# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license using Base.Test ix86 = r"i[356]86" if Sys.ARCH === :x86_64 || ismatch(ix86, string(Sys.ARCH)) function linear_foo() x = 4 y = 5 end rgx = r"%" buf = IOBuffer() output="" #test that the string output is at&t syntax by checking for occurrences of '%'s code_native(buf,linear_foo,(),:att) output=String(take!(buf)) @test ismatch(rgx,output) #test that the code output is intel syntax by checking it has no occurrences of '%' code_native(buf,linear_foo,(),:intel) output=String(take!(buf)) @test !(ismatch(rgx,output)) code_native(buf,linear_foo,()) output=String(take!(buf)) @test ismatch(rgx, output) end