/* Authors Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de simulation of max-stable random fields Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2014 Martin Schlather, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "RF.h" #include "Covariance.h" #define POISSON_INTENSITY 0 #define RANDOMCOIN_INTENSITY (COMMON_GAUSS + 1) #define PGS_VOXEL 0 #define PGS_CORNER 1 #define PGS_SIDES PGS_CORNER + 1 #define PGS_2D_SIDE1 PGS_SIDES #define PGS_2D_SIDE2 PGS_SIDES + 1 #define PGS_3D_SIDE1 PGS_SIDES #define PGS_3D_SIDE2 PGS_SIDES + 1 #define PGS_3D_SIDE3 PGS_SIDES + 2 #define PGS_3D_EDGE1 PGS_SIDES + 3 #define PGS_3D_EDGE2 PGS_SIDES + 4 #define PGS_3D_EDGE3 PGS_SIDES + 5 int addUnifModel(cov_model VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED *cov, double radius, cov_model **newmodel) { addModel(newmodel, UNIF); kdefault(*newmodel, UNIF_MIN, -radius); kdefault(*newmodel, UNIF_MAX, radius); return NOERROR; } void pts_given_shape(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; NONSTATCOV(x, cov->q, shape, v); //printf("x = %f %f %v\n", *x, cov->q[0], *v); } void logpts_given_shape(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; LOGNONSTATCOV(x, cov->q, shape, v, sign); // printf("x = %f %f log=%f\n", *x, cov->q[0], *v, *sign); } int check_pts_given_shape(cov_model *cov) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; location_type *loc = Loc(cov); int err, role, dim = cov->tsdim; if (loc->Time) SERR("Time component not allowed yet"); // todo kdefault(cov, PGS_RATIO, GLOBAL.extreme.density_ratio); kdefault(cov, PGS_FLAT, GLOBAL.extreme.flat); kdefault(cov, PGS_INFTY_SMALL, !PINT(PGS_FLAT)); kdefault(cov, PGS_NORMED, true); kdefault(cov, PGS_ISOTROPIC, true); //PMI(cov, "checking"); if ((err = checkkappas(cov)) != NOERROR) return err; if (cov->q == NULL) { // zwingend CALLOC ! if ((cov->q = (double*) CALLOC(sizeof(double), dim)) == NULL) return ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; cov->qlen = dim; } if (cov->xdimprev != cov->xdimown || cov->xdimprev != cov->tsdim) return ERRORDIM; if (cov->role == ROLE_GAUSS) { role = isShape(shape) ? cov->role //Marco, 29.5.13 : isGaussProcess(shape) ? ROLE_GAUSS : shape->nr == BINARYPROC ? ROLE_GAUSS : ROLE_UNDEFINED; ASSERT_ROLE_DEFINED(shape); } else if (hasPoissonRole(cov)) { role = ROLE_POISSON; } else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov)) { role = ROLE_MAXSTABLE; } else ILLEGAL_ROLE; // printf("here %d\n"); // isotropy is the property -- user should not define unisotropic functions! // so !isotropic only for special, internal definitions, e.g. // strokorbPoly // int err2 = NOERROR; // if (P0INT(PGS_ISOTROPIC)) // err2 = CHECK(shape, dim, dim, ShapeType, XONLY, ISOTROPIC, // SCALAR, role); // printf("here2\n"); // PMI(shape); // but it must be treated in any case as if it was non-isotropic if ((err = CHECK(shape, dim, dim, ShapeType, XONLY, CARTESIAN_COORD, SCALAR, role)) != NOERROR) { if (P0INT(PGS_ISOTROPIC)) BUG; XERR(err); return err; } // if (err2 != NOERROR) SERR("isotropic shape function expected."); setbackward(cov, shape); //if (!shape->deterministic) return ERRORNOTPROGRAMMED; // Dichte muss nicht normiert sein und stattdessen durch das mittlere Volumen dividiert werden. if (pts != NULL) { //printf("pts %s %s\n", CovList[pts->nr + 1].nick, CovList[pts->nr + 1].name); //PMI(pts); // assert(dim == 2); print("x"); // printf("dim=%d\n", dim); // APMI(pts); if ((err = CHECK_R(pts, dim)) != NOERROR) return err; } // printf("done\n"); return NOERROR; } int struct_pts_given_shape(cov_model *cov, cov_model **newmodel){ cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; // location_type *loc = Loc(cov); int err = NOERROR; if (newmodel != NULL) BUG; if (cov->Spgs != NULL) PGS_DELETE(&(cov->Spgs)); if (shape->role != ROLE_POISSON && shape->role != ROLE_MAXSTABLE) ILLEGAL_ROLE; if (cov->sub[PGS_LOC] == NULL) { // COV_DELETE(cov->sub + PGS_LOC); // assert(cov->sub[PGS_LOC] == NULL); if ((err = STRUCT(shape, cov->sub + PGS_LOC)) != NOERROR) return err; if (cov->sub[PGS_LOC] == NULL) SERR1("no intensity found for '%s'", NICK(shape)); assert(cov->sub[PGS_LOC]->calling != NULL); // printf("here %s\n", NICK(cov->sub[PGS_LOC])); //if ((err = CHECK_R(cov->sub[PGS_LOC], cov->tsdim)) != NOERROR) return err; } return NOERROR; } int calculate_mass_gauss(cov_model *cov) { /* erste Idee bei Gitter --- diese ist aber viel zu kompliziert, insbesondere beim Auswerten der Dichtefunktion bei der Simulation: jeweils von der Seite wird mit konstanter, groesserer Schrittweite (newstep) ins zentrum gegangen. Das Verfahren waere schoen wenn nicht in der mitte etwas Chaos gegeben wuerde, sofern die Schrittweite nicht aufgeht (!addingup[d]): (a) die Massen um die Punkte am naechsten zum Zentrum ueberlappen sich sehr (oldmass > reference) dann weiss nicht so richtig was ich tun soll; hier wird einfach alles so gelassen wie es ist (b) die Massen ueberlappen sich nicht genug. Dann werden zusaetzliche Punkte aufgenommen (und zwar fuer alle 