc=false" # elif solver == CHOCO: # # options += " -v=" + str(verbose) # if sols == ALL or isinstance(sols, int) and sols > 1: # options += " -a " # _solver.setting(options) # limit = "limit=no" if sols == ALL else "limit=" + str(sols) + "sols" if isinstance(sols, int) else "" # return _solver.solve(instance, string_options=limit, dict_options=args, dict_simplified_options=args_recursive, verbose=verbose, extraction=extraction) # def solve(*, solver=ACE, options=None, filename=None, disabling_opoverrider=False, verbose=0, sols=None): def _pycharm_security(): # for avoiding that imports are removed when reformatting code _ = (namedtuple, product, permutations) @atexit.register def end(): from pycsp3.dashboard import options from import Error global _solver verbose = 1 if not Compilation.done and not Error.errorOccurrence: filename, cop = Compilation.compile(disabling_opoverrider=True) solving = if options.solve else options.solver if solving: if options.display: warning("options -display and -solve should not be used together.") return filename solver_name, args, args_recursive = _process_solving(solving) _solver = _set_solver(solver_name) result = _solver.solve((filename, cop), solving, args, args_recursive, compiler=True, verbose=verbose, automatic=True) print("\nResult: ", result) if solution(): print(solution())