# Last modified 2008.11.22 by Spencer Graves # Previously modified 21 March 2006 (by Jim Ramsay?) predict.posfd <- function(object, newdata=NULL, Lfdobj=0, ...){ if (is.null(newdata)) newdata <- object$argvals evalPos <- eval.posