\name{ceil} \alias{ceil} \alias{fix} \title{Integer Functions (Matlab Style)} \description{ Functions for rounding and truncating numeric values towards near integer values. } \usage{ ceil(n) fix(n) } \arguments{ \item{n}{a numeric vector or matrix} } \details{ \code{ceil()} is an alias for \code{ceiling()} and rounds to the smallest integer equal to or above \code{n}. \code{fix()} truncates values towards 0 and is an alias for \code{trunc()}. The corresponding functions \code{floor()} (rounding to the largest interger equal to or smaller than \code{n}) and \code{round()} (rounding to the specified number of digits after the decimal point, default being 0) are already part of R base. } \value{ integer values } \examples{ x <- c(-1.2, -0.8, 0, 0.5, 1.1, 2.9) ceil(x) fix(x) } \keyword{ arith }