# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root # for full license information. # ============================================================================== """ Core numerical constructs. * :class:`NDArrayView` * :class:`Value` """ import warnings import numbers import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from . import cntk_py from .device import use_default_device, cpu, DeviceKind from cntk.internal import typemap from cntk.internal.sanitize import sanitize_batch,\ _sparse_to_dense_network_cache,\ data_type_to_dtype def _is_c_contiguous(data): while isinstance(data, list): data = data[0] return data.flags.c_contiguous class NDArrayView(cntk_py.NDArrayView): ''' Creates an empty dense internal data representation of a :class:`~cntk.core.Value` object. To create an NDArrayView from a NumPy array, use :meth:`from_dense`. To create an NDArrayView from a sparse array, use :meth:`from_csr`. Args: shape (tuple): shape of the data data_type (np.float32, np.float64, np.float16): data type of the data device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): device this value should be put on ''' def __init__(self, shape, data_type, device=None): from cntk.internal import sanitize_shape, sanitize_dtype_cntk shape = sanitize_shape(shape) data_type = sanitize_dtype_cntk(data_type) if device is None: device = use_default_device() super(NDArrayView, self).__init__(data_type, cntk_py.StorageFormat_Dense, shape, device) @staticmethod @typemap def from_dense(np_array, device=None, read_only=False, borrow=False): ''' Create an :class:`NDArrayView` instance from a NumPy array. Args: np_array (numpy.ndarray): NumPy array device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): device this value should be put on borrow (bool, default False): whether nd_array memory can be borrowed internally to speed up the data creation read_only (bool, optional): whether the data can be modified or not (default False) Returns: :class:`NDArrayView` instance ''' if not isinstance(np_array, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('data must be of type numpy.ndarray' ' and not %s' % type(np_array)) if not _is_c_contiguous(np_array): warnings.warn('data is not C contiguous; rearrange your ' 'data/computation to avoid costly data conversions', RuntimeWarning) np_array = np.ascontiguousarray(np_array) # You can not borrow a temporary array. borrow = False if device is None: device = use_default_device() return cntk_py.NDArrayView(np_array, device, read_only, borrow) @staticmethod @typemap def from_csr(csr_array, device=None, read_only=False, borrow=False, shape=None): ''' Create an :class:`NDArrayView` instance from a SciPy sparse array in CSR format. Args: csr_array (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): SciPy sparse matrix in CSR format device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): device this value should be put on read_only (bool, optional): whether the data can be modified or not (default False) borrow (bool, default False): whether nd_array memory can be borrowed internally to speed up the data creation shape (tuple, default None): shape of the created NDArrayView. If unspecified, the created NDArrayView has the same shape as the csr_matrix. Otherwise, an NDArrayView object of specified shape is created using csr_data. The total size and number of rows of csr_data must match specified NDArrayView shape. Returns: :class:`NDArrayView` instance ''' if not sparse.isspmatrix_csr(csr_array): raise TypeError("only CSR is supported as of now. Please " "convert your data using 'tocsr()'") if shape is None: shape = csr_array.shape if device is None: device = use_default_device() if shape[-1] != csr_array.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('csr_matrix row size (%d) does not match the least ' 'significant axis dimension (%d) of the NDArrayView shape' % (csr_array.shape[-1], shape[-1])) import functools import operator csr_array_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, csr_array.shape) ndarrayview_size = functools.reduce(operator.mul, shape) if csr_array_size != ndarrayview_size: raise ValueError('csr_matrix total size (%d) does not match the total size ' '(%d) of the NDArrayView shape' % (csr_array_size, ndarrayview_size)) return cntk_py.NDArrayView(shape, csr_array.data, csr_array.indptr, csr_array.indices, device, read_only, borrow) @staticmethod @typemap def from_data(data, device=None, read_only=False, borrow=False): ''' Create an :class:`NDArrayView` instance from a NumPy or SciPy sparse array in CSR format. Args: data (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): data device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): device this value should be put on read_only (bool, optional): whether the data can be modified or not (default False) borrow (bool, default False): whether nd_array memory can be borrowed internally to speed up the data creation Returns: :class:`NDArrayView` instance ''' if isinstance(data, cntk_py.NDArrayView): return data if isinstance(data, np.number): data = np.asarray(data) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): ndav = NDArrayView.from_dense(data, device, borrow=borrow) elif sparse.issparse(data): ndav = NDArrayView.from_csr(data, device, borrow=borrow) else: raise TypeError('data type "%s" is not supported. Please ' 'provide the data as a Python list of NumPy ' 'arrays or Scipy CSR matrices.' % type(data)) return ndav @property def shape(self): ''' The shape of this instance. ''' return super(NDArrayView, self).shape().dimensions() @typemap def slice_view(self, start_offset, extent, read_only=True): ''' Returns a sliced view of the instance. Example: >>> # Creating an array of shape (1, 1, 2, 3) >>> np_array = np.asarray([[[[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]]]], \ dtype=np.float32) >>> nd = NDArrayView.from_dense(np_array) >>> sliced = nd.slice_view([0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 3]) >>> np_sliced = sliced.asarray() >>> # Result is an array of shape (2, 3) >>> print(np_sliced) [[ 10. 20. 30.] [ 40. 50. 60.]] Args: start_offset (tuple or list): shape of the same rank as this Value instance that denotes the start of the slicing extent (tuple or list): shape of the right-aligned extent to keep read_only (bool): whether the returned slice is read only or not ''' return super(NDArrayView, self).slice_view( list(reversed(start_offset)), list(reversed(extent)), read_only) @property @typemap def device(self): ''' Retrieves the :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor` instance. ''' return super(NDArrayView, self).device() @property def is_sparse(self): ''' Whether the data is sparse or dense ''' return super(NDArrayView, self).is_sparse() @property def is_read_only(self): ''' Whether the data is read-only ''' return super(NDArrayView, self).is_read_only() @property def dtype(self): ''' NumPy data type of the instance ''' return data_type_to_dtype(self.get_data_type()) class Value(cntk_py.Value): ''' Internal representation of minibatch data. Args: batch: batch input for `var`. It can be: * a pure Python structure (list of lists, ...), * a list of NumPy arrays or SciPy sparse CSR matrices * a :class:`~cntk.core.Value` object (e.g. returned by :func:`one_hot`) seq_starts (list of `bool`\ s or None): if None, every sequence is treated as a new sequence. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a list of Booleans that tell whether a sequence is a new sequence (`True`) or a continuation of the sequence in the same slot of the previous minibatch (`False`) device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`): device this value should be put on ''' def __init__(self, batch, seq_starts=None, device=None): if device is None: device = use_default_device() if isinstance(batch, np.ndarray): ndav = NDArrayView.from_dense(batch, device) elif isinstance(batch, sparse.csr_matrix): ndav = NDArrayView.from_csr(batch, device) else: ndav = batch if seq_starts: super(Value, self).__init__(ndav, seq_starts) else: super(Value, self).__init__(ndav) def as_sequences(self, variable=None): ''' Convert a Value to a sequence of NumPy arrays that have their masked entries removed. Returns: If variable contains more dynamic axes than the batch axis, a list of NumPy arrays (if dense) or a SciPy CSR array (if sparse) will be returned. Otherwise, the arrays will be returned directly. ''' if self.is_sparse: if variable is None: raise ValueError('cannot convert sparse value to sequences ' 'without the corresponding variable') network = _sparse_to_dense_network_cache(variable.shape, True, self.device) warnings.warn('converting Value object to CSR format might be slow') # TODO: Add direct conversion, since creating an intermediate array might be slow dense_data = network.eval(self, device=self.device) return [sparse.csr_matrix(seq) for seq in dense_data] else: # Checking for mask without retrieving has_mask = super(Value, self).mask() is not None if has_mask: if variable is None: mask = self.mask return [seq[mask[idx] != cntk_py.MaskKind_Invalid] for idx, seq in enumerate(self.data.asarray())] else: value_sequences = self.unpack_variable_value(variable, True, cpu()) return [seq.asarray() for seq in value_sequences[0]] else: # This might be costly, but we need to return a list for # consistency. arr = self.asarray() if not arr.shape: return [arr] else: return list(arr) @staticmethod def _as_best_data_type(var, sample): convert_to_var_dtype = False if isinstance(sample, list): try: sample = asarray(sample, dtype=var.dtype) except ValueError: s = sample while isinstance(s, list) and len(s) > 0: s = s[0] if sparse.issparse(s): raise ValueError('if you provide sparse data, every ' 'sequence must be encoded as one ' 'csr_matrix instance. Your sequence ' 'was: \'%s\'' % str(sample)) else: raise if sample.dtype != var.dtype: raise ValueError('could not convert sample data to ' 'NumPy array') elif sample.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64, np.float16): if sample.dtype != var.dtype: convert_to_var_dtype = True elif np.issubdtype(sample.dtype, int): convert_to_var_dtype = True else: raise ValueError('only integer, float32, float64 and float16 are ' 'supported, you gave %s' % sample.dtype) if convert_to_var_dtype: warnings.warn('your data is of type "%s", but your input ' 'variable (uid "%s") expects "%s". Please convert ' 'your data beforehand to speed up training.' % (sample.dtype, var.uid, str(var.dtype))) sample = sample.astype(var.dtype) return sample @staticmethod @typemap def create(var, data, seq_starts=None, device=None, read_only=False): ''' Creates a :class:`~cntk.core.Value` object. Args: var (:class:`~cntk.variables.Variable`): variable into which ``data`` is passed data: data for `var`. It can be: * a single NumPy array denoting the full minibatch * a list of NumPy arrays or SciPy sparse CSR matrices * a single NumPy array denoting one parameter or constant seq_starts (list of `bool`\ s or None): if None, every sequence is treated as a new sequence. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a list of Booleans that tell whether a sequence is a new sequence (`True`) or a continuation of the sequence in the same slot of the previous minibatch (`False`) device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`, default None): device this value should be put on read_only (bool, default False): whether the data is read only Returns: :class:`~cntk.core.Value` object. ''' if not isinstance(var, cntk_py.Variable): raise TypeError('Variable expected, but got "%s"' % type(var)) if not var.dynamic_axes: # No dynamic axes -> we can pass everything in one go data = Value._as_best_data_type(var, data) # Since the core API's Value does not copy single NDArrayViews, # we cannot borrow the memory here. ndav = NDArrayView.from_data(data, device=device, borrow=False) return cntk_py.Value(ndav) elif len(var.dynamic_axes) <= 1 and isinstance(data, list) and len(data) > 1: warnings.warn('you provided the minibatch data as a list, but ' 'your corresponding input variable (uid "%s") has ' 'only one dynamic axis (batch axis). To speed up ' 'graph execution, please convert the data ' 'beforehand into one NumPy array to speed up ' 'training.' % var.uid) if isinstance(data, cntk_py.NDArrayView): return cntk_py.Value(data) if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): # The outermost axis has to be Python list. If the user passes a # full minibatch as one NumPy array, we have to convert it. if data.dtype == object: raise ValueError('dtype object is not supported. If this is a ' 'batch of sequences, you need to pass them as a ' 'pure-Python list of NumPy arrays') if seq_starts: data = list(np.atleast_1d(data)) else: data = Value._as_best_data_type(var, data) ndav = NDArrayView.from_data(data, device) return cntk_py.Value(ndav) if isinstance(data, sparse.csr_matrix): if seq_starts: raise ValueError('seq_starts are not supported with data specified as a single ' 'SciPy sparse CSR matrix. Please provide a list instead') else: data = Value._as_best_data_type(var, data) ndav = NDArrayView.from_data(data, device) return cntk_py.Value(ndav) if not isinstance(data, list): raise ValueError('batch must be a list of NumPy arrays or ' 'SciPy CSR matrices') # NDArrayViews are all created on CPU. The Value object later then will # move it to the requested device. # As Value will later create copies anyways, we do not create copies in # NDArrayView itself. Because of that, we need to keep around the # instances _as_best_data_type() until we have passed them to # Value_create() where it will be copied further. data = [Value._as_best_data_type(var, sample) for sample in data] device = device or use_default_device() borrow = device.type() == DeviceKind.CPU list_of_ndavs = [NDArrayView.from_data(sample, device=cpu(), borrow=borrow) for sample in data] from cntk.internal import sanitize_shape value = cntk_py.Value_create( sanitize_shape(var.shape), list_of_ndavs, seq_starts or [], device, read_only, True) # always create a copy in Value return value ONE_HOT_SKIP = cntk_py.Value.one_hot_skip @staticmethod @typemap def one_hot(batch, num_classes, dtype=None, device=None): ''' Converts ``batch`` into a :class:`~cntk.core.Value` object of ``dtype`` such that the integer data in ``batch`` is interpreted as the indices representing one-hot vectors. Use Value.ONE_HOT_SKIP for a zero vector Example: >>> num_classes = 6 >>> sparse_indices = [[1,C.Value.ONE_HOT_SKIP,5],[4]] >>> i0 = C.sequence.input_variable(shape=num_classes, is_sparse=True) >>> z = C.times(i0, np.eye(num_classes)) >>> value = C.Value.one_hot(sparse_indices, num_classes) >>> z.eval({i0: value}) [array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float32), array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.]], dtype=float32)] >>> num_classes = 6 >>> sample_shape = (2, num_classes) >>> sparse_indices = [[1,5,3,2],[4,1]] >>> i0 = C.sequence.input_variable(shape=sample_shape, is_sparse=True) >>> z = C.times(i0, np.eye(num_classes)) >>> value = C.Value.one_hot(sparse_indices, sample_shape) >>> z.eval({i0: value}) [array([[[ 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]], [[ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]]], dtype=float32), array([[[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]], dtype=float32)] >>> # this example has no sequence axis: >>> num_classes = 6 >>> sample_shape = (num_classes,) >>> sparse_indices = [1,5,3,2] >>> i0 = C.input_variable(shape=sample_shape, is_sparse=True) >>> z = C.times(i0, np.eye(num_classes)) >>> value = C.Value.one_hot(sparse_indices, sample_shape) >>> z.eval({i0: value}) array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32) Args: batch (list of lists of integers): batch input data of indices sample_shape (int or tuple): number of classes or shape of each sample whose trailing axis is one_hot dtype (`np.float32`, `np.float64`, `np.float16`, default None): data type device (:class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor`, default None): device this value should be put on Returns: ``batch`` converted into a :class:`~Value` object that can be passed to the forward or eval function. ''' if device is None: device = use_default_device() if isinstance(num_classes, numbers.Integral): sample_shape = (num_classes,) else: sample_shape = num_classes if isinstance(batch, np.ndarray): batch = batch.tolist() elif not isinstance(batch, list): # TODO: allow general iterables raise ValueError('input must be a list') remove_sequence_axis = False if isinstance(batch, list) and isinstance(batch[0], np.ndarray): batch = [b.tolist() for b in batch] elif isinstance(batch, list) and isinstance(batch[0], (int, float)): remove_sequence_axis = True # has no sequence axis batch = [[b] for b in batch] try: elem = batch[0][0] except: raise ValueError('input must be a list of list of integers') if not isinstance(elem, numbers.Integral): data_type = type(elem) raise ValueError('supplied data to one_hot() must be of type integer' ' and not "%s" since it is index data.' % data_type) if dtype in [np.float32, None]: value = cntk_py.Value.create_one_hot_float( sample_shape, batch, device, False) elif dtype == np.float64: value = cntk_py.Value.create_one_hot_double( sample_shape, batch, device, False) elif dtype == np.float16: value = cntk_py.Value.create_one_hot_float16( sample_shape, batch, device, False) if remove_sequence_axis: # added an axis that we should strip again now shape = (len(batch),) + sample_shape data = value.data().as_shape(shape) value = Value(data) return value @property def shape(self): ''' The rectangular shape of this value. I.e., if this value has sequences of varying lengths, the shape will have the max sequence length in the sequence dimension. ''' return super(Value, self).shape().dimensions() @property def mask(self): ''' The mask matrix of this value. Each row denotes a sequence with its elements describing the mask of the element: * 2: beginning of sequence (e.g. an LSTM would be reset) * 1: valid element * 0: invalid element Example: A mask of ``[[2, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]]`` describes a batch of two sequences. The first has three elements, of which the first element (2) signals the beginning of a sequence. The second sequence has two elements (last element marked 'invalid' by '0'). As it starts with (1), it is a continuation of the 2nd sequence in the previous minibatch. ''' return super(Value, self).mask().asarray() @property @typemap def data(self): ''' Retrieves the underlying :class:`NDArrayView` instance. ''' return super(Value, self).data() def __len__(self): ''' Number of samples in this value object. ''' return self.shape[0] @property @typemap def device(self): ''' Retrieves the :class:`~cntk.device.DeviceDescriptor` instance. ''' return super(Value, self).device() @property def is_sparse(self): ''' Whether the data is sparse or dense ''' return super(Value, self).is_sparse() @property def is_read_only(self): ''' Whether the data is read-only ''' return super(Value, self).is_read_only() @property def is_valid(self): ''' Whether the value is valid or has been invalidated by another forward and/or backward pass ''' return super(Value, self).is_valid() @property def dtype(self): ''' NumPy data type of the instance ''' return data_type_to_dtype(self.get_data_type()) def user_function(user_func): ''' Wraps the passed Function to create a composite representing the composite Function graph rooted at the passed root Function. ''' from . import as_composite return as_composite(user_func) def asarray(value, dtype=None): ''' Converts a Value object to a sequence of NumPy arrays (if dense) or CSR arrays (if sparse). ''' if hasattr(value, 'asarray'): value = value.asarray() else: orig_type = type(value) value = np.asarray(value) if value.dtype == object: raise ValueError('could not convert instance of type %s to ' 'an array'%orig_type) if dtype is not None: return value.astype(dtype) def asvalue(variable, data_array): ''' Converts a sequence of NumPy arrays or CSR arrays to a Value object. ''' return sanitize_batch(variable, data_array)