2^d bzw. 2^d -1 Moeglichkeiten einzeln, ob die Punkte dem Zentrum am naechsten in einer Richtung sind (fixed[d]=true) oder nicht. Zweite Idee (ab V.2.1.31): die Dichten werden auf einem "beliebigen" Gitter (pgs->xgr) definiert. Dies vereinfacht die Berechnung der Dichten. Ob dieses Gitter auf den zu simulierenden Punkten liegen muss oder nicht sei dahingestellt (auch wenn Felix' Resultate zeigen, dass dies aus theoretischen Gruenden so sein muss). Was letztendlich die kleinste reale Rechenzeit verursacht ist nicht klar. Auch sind die Gewichte voellig unklar. Insbesondere wo/wieviele Nullen auftreten und die Schwere der Randeffekte bei ueberall konstantem Gewicht. Um hier den ersten Algorithmus einfach zu halten werden konstante Gewichte genommen und (dafuer das Gebiet eher etwas groesser gemacht) TODO! */ pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; location_type *loc = Loc(cov); cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; double zx, zy, // *single = pgs->single, // out // *total = pgs->total, // out **xgr = pgs->xgr, // out *v = pgs->v, // dummy *x = pgs->x, // dummy *y = pgs->y; // dummy int d, dim = cov->tsdim; if (loc->grid) { // int size = pgs->size; COV(ZERO, shape, v); v[0] *= intpow(0.5, dim); NONSTATINVERSE_D(v, shape, x, y); if (ISNAN(x[0]) || x[0] > y[0]) SERR1("inverse function of '%s' unknown", NICK(shape)); // is the underlying point distribution uniform? Then // no safety division by sqrt(dim) seems to be necessary // todo // unif might be modified by $. So a check on the equality // of three values is done VTLG_D(ZERO, pts, v); VTLG_D(x, pts, &zx); VTLG_D(y, pts, &zy); //printf("> x=%f %f; %f %f %f\n", x[0], x[1], zx, zy, v[0]); for (d=0; d 0); } if (zx != v[0] || zy != v[0] || true) { for (d=0; d 1 pgs->totalmass = 1; for (d=0; dxgr[d][XLENGTH] > 1) { double range = loc->xgr[d][XSTEP] * (loc->xgr[d][XLENGTH] - 1.0); xgr[d][XLENGTH] = ceil(range / y[d] + 1.0); if (xgr[d][XLENGTH] >= loc->xgr[d][XLENGTH]) { BUG; memcpy(xgr[d], loc->xgr[d], 3 * sizeof(double)); } else { xgr[d][XSTART] = loc->xgr[d][XSTART] - 0.5 *((xgr[d][XLENGTH] - 1.0) * y[d] - range); xgr[d][XSTEP] = y[d]; } pgs->totalmass *= xgr[d][XLENGTH]; // printf("%d %f %f %f \n", d,xgr[d][XSTART], xgr[d][XSTEP], xgr[d][XLENGTH] ); assert(xgr[d][XSTEP] >= 0); } else { int i; assert(XSTART == 0 && XLENGTH == 2); for (i=XSTART; XLENGTH; i++) xgr[d][i] = loc->xgr[d][i]; } } //for (d=0; d<=1; d++) // printf("%d %f %f %f \n", d,xgr[d][XSTART], xgr[d][XSTEP], xgr[d][XLENGTH] ); assert(false); } else { // not grid pgs->totalmass = loc->totalpoints; } // PMI(cov, "ccccc"); // assert(false); return NOERROR; } int calculate_mass_maxstable(cov_model *cov) { pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; location_type *loc = Loc(cov); cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; double voxels, value_orig, *single = pgs->single, // out *total = pgs->total, // out *halfstepvector = pgs->halfstepvector, //out *x = pgs->x; // bool flat = false; int d, dim = cov->tsdim, flat =P0INT(PGS_FLAT); if (shape->role == ROLE_POISSON) { BUG; // to do : felix's paper; derzeit einfach wie max-stable // if (pts->nr != SERR("currently, only simple domain fields are allowed that are based on Poisson processes"); } // else { assert(dim <= MAXSIMUDIM); VTLG_D(ZERO, pts, &value_orig); // PMI(cov, "calculate max"); // printf("%s %d %d %f\n",NICK(cov), PGS_FLAT, P0INT(PGS_FLAT), value_orig );// APMI(cov); assert(false); // VOXEL for (d=0; dxgr[d][XSTEP]; if (flat == FLAT_UNDETERMINED) { // flat == im Kerngebiet wird konstant simuliert; ausserhalb dann // abfallend if (loc->grid) { double v; VTLG_D(halfstepvector, pts, &v); double threshold = value_orig == RF_INF//&& cov->p[PGS_RATIO][0] == 0.0 ? RF_INF : value_orig * P0(PGS_RATIO); pgs->flat = threshold < v && cov->deterministic; // sicherheitshalber //printf("thres %f %f %f\n", threshold, v, value_orig); } else { // not grid BUG; // long term project: to do pgs->flat = true; /* Bei letzterem und nicht Gitter wird dann wird eine maximale Kaestchengroesse bestimmt so dass gerade noch beruehrt wird und der Rest ausserhalb aller Kaestchen auf einen konstanten wert gesetzt, etwas niedriger als der hoechste Grenzwert. Was "hoch" bedeutet ist hier unklar. */ } } else pgs->flat = flat; if (pgs->flat) { if (P0INT(PGS_INFTY_SMALL)) { //PMI(cov); SERR2("'%s' and '%s' may not be positive at the same time", KNAME(PGS_FLAT), KNAME(PGS_INFTY_SMALL)); } single[PGS_VOXEL] = value_orig; for (d=0; dxgr[d][XLENGTH] - 1.0; total[PGS_VOXEL] = single[PGS_VOXEL] * voxels; // CORNER for (d=0; d= 2) { for (d=0; dflat) for (i=0; iflat) single[PGS_SIDES + d] *= loc->xgr[i][XSTEP]; nr *= loc->xgr[i][XLENGTH] - 1.0; } } // //PMI(cov); // printf(" single d=%d %d x=(%f %f %f) val=%f %d\n", d, PGS_SIDES + d, // x[0], x[1], x[2], single[PGS_SIDES + d], nr); assert(false); total[PGS_SIDES + d] = total[PGS_SIDES + d - 1] + nr * single[PGS_SIDES + d]; } if (dim == 3) { // Kanten for (d=0; dflat ? 0.0 : halfstepvector[d]; VTLG_P2SIDED(NULL, x, pts, single + PGS_SIDES + dim + d); if (pgs->flat) single[PGS_SIDES + dim + d] *= loc->xgr[d][XSTEP]; nr *= loc->xgr[d][XLENGTH] - 1.0; // printf(" single d=%d %d x=(%f %f %f) val=%f %d\n", d, PGS_SIDES + dim + d, x[0], x[1], x[2], single[PGS_SIDES + dim + d], nr); //assert(false); total[PGS_SIDES + dim + d] = total[PGS_SIDES + dim + d - 1] + nr * single[PGS_SIDES + dim + d]; } } else if (dim > 3) BUG; } // APMI(cov); pgs->totalmass = total[pgs->size - 1]; if (!R_FINITE(pgs->totalmass)) { // int i; for (i=0; isize; i++) printf("i=%d total=%f\n", i, total[i]); SERR("the total intensity mass is not finite"); } return NOERROR; } cov_model *prunecov(cov_model *newmodel, cov_model *cov) { //printf("names= %s %s\n", NICK(newmodel->calling), NICK(cov->calling)); cov_model **sub = NULL, *next = NULL, *calling = cov->calling; if (calling == newmodel->calling) { return newmodel; } if (calling == NULL) BUG; prunecov(newmodel, calling); if (calling->key == cov) sub = &(newmodel->key); else if (calling->sub[0] == cov) sub = newmodel->sub + 0; else if (calling->sub[1] == cov) sub = newmodel->sub + 1; else BUG; next = *sub; *sub = NULL; COV_DELETE(&newmodel); return next; } int complete_copy(cov_model **newmodel, cov_model *cov) { cov_model *prev = NULL, *start = cov; int err; while (start->calling != NULL) start = start->calling; if (start->typus != InterfaceType) BUG; // nur zur Sicherheit, derzeit; kann erweitert werden if (start == cov) BUG; prev = start->key != NULL ? start->key : start->sub[0]; if (prev->typus != ProcessType) BUG; if ((err = covcpy(newmodel, prev)) != NOERROR) return err; (*newmodel)->calling = cov; int role = prev->role ;// role_of_process(prev->nr); if ((err = CHECK(*newmodel, prev->tsdim, prev->xdimprev, prev->typus, prev->domprev, prev->isoprev, prev->vdim2, role)) != NOERROR) return err; if ((err = STRUCT(*newmodel, NULL)) != NOERROR) { return err; } if (!(*newmodel)->initialised) { if ((err = CHECK(*newmodel, prev->tsdim, prev->xdimprev, prev->typus, prev->domprev, prev->isoprev, prev->vdim2, role)) != NOERROR) return err; assert((*newmodel)->stor == NULL); (*newmodel)->stor = (storage *) MALLOC(sizeof(storage)); STORAGE_NULL((*newmodel)->stor); //APMI(*newmodel); if ((err = INIT(*newmodel, 0, (*newmodel)->stor)) != NOERROR) { //APMI(cov); // !!! ?? hier weitermachen return err; } } ///APMI(cov); (*newmodel)->calling = start; *newmodel = prunecov(*newmodel, cov); (*newmodel)->calling = NULL; return NOERROR; } int init_pts_given_shape(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; cov_fct *Cshape = CovList + shape->nr; location_type *loc = Loc(cov); int d, i, err = NOERROR, dim = shape->xdimprev; pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; bool grid = Loc(cov)->grid, pgsnull = pgs == NULL; //PMI(cov); assert(cov->sub[PGS_LOC] != NULL); assert(dim == cov->sub[PGS_LOC]->xdimprev); assert(dim == Loc(cov)->timespacedim); if (Cshape->inverse == ErrCov) SERR1("support of the model is unknown. Use '%s' to determine the support", CovList[TRUNCSUPPORT].nick); if (pgsnull) { if ((err = alloc_pgs(cov)) != NOERROR) return err; pgs = cov->Spgs; if ((pgs->v = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (pgs->y = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double))) == NULL ) return ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; pgs->zhou_c = 1.0; pgs->sum_zhou_c = pgs->sq_zhou_c = 0.0; pgs->n_zhou_c = 0; } // PMI(cov, "hi"); assert(pts == cov->sub[PGS_LOC]); // selbst wenn zufaelliger Shape: 1x laufen lassen, ob // Fehler auftauchen. Unter "Do" lassen sie sich nicht mehr // schoen abfangen. // printf("A moments=%d\n", cov->mpp.moments); // APMI(cov); if ((err = INIT(shape, cov->mpp.moments, S)) != NOERROR) return err; //gatter? // APMI(shape); assert(cov->mpp.moments >= 1); assert(shape->mpp.moments >= 1); // printf("AB moments=%d\n", cov->mpp.moments); //APMI(pts->calling); if ((err = INIT(pts, 0, S)) != NOERROR) { // , 0, S statt ,1,S return err; } // printf("AC moments=%d\n", cov->mpp.moments); if (!grid) { // todo SERR("non-grid not programmed yet"); // meiste da; fehlt noch // welche Vektoren ich wirklich brauche } pgs->size = grid ? intpow(2, dim) : loc->totalpoints; if (cov->role == ROLE_POISSON_GAUSS) { if (pgsnull && ( (pgs->xgr[0] = (double*) CALLOC(dim * 3, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (pgs->pos = (int *) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(int))) ==NULL || (pgs->min = (int*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(int))) == NULL || (pgs->max = (int*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(int))) == NULL )) return ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; for (i=3, d=1; dxgr[d] = pgs->xgr[0] + i; // printf("%d\n", pgs->xgr[1] - pgs->xgr[0]); assert(false); if ((err = calculate_mass_gauss(cov)) != NOERROR) return err; } else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov)) { if (pgsnull && ( (pgs->single = (double*) CALLOC(pgs->size, sizeof(double)))==NULL || (pgs->total = (double*) CALLOC(pgs->size, sizeof(double))) ==NULL || (pgs->halfstepvector = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double)))==NULL )) return ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; // APMI(cov); assert(!cov->deterministic || P0INT(PGS_NORMED)); // printf("init %f zhou=%f\n", pgs->totalmass, cov->mpp.zhou_c); if (P0INT(PGS_NORMED)) { if (R_FINITE(pts->mpp.unnormedmass)) { // APMI(pts); // TO DO !! Richtig nur falls Huetchen derministisch ist !!! cov->mpp.maxheights[0] = pts->mpp.unnormedmass / shape->mpp.mMplus[1]; // korrekt, da pts * mass >= shape !! //APMI(cov); // } else { //PMI(pts->calling); // // BUG; // not programmed yet // to do: funktioniert nur bei ausgewaehlten funktionen. Z.B. Gauss cov->mpp.maxheights[0] = shape->mpp.maxheights[0] * pts->mpp.maxheights[0]; // APMI(cov); } } else { if (R_FINITE(pts->mpp.maxheights[0])) { // eigentlich ein 1.0 / pts->mpp.minheight cov->mpp.maxheights[0] = pts->mpp.maxheights[0] * shape->mpp.maxheights[0]; } else { BUG; } } // f_raw,rectangular must be always >= the shape function. // this is the fundamental condition if (!R_FINITE(cov->mpp.maxheights[0])) BUG; if ((cov->deterministic = shape->deterministic)) { if ((err = calculate_mass_maxstable(cov)) != NOERROR) return err; pgs->zhou_c = pgs->totalmass / shape->mpp.mMplus[1]; // printf("%f %f %f\n", pgs->zhou_c, pgs->totalmass, shape->mpp.mMplus[1]);assert(false); } else { // currently both cases are identical ... pgs->zhou_c = RF_NA; if (pgs->cov == NULL) { cov_model *start=cov->calling; if (start == NULL) BUG; // APMI(start); while (start->calling != NULL && start->nr != PTS_GIVEN_SHAPE) start = start->calling; if (start->nr != PTS_GIVEN_SHAPE) { if ((err = complete_copy(&(pgs->cov), cov)) != NOERROR) return err; pgs->cov->calling = cov->calling; pgs->cov->Spgs->cov = cov; //PMI(cov); APMI(pgs->cov); } } pgs->old_zhou = 0.0; } pgs->estimated_zhou_c = !cov->deterministic; // PMI(cov); assert(!pgs->estimated_zhou_c); } else { // APMI(cov); BUG; } if (CovList[shape->nr].nonstat_inverse == ErrInverseNonstat) { if (pts->nr != RECTANGULAR) { // PMI(pts); // APMI(shape); warning("Inverse of shape function cannot be determined. Simulation speed might be heavily decreased."); } } for (i=0; i<=cov->mpp.moments; i++) { // printf("%d %f %f %d\n", i, pts->mpp.mM[i], shape->mpp.mMplus[i], cov->mpp.moments); //assert(pts->mpp.mMplus[0] == 1.0); cov->mpp.mM[i] = shape->mpp.mM[i] * pts->mpp.mMplus[0]; cov->mpp.mMplus[i] = shape->mpp.mMplus[i] * pts->mpp.mMplus[0]; } cov->rf = shape->rf; cov->origrf = false; // APMI(cov); return err; } int DrawCathegory(int size, double *single, double *total, bool calculate_elements, int *elmts) { int i; double mass; mass = UNIFORM_RANDOM * total[size - 1]; if (calculate_elements) { //printf("mass=%f\n", mass); for (i = 0; mass > total[i]; i++); if (i > 0) mass -= total[i-1]; *elmts = floor(mass / single[i]); //printf("draw: i=%d tot=%f mass=%f sing=%f elm=%d\n", i, total[i], mass, single[i], *elmts); return i; } else { // falls nicht calculate_elements, so sind letztere unwichtig, // d.h. zu single wird nur der Faktor 1.0 multipliziert. // dies ist aber der Fall nur falls !grid return CeilIndex(mass, total, size); } } static double gauss_eps = 1e-10; void do_pgs_gauss(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; location_type *loc = Loc(cov); // window_info *w = &(S->window); int i, d, *min = pgs->min, // dummy *max = pgs->max, // dummy *pos = pgs->pos, // dummy dim = shape->xdimprev; double value, total = 0.0, *x = pgs->x, // dummy or (future) static local *y = pgs->y, // dummy or (future) static local // *supportmin = pgs->supportmin, // *supportmax = pgs->supportmax, // *pgstotal = pgs->total, // in //*single = pgs->single, // in **xgr = pgs->xgr, // in *v = pgs->v; bool grid = Loc(cov)->grid; if (!cov->deterministic) { DO(shape, S); DORANDOM(pts, cov->q); // cov->q nur dummy. Wird ueberschrieben if (cov->role == ROLE_POISSON_GAUSS || !grid) { if (calculate_mass_gauss(cov) != NOERROR) error("unexpected error in 'do_pts_given_shape' (maxstable)"); } else BUG; } // printf("name = %s\n", CovList[pts->nr].name); // APMI(pts); VTLG_R(NULL, pts, v); i = UNIFORM_RANDOM * pgs->totalmass; // to determine the points that contribute to the value of the // random field by the shape function centered at cov->q //printf("cat=%d el=%d\n", i, elmts); if (loc->grid) { NONSTATINVERSE_D(&gauss_eps, pts, x, y); if (ISNAN(x[0]) || x[0] > y[0]) BUG; // printf("extremes %f %f %f\n", eps, x[0], y[0]); for (d=0; dq[d] = xgr[d][XSTART] + xgr[d][XSTEP] * which + v[d]; // to determine the points that contribute to the value of the // density function at cov->q min[d] = ceil((cov->q[d] - y[d] - xgr[d][XSTART]) / xgr[d][XSTEP]); max[d] = (cov->q[d] - x[d] - xgr[d][XSTART]) / xgr[d][XSTEP]; // printf("%d %d delat=%f %f y=%f %f step=%f\n", min[d], max[d], // cov->q[d] - y[d] - xgr[d][XSTART], // cov->q[d] - x[d] - xgr[d][XSTART], // y[d], x[d], xgr[d][XSTEP]); // PMI(cov); assert(xgr[d][XSTEP] > 0); if (min[d] < 0) min[d] = 0; if (max[d] >= xgr[d][XLENGTH]) max[d] = xgr[d][XLENGTH] -1; if (min[d] > max[d]) { // no point contributed to cov->q -- this might be possible if // the simulating grid goes beyond the actual grid and //printf("redo d=%d x=%f y=%f q=%f i=%d d=%d range=%d %d\n", // d, x[d], y[d], cov->q[d], i, d, min[d], max[d]); do_pgs_gauss(cov, S); pgs->log_density = RF_INF; return; } // else printf("ok q=%f i=%d\n", cov->q[d], i, d, min[d], max[d]); pos[d] = min[d]; y[d] = x[d] = cov->q[d] - (xgr[d][XSTART] + pos[d] * xgr[d][XSTEP]); } while (true) { VTLG_D(y, pts, &value); total += value; //printf("y=%f v=%f q=%f val=%f tot=%f min=%d max=%d pos=%d xgr.len=%d\n", // y[0], v[0], cov->q[0], value, total, min[0], max[0], pos[0], //(int) loc->xgr[0][XLENGTH]); d = 0; while(d < dim && pos[d] == max[d]) { pos[d] = min[d]; y[d] = x[d]; d++; } if (d >= dim) break; pos[d] ++; y[d] -= xgr[d][XSTEP]; // !! nicht '+' !! } } else { // not grid if (loc->timespacedim != dim) BUG; double *xx = loc->x + dim * i; for (d=0; dq[d] = v[d] + xx[d]; // todo : mit Unterteilung des Feldes viel schneller xx = loc->x; for (i=0; itotalpoints; i++, xx+=dim) { for (d=0; dq[d] - xx[d]; VTLG_D(y, pts, &value); total += value; } } pgs->log_density = log(total / pgs->totalmass); //printf("total=%f %f grid=%d dim=%d\n", total, pgs->totalmass,loc->grid,dim); assert(R_FINITE(pgs->log_density)); // assert(false); } #define SET_COV \ pgs = cov->Spgs; \ shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; \ pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; \ loc = Loc(cov); \ single = pgs->single; \ total = pgs->total; \ halfstepvector = pgs->halfstepvector; \ x = pgs->x; \ v = pgs->v; \ dim = shape->xdimprev; \ flat = pgs->flat; \ assert(pgs != NULL); \ assert(cov->deterministic || \ (pgs->cov!=NULL && pgs->cov->Spgs!=NULL \ && pgs->cov->Spgs->cov==cov)); #define SWAP_PGS \ cov = cov->Spgs->cov; \ SET_COV //static double sumArea = 0.0; void do_pgs_maxstable(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { pgs_storage *pgs = NULL; cov_model *shape = NULL, *pts = NULL; location_type *loc = NULL; int i, d, elmts, mcmc, dim, err; double *single = NULL, // in *total = NULL, // in *halfstepvector = NULL, // in *x = NULL, // dummy *v = NULL; // dummy bool flat; assert(cov->calling != NULL); if (cov->deterministic) { SET_COV; } else { // assert(PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE) == PARAM0(pts, LOC_SCALE)); double cmaxDmu; SWAP_PGS; for (mcmc=0; mcmcmpp.moments, S)) != NOERROR) BUG; DO(shape, S); if (calculate_mass_maxstable(cov) != NOERROR) error("unexpected error in 'do_pts_given_shape' (maxstable)"); cmaxDmu = pgs->totalmass / shape->mpp.mMplus[1]; if (pgs->n_zhou_c < GLOBAL.extreme.max_n_zhou) { pgs->n_zhou_c++; pgs->sum_zhou_c += cmaxDmu; pgs->sq_zhou_c += cmaxDmu * cmaxDmu; // sumArea += getArea( shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P); //if (pgs->n_zhou_c % 1000 == 0) printf("mean area = %f\n", sumArea / (double) pgs->n_zhou_c); } // PMI(cov); // PMI(pts); if (false) printf("//cmaxDmu %4.1f; mass=%4.1f m1=%4.1e beta=%4.1f (%4.6f, %4.6f) (%4.6f, %4.6f) %4.3f %e\n", cmaxDmu, (double) pgs->totalmass, shape->mpp.mMplus[1], PARAM0(shape->sub[0], 0), shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box0[0], shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box0[1], shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[0], shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[1], 101 * 101 * shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[0]* shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[1] * 4, 101 * 101 * shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[0]* shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[1] * 4 - pgs->totalmass); //assert( shape->sub[0] != NULL); //assert(shape->sub[0]->Spolygon != NULL); //assert(shape->sub[0] ->Spolygon->P != NULL); //assert(false); // if (!(shape->mpp.mMplus[1] > 0.0001 || pgs->totalmass < 100)) APMI(cov); // assert( pgs->totalmass <= 101 * 101 * shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[0]* shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box1[1] * 4 + 1e-12); //PMI(cov); //assert( shape->sub[0]->Spolygon->P->box0[0] == PARAM(pts, 0)[0]); double old_zhou = pgs->cov->Spgs->old_zhou; if (old_zhou < cmaxDmu || UNIFORM_RANDOM * old_zhou < cmaxDmu) { //printf(". %f %f\n", old_zhou, cmaxDmu); pgs->old_zhou = cmaxDmu; SWAP_PGS; } //else printf("* %f %f\n", old_zhou, cmaxDmu); } // mcmc SWAP_PGS; cov_model *prev=cov->calling; assert(prev != NULL); if (prev->key != NULL) prev->key = cov; else if (prev->sub[0] != NULL) prev->sub[0] = cov; else if (prev->sub[1] != NULL) prev->sub[1] = cov; else error("structure mismatch"); // APMI(cov); // printf("\n"); //PMI(pts); // printf("%f %f\n", PARAM(pts, 1)[0] *PARAM(pts, 1)[1] * 4 , pts->mpp.mMplus[0]); //assert(fabs(PARAM(pts, 1)[0] *PARAM(pts, 1)[1] * 4 - pts->mpp.mMplus[0]) < 1e-14 * pts->mpp.mMplus[0]); // PMI(save_pts); //APMI(pts); DORANDOM(pts, cov->q); // cov->q ist hier nur dummy // if (!newshape) printf("failed\n"); //printf("old %f %f %f\n", (double) pgs->old_zhou, (double) pgs->totalmass, PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE)); // assert(pgs->old_zhou == pgs->totalmass); // if (pgs->old_zhou > 1e6 && PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE)>1) APMI(cov); // assert(shape->sub[0]->nr == POWER_DOLLAR && pts->nr == LOC); // assert(PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE) == PARAM0(pts, LOC_SCALE)); // if (false) printf("//zhou %4.1f %4.3f %ld mean=%4.3f, shape=%s %f \n", (double) pgs->sum_zhou_c, pgs->totalmass, pgs->n_zhou_c, (double) pgs->sum_zhou_c / (double) pgs->n_zhou_c, NICK(shape->sub[0]), PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE) ); // assert(pgs->n_zhou_c <= 500); } i = DrawCathegory(pgs->size, single, total, loc->grid, &elmts); if (flat) for (d=0; dxgr[d][XSTEP] * UNIFORM_RANDOM - halfstepvector[d]; } else { // printf("here %f %f %f\n", x[0], x[1], x[2]); // double xx[3]; /* print */ // xx[0] = xx[1] = 0.5; xx[2] = RF_INF; bad // xx[0] = 0.5; xx[1] = xx[2] = RF_INF; badd // xx[0] = xx[1] = xx[2] = RF_INF; ok //xx[0] = 0.5; xx[1] = xx[2] = RF_INF; VTLG_R2SIDED(NULL, x, pts, v); } // v[0] = (2 * UNIFORM_RANDOM - 1) * PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE) ; // v[1] = (2 * UNIFORM_RANDOM - 1) * PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE); // v[2] = (2 * UNIFORM_RANDOM - 1) * PARAM0(shape->sub[0], POWSCALE); // if (v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] > 0.1001 * 0.1001 * 2) // printf("i=%d %f %f %f v=%f %f %f\n", i, x[0], x[1], x[2], v[0], v[1], v[2]); // APMI(cov); //printf("i=%d %f %f v=%f %f\n", i, x[0], x[1], v[0], v[1]); for (d=0; dq[d] = loc->xgr[d][XSTART] + v[d]; // // printf("q=%f %f %f %d\n", cov->q[d], loc->xgr[d][XSTART], v[d], flat); //APMI(pts->calling); if (R_FINITE(x[d])) { int len = (int) loc->xgr[d][XLENGTH] - 1, nr = elmts % len; elmts /= len; cov->q[d] += loc->xgr[d][XSTEP] * (nr + (v[d] > 0.0)); // simuliert von VTLF_R2SIDED ist die abgeschnittene Dichte symmetrisch // um 0; in Ursprung muss die Dichtekurve aufgeschnitten werden und // versetzt wieder zusammengesetzt werden, so dass in der Mitte i.a. // der kleinste Werte ist und aussen die groessten, ehemaligen Werte // in der Naehe des Ursprungs. Dies bewirkt gerade (v>0) und "+ v" } else { if (v[d] > 0.0) cov->q[d] += loc->xgr[d][XSTEP] * (loc->xgr[d][XLENGTH] - 1.0); // dichte function der pts muss "zerschnitten" werden; der negative // Teil wird vor den Beginn des Gitters gesetzt, der positive Teil // ans Ende des Gitters. Somit immer "+v", nie "-v"; // loc->xgr[0][XSTEP] * (loc->xgr[0][XLENGTH] - 1.0) schiebt den // Punkt ans Ende des Gitters. x[d] = v[d]; } // printf("D=%d %f %f %d\n", d, cov->q[d], v[d], elmts); } if (flat) for (d = 0; dnr].logD != ErrCov) { // printf("log!\n"); VTLG_DLOG(v, pts, &(pgs->log_density)); // hier muss allgemein die nicht-normierte Dichte stehen und stattdessen durch das Mittel des Volumens geteilt werden //printf("log density v=%f, %f, %f %e\n", v[0],v[1],v[2], pgs->log_density); //printf("log_dens %f\n", pgs->log_density); // pgs->log_density -= log(pgs->totalmass); // ueberprueft: normierung // zu einer WK'Dichte. } else { double density; VTLG_D(v, pts, &density); // printf("dens %f\n", density); // printf("density %e v=%f %f %f\n", density, v[0], v[1], v[2]); pgs->log_density = log(density); } if (!R_FINITE(pgs->log_density)) { //PMI(cov); BUG; } //assert(pgs->log_density == 0); // PMI(cov); } void do_pts_given_shape(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { // muss zu allerst stehen, da cov sich aendern kann! if (cov->role == ROLE_POISSON_GAUSS) { do_pgs_gauss(cov, S); } else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov)) { // todo: sauber trennen, wann do_pgs_maxstable(cov, S); } else { PMI(cov); BUG; // } cov_model *prev=cov->calling; assert(prev != NULL); if (prev->key != NULL) cov = prev->key; else if (prev->sub[0] != NULL) cov = prev->sub[0]; else if (prev->sub[1] != NULL) cov = prev->sub[1]; else error("structure mismatch"); cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; int d, dim = shape->xdimprev; double eps, *x = pgs->x, *y = pgs->y; if (cov->role == ROLE_POISSON_GAUSS) { eps = GLOBAL.mpp.about_zero * exp(pgs->log_density); } else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov)) { // todo: sauber trennen, wann // max-stable, smith etc eps = pgs->currentthreshold; //printf("eps= %f\n", eps); if (!R_FINITE(pgs->log_density)) { //PMI(cov->Spgs->cov); PMI(cov); BUG; } if (cov->loggiven) eps += pgs->log_density; else eps *= exp(pgs->log_density); } else BUG; //printf("here %f %d\n", eps, cov->loggiven); // APMI(cov); if (cov->loggiven) { NONSTATLOGINVERSE(&eps, shape, x, y); } else NONSTATINVERSE(&eps, shape, x, y); // assert(false); // warum fkt obiges nicht bei gauss?? // PMI(shape); //printf("eps=%f x=%f %d %f %f\n", eps, *x, cov->loggiven, // // pgs->currentthreshold, pgs->log_density); if (ISNAN(x[0]) || x[0] > y[0]) { //double eps_neu = eps / cov->mpp.maxheights[0]; // warum ?? 29.12.2013 double eps_neu = eps; // 29.12.2013 if (cov->loggiven) { BUG; } else NONSTATINVERSE_D(&eps_neu, pts, x, y); if (ISNAN(x[0]) || x[0] > y[0]) BUG; //printf("eps=%f %f %f x=(%e %e %e) y=(%e %e %e) q=(%f %f %f)\n", // eps, pgs->currentthreshold, exp(pgs->log_density), // x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2], // cov->q[0], cov->q[1], cov->q[2]); } // printf("Xx=%f %d %d %f %f\n", *x, ISNAN(x[0]),cov->loggiven, pgs->currentthreshold, pgs->log_density); //APMI(cov); for (d=0; dsupportmin[d] = cov->q[d] - y[d]; // 4 * for debugging... pgs->supportmax[d] = cov->q[d] - x[d]; // printf("do d=%d q=%f x=%f y=%f eps=%e thr=%e %f %f\n", // d, cov->q[d], x[d], y[d], eps, pgs->currentthreshold, pgs->supportmin[d], pgs->supportmax[d]); if (ISNAN(pgs->supportmin[d]) || ISNAN(pgs->supportmax[d]) || pgs->supportmin[d] > pgs->supportmax[d]) { // printf("do d=%d q=%f min=%f max=%f eps=%e thr=%e supp=(%e, %e)\n", d, cov->q[d], x[d], y[d], eps, pgs->currentthreshold, pgs->supportmin[d], pgs->supportmax[d]); // APMI(shape); // BUG; } //assert(pgs->supportmin[d] <= pgs->supportmax[d]); } // assert(false); // BUG; // APMI(cov); cov->fieldreturn = shape->fieldreturn; cov->origrf = false; } void range_pts_given_shape(cov_model VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED *cov, range_type *range) { range->min[PGS_RATIO] = 0; range->max[PGS_RATIO] = 1; range->pmin[PGS_RATIO] = 0; range->pmax[PGS_RATIO] = 1; range->openmin[PGS_RATIO] = false; range->openmax[PGS_RATIO] = false; range->min[PGS_FLAT] = -1; range->max[PGS_FLAT] = 1; range->pmin[PGS_FLAT] = -1; range->pmax[PGS_FLAT] = 1; range->openmin[PGS_FLAT] = false; range->openmax[PGS_FLAT] = false; range->min[PGS_INFTY_SMALL] = 0; range->max[PGS_INFTY_SMALL] = 1; range->pmin[PGS_INFTY_SMALL] = 0; range->pmax[PGS_INFTY_SMALL] = 1; range->openmin[PGS_INFTY_SMALL] = false; range->openmax[PGS_INFTY_SMALL] = false; range->min[PGS_NORMED] = 0; range->max[PGS_NORMED] = 1; range->pmin[PGS_NORMED] = 0; range->pmax[PGS_NORMED] = 1; range->openmin[PGS_NORMED] = false; range->openmax[PGS_NORMED] = false; range->min[PGS_ISOTROPIC] = 0; range->max[PGS_ISOTROPIC] = 1; range->pmin[PGS_ISOTROPIC] = 0; range->pmax[PGS_ISOTROPIC] = 1; range->openmin[PGS_ISOTROPIC] = false; range->openmax[PGS_ISOTROPIC] = false; } void standard_shape(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; NONSTATCOV(x, cov->q, shape, v); } void logstandard_shape(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; LOGNONSTATCOV(x, cov->q, shape, v, sign); } int check_standard_shape(cov_model *cov) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; int err, role, dim = cov->tsdim; if (cov->q == NULL) { // zwingend CALLOC ! if ((cov->q = (double*) CALLOC(sizeof(double), dim)) == NULL) return ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; cov->qlen = dim; } if (cov->xdimprev != cov->xdimown || cov->xdimprev != cov->tsdim) return ERRORDIM; if (hasPoissonRole(cov)) { role = ROLE_POISSON; } else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov)) { role = ROLE_MAXSTABLE; } else ILLEGAL_ROLE; if ((err = CHECK(shape, dim, dim, ShapeType, XONLY, CARTESIAN_COORD, SCALAR, role)) != NOERROR) return err; setbackward(cov, shape); if (!shape->deterministic) SERR("random shapes for 'standard' not allowed yet"); if (pts != NULL) { if ((err = CHECK_R(pts, dim)) != NOERROR) return err; } return NOERROR; } int struct_standard_shape(cov_model *cov, cov_model **newmodel){ cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; // int err = NOERROR; //dim = shape->xdimprev; // printf("ttt\n"); if (newmodel != NULL) BUG; if (shape->role != ROLE_POISSON && shape->role != ROLE_MAXSTABLE) ILLEGAL_ROLE; // printf("here %s\n", NICK(cov->sub[PGS_LOC])); // APMI(cov); //if ((err = CHECK_R(cov->sub[PGS_LOC], cov->tsdim)) != NOERROR) return err; return NOERROR; } int init_standard_shape(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT]; // location_type *loc = Loc(cov); //APMI(cov); assert(cov->sub[PGS_LOC] != NULL); location_type *loc = Loc(cov); int d, dim = shape->xdimprev, err = NOERROR; pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; //APMI(cov); assert(shape->xdimprev == Loc(cov)->timespacedim); if (pgs == NULL) { if ((err = alloc_pgs(cov)) != NOERROR) return err; pgs = cov->Spgs; if ((pgs->localmin = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (pgs->localmax = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (pgs->minmean = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double))) == NULL || (pgs->maxmean = (double*) CALLOC(dim, sizeof(double))) == NULL) return ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; } // selbst wenn zufaelliger Shape: 1x laufen lassen, ob // Fehler auftauchen. Unter "Do" lassen sie sich nicht mehr // schoen abfangen. // ROLE_ASSERT(ROLE_POISSON || cov->role == ROLE_MAXSTABLE); //PMI(cov->calling, -1); assert(cov->mpp.moments == hasMaxStableRole(cov)); if ((err = INIT(shape, cov->mpp.moments, S)) != NOERROR) return err; //gatter? cov_model *u = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; //PMI(cov); assert(u->nr == UNIF); double *min = PARAM(u, UNIF_MIN), *max = PARAM(u, UNIF_MAX), *x = pgs->minmean, // !! wird gespeichert *y = pgs->maxmean; // !! // try out whether it works: NONSTATINVERSE(ZERO, shape, x, y); if (ISNAN(x[0]) || x[0] > y[0]) SERR1("inverse of '%s' unknown", NICK(shape)); GetDiameter(loc, pgs->localmin, pgs->localmax, pgs->supportcentre); // last is only a dummy pgs->totalmass = 1.0; for (d=0; dlocalmin[d] - y[d]; max[d] = pgs->localmax[d] - x[d]; if (!(R_FINITE(min[d]) && R_FINITE(max[d]))) SERR("simulation window does not have compact support. Should 'RMtruncsupport' be used?"); pgs->totalmass *= max[d] - min[d]; } if (cov->role == ROLE_POISSON) { pgs->log_density = 0.0; } else { pgs->log_density = 0.0; pgs->zhou_c = pgs->totalmass / shape->mpp.mMplus[1]; cov->mpp.maxheights[0] = shape->mpp.maxheights[0]; pgs->estimated_zhou_c = !cov->deterministic; if (pgs->estimated_zhou_c) SERR("random shapes in standard approach not coded yet -- please contact author"); } cov->rf = shape->rf; cov->origrf = false; cov->fieldreturn = shape->fieldreturn; // APMI(cov); return NOERROR; } void do_standard_shape(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[PGS_FCT], *pts = cov->sub[PGS_LOC]; assert(cov->sub[PGS_LOC] != NULL); pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; double *x = pgs->x, *y = pgs->xstart; int d, dim = shape->xdimprev; DO(shape, S); DORANDOM(pts, cov->q); //printf("q=%f\n", cov->q[0]); // APMI(cov->calling); assert(!shape->fieldreturn); //PMI(shape, "standard"); NONSTATINVERSE(ZERO, shape, x, y); if (ISNAN(x[0])|| x[0] > y[0]) BUG; for (d=0; dq[d], x[d], y[d], pgs->currentthreshold); pgs->supportmin[d] = cov->q[d] - y[d]; // 4 * for debugging... pgs->supportmax[d] = cov->q[d] - x[d]; assert(pgs->supportmin[d] != NA_INTEGER && pgs->supportmax[d] != NA_INTEGER); assert(pgs->supportmin[d] <= pgs->supportmax[d]); } pgs->log_density = 0.0; } #define STAT_SHAPE_FCT 0 void stationary_shape(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[STAT_SHAPE_FCT]; FCTN(x, shape, v); // if (cov->q[0] < 1) { // printf("x=%f q=%f v=%f\n", x[0], cov->q[0], v[0]); // assert(false); // } // APMI(cov); } void logstationary_shape(double *x, cov_model *cov, double *v, double *sign) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[STAT_SHAPE_FCT]; LOGCOV(x, shape, v, sign); } int check_stationary_shape(cov_model *cov) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[STAT_SHAPE_FCT]; int err, role, dim = cov->tsdim; if (cov->xdimprev != cov->xdimown || cov->xdimprev != cov->tsdim) return ERRORDIM; if (cov->role == ROLE_GAUSS) { role = isGaussProcess(shape) ? ROLE_GAUSS : shape->nr == BINARYPROC ? ROLE_GAUSS : ROLE_UNDEFINED; ASSERT_ROLE_DEFINED(shape); } else if (hasPoissonRole(cov)) { role = ROLE_POISSON; } else if (hasMaxStableRole(cov)) { role = ROLE_MAXSTABLE; } else ILLEGAL_ROLE; //printf("here\n"); if ((err = CHECK(shape, dim, dim, ProcessType, XONLY, CARTESIAN_COORD, SCALAR, role)) != NOERROR) return err; setbackward(cov, shape); return NOERROR; } int struct_stationary_shape(cov_model *cov, cov_model **newmodel){ cov_model *shape = cov->sub[STAT_SHAPE_FCT]; // location_type *loc = Loc(cov); if (newmodel != NULL) BUG; if (shape->role != ROLE_POISSON && shape->role != ROLE_MAXSTABLE) ILLEGAL_ROLE; //printf("here\n"); return NOERROR; } int init_stationary_shape(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[STAT_SHAPE_FCT]; int d, i, err = NOERROR, dim = shape->xdimprev; //PMI(cov); assert(dim == Loc(cov)->timespacedim); if ((err = alloc_pgs(cov)) != NOERROR) return err; pgs_storage *pgs = cov->Spgs; // selbst wenn zufaelliger Shape: 1x laufen lassen, ob // Fehler auftauchen. Unter "Do" lassen sie sich nicht mehr // schoen abfangen. assert(cov->mpp.moments >= 1); if ((err = INIT(shape, 1, S)) != NOERROR) return err; //gatter? assert(shape->mpp.moments >= 1); for (i=0; i<=cov->mpp.moments; i++) { cov->mpp.mM[i] = shape->mpp.mM[i]; cov->mpp.mMplus[i] = shape->mpp.mMplus[i]; } pgs->zhou_c = 1.0 / cov->mpp.mMplus[1]; // passt fuer binary, und auch fuer if (!R_FINITE(pgs->zhou_c)) SERR1("max height of '%s' not finite", NICK(shape)); pgs->estimated_zhou_c = false; if (!cov->deterministic) SERR("not deterministic shapes in stationary modelling -- please contact author"); pgs->log_density = 0; // printf("dims %d %d\n", cov->xdimown, shape->xdimprev); for (d=0; dsupportmin[d] = RF_NEGINF; // 4 * for debugging... pgs->supportmax[d] = RF_INF; } cov->mpp.maxheights[0] = shape->mpp.maxheights[0]; cov->rf = shape->rf; cov->origrf = false; cov->fieldreturn = shape->fieldreturn; if (!cov->fieldreturn) BUG; // APMI(cov); return NOERROR; } void do_stationary_shape(cov_model *cov, storage *S) { cov_model *shape = cov->sub[STAT_SHAPE_FCT]; DO(shape, S); cov->mpp.maxheights[0] = shape->mpp.maxheights[0]; assert(shape->fieldreturn); }