Raw File
\title{Name for Unit of Length}
  Inspect or change the name of the unit of length
  in a spatial dataset.
unitname(x) <- value
\method{unitname}{ppp}(x) <- value
\method{unitname}{psp}(x) <- value
\method{unitname}{owin}(x) <- value
\method{unitname}{im}(x) <- value
  \item{x}{A spatial dataset.
    Either a point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}),
    a line segment pattern (object of class \code{"psp"}),
    a window (object of class \code{"owin"}) or
    a pixel image (object of class \code{"im"}).
    Name of the unit of length. See Details.
  Spatial datasets in the \pkg{spatstat} package
  may include the name of the unit of length. This name is used
  when printing or plotting the dataset, and in some other

  \code{unitname(x)} extracts this name,
  and \code{unitname(x) <- value} sets the name to \code{value}.

  A valid name is either
    \item a single character string
    \item a vector of two character strings giving the
    singular and plural forms of the unit name
    \item a list of length 3, containing two character strings
    giving the singular and plural forms of the basic unit,
    and a number specifying the multiple of this unit.
  The return value of \code{unitname} is an object of class \code{"units"}
  containing the name of the unit of length in \code{x}. There are
  methods for \code{print} and \code{summary}.
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner

  X <- runifpoint(20)

  # if the unit of length is 1 metre:
  unitname(X) <- c("metre", "metres")

  # if the unit of length is 6 inches:
  unitname(X) <- list("inch", "inches", 6)

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