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  <title>Test for Bug 887836</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=887836">Mozilla Bug 887836</a>
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<a href="http://www.example.net?a=b&c=d" id="anchor">foobar</a>
<area href="http://www.example.net?a=b&c=d" id="area">foobar</area>
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  /** Test for Bug 887836 **/
  ok("URLSearchParams" in window, "window.URLSearchParams exists");

  function testSimpleURLSearchParams() {
    var u = new URLSearchParams();
    ok(u, "URLSearchParams created");
    is(u.has('foo'), false, 'URLSearchParams.has(foo)');
    is(u.get('foo'), '', 'URLSearchParams.get(foo)');
    is(u.getAll('foo').length, 0, 'URLSearchParams.getAll(foo)');

    u.append('foo', 'bar');
    is(u.has('foo'), true, 'URLSearchParams.has(foo)');
    is(u.get('foo'), 'bar', 'URLSearchParams.get(foo)');
    is(u.getAll('foo').length, 1, 'URLSearchParams.getAll(foo)');

    u.set('foo', 'bar2');
    is(u.get('foo'), 'bar2', 'URLSearchParams.get(foo)');
    is(u.getAll('foo').length, 1, 'URLSearchParams.getAll(foo)');

    is(u + "", "foo=bar2", "stringifier");



  function testCopyURLSearchParams() {
    var u = new URLSearchParams();
    ok(u, "URLSearchParams created");
    u.append('foo', 'bar');

    var uu = new URLSearchParams(u);
    is(uu.get('foo'), 'bar', 'uu.get()');

    u.append('foo', 'bar2');
    is(u.getAll('foo').length, 2, "u.getAll()");
    is(uu.getAll('foo').length, 1, "uu.getAll()");


  function testParserURLSearchParams() {
    var checks = [
      { input: '', data: {} },
      { input: 'a', data: { 'a' : [''] } },
      { input: 'a=b', data: { 'a' : ['b'] } },
      { input: 'a=', data: { 'a' : [''] } },
      { input: '=b', data: { '' : ['b'] } },
      { input: '&', data: {} },
      { input: '&a', data: { 'a' : [''] } },
      { input: 'a&', data: { 'a' : [''] } },
      { input: 'a&a', data: { 'a' : ['', ''] } },
      { input: 'a&b&c', data: { 'a' : [''], 'b' : [''], 'c' : [''] } },
      { input: 'a=b&c=d', data: { 'a' : ['b'], 'c' : ['d'] } },
      { input: 'a=b&c=d&', data: { 'a' : ['b'], 'c' : ['d'] } },
      { input: '&&&a=b&&&&c=d&', data: { 'a' : ['b'], 'c' : ['d'] } },
      { input: 'a=a&a=b&a=c', data: { 'a' : ['a', 'b', 'c'] } },
      { input: 'a==a', data: { 'a' : ['=a'] } },
      { input: 'a=a+b+c+d', data: { 'a' : ['a b c d'] } },
      { input: '%=a', data: { '%' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%a=a', data: { '%a' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%a_=a', data: { '%a_' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%61=a', data: { 'a' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%=a', data: { '%' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%a=a', data: { '%a' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%a_=a', data: { '%a_' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%61=a', data: { 'a' : ['a'] } },
      { input: '%61+%4d%4D=', data: { 'a MM' : [''] } },

    for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; ++i) {
      var u = new URLSearchParams(checks[i].input);

      var count = 0;
      for (var key in checks[i].data) {
        ok(u.has(key), "key " + key + " found");

        var all = u.getAll(key);
        is(all.length, checks[i].data[key].length, "same number of elements");

        for (var k = 0; k < all.length; ++k) {
          is(all[k], checks[i].data[key][k], "value matches");


  function testURL() {
    var url = new URL('http://www.example.net?a=b&c=d');
    ok(url.searchParams, "URL searchParams exists!");
    ok(url.searchParams.has('a'), "URL.searchParams.has('a')");
    is(url.searchParams.get('a'), 'b', "URL.searchParams.get('a')");
    ok(url.searchParams.has('c'), "URL.searchParams.has('c')");
    is(url.searchParams.get('c'), 'd', "URL.searchParams.get('c')");

    url.searchParams.set('e', 'f');
    ok(url.href.indexOf('e=f') != 1, 'URL right');

    var u = new URLSearchParams();
    u.append('foo', 'bar');
    url.searchParams = u;
    is(url.searchParams, u, "URL.searchParams is the same object");
    is(url.searchParams.get('foo'), 'bar', "URL.searchParams.get('foo')");
    is(url.href, 'http://www.example.net/?foo=bar', 'URL right');

    try {
      url.searchParams = null;
      ok(false, "URLSearchParams is not nullable");
    } catch(e) {
      ok(true, "URLSearchParams is not nullable");

    var url2 = new URL('http://www.example.net?e=f');
    url.searchParams = url2.searchParams;
    is(url.searchParams, url2.searchParams, "URL.searchParams is not the same object");
    is(url.searchParams.get('e'), 'f', "URL.searchParams.get('e')");

    url.href = "http://www.example.net?bar=foo";
    is(url.searchParams.get('bar'), 'foo', "URL.searchParams.get('bar')");


  function testElement(e) {
    ok(e, 'element exists');
    ok(e.searchParams, "e.searchParams exists!");
    ok(e.searchParams.has('a'), "e.searchParams.has('a')");
    is(e.searchParams.get('a'), 'b', "e.searchParams.get('a')");
    ok(e.searchParams.has('c'), "e.searchParams.has('c')");
    is(e.searchParams.get('c'), 'd', "e.searchParams.get('c')");

    e.searchParams.set('e', 'f');
    ok(e.href.indexOf('e=f') != 1, 'e is right');

    var u = new URLSearchParams();
    u.append('foo', 'bar');
    e.searchParams = u;
    is(e.searchParams, u, "e.searchParams is the same object");
    is(e.searchParams.get('foo'), 'bar', "e.searchParams.get('foo')");
    is(e.href, 'http://www.example.net/?foo=bar', 'e is right');

    try {
      e.searchParams = null;
      ok(false, "URLSearchParams is not nullable");
    } catch(e) {
      ok(true, "URLSearchParams is not nullable");

    var url2 = new URL('http://www.example.net?e=f');
    e.searchParams = url2.searchParams;
    is(e.searchParams, url2.searchParams, "e.searchParams is not the same object");
    is(e.searchParams.get('e'), 'f', "e.searchParams.get('e')");

    e.href = "http://www.example.net?bar=foo";
    is(e.searchParams.get('bar'), 'foo', "e.searchParams.get('bar')");

    e.setAttribute('href', "http://www.example.net?bar2=foo2");
    is(e.searchParams.get('bar2'), 'foo2', "e.searchParams.get('bar2')");


  function testEncoding() {
    var encoding = [ [ '1', '1' ],
                     [ 'a b', 'a+b' ],
                     [ '<>', '%3C%3E' ],
                     [ '\u0541', '%D5%81'] ];

    for (var i = 0; i < encoding.length; ++i) {
      var a = new URLSearchParams();
      a.set('a', encoding[i][0]);

      var url = new URL('http://www.example.net');
      url.searchParams = a;
      is(url.href, 'http://www.example.net/?a=' + encoding[i][1]);

      var url2 = new URL(url.href);
      is(url2.searchParams.get('a'), encoding[i][0], 'a is still there');


  function testMultiURL() {
    var a = new URL('http://www.example.net?a=b&c=d');
    var b = new URL('http://www.example.net?e=f');
    var c = document.createElement('a');
    var d = document.createElement('area');
    ok(a.searchParams.has('a'), "a.searchParams.has('a')");
    ok(a.searchParams.has('c'), "a.searchParams.has('c')");
    ok(b.searchParams.has('e'), "b.searchParams.has('e')");
    ok(c.searchParams, "c.searchParams");
    ok(d.searchParams, "d.searchParams");

    var u = new URLSearchParams();
    a.searchParams = b.searchParams = c.searchParams = d.searchParams = u;
    is(a.searchParams, u, "a.searchParams === u");
    is(b.searchParams, u, "b.searchParams === u");
    is(c.searchParams, u, "c.searchParams === u");
    is(d.searchParams, u, "d.searchParams === u");
    ok(!a.searchParams.has('a'), "!a.searchParams.has('a')");
    ok(!a.searchParams.has('c'), "!a.searchParams.has('c')");
    ok(!b.searchParams.has('e'), "!b.searchParams.has('e')");

    u.append('foo', 'bar');
    is(a.searchParams.get('foo'), 'bar', "a has foo=bar");
    is(b.searchParams.get('foo'), 'bar', "b has foo=bar");
    is(c.searchParams.get('foo'), 'bar', "c has foo=bar");
    is(d.searchParams.get('foo'), 'bar', "d has foo=bar");
    is(a + "", b + "", "stringify a == b");
    is(c.searchParams + "", b.searchParams + "", "stringify c.searchParams == b.searchParams");
    is(d.searchParams + "", b.searchParams + "", "stringify d.searchParams == b.searchParams");

    a.search = "?bar=foo";
    is(a.searchParams.get('bar'), 'foo', "a has bar=foo");
    is(b.searchParams.get('bar'), 'foo', "b has bar=foo");
    is(c.searchParams.get('bar'), 'foo', "c has bar=foo");
    is(d.searchParams.get('bar'), 'foo', "d has bar=foo");


  var tests = [
    function() { testElement(document.getElementById('anchor')) },
    function() { testElement(document.getElementById('area')) },

  function runTest() {
    if (!tests.length) {

    var test = tests.shift();


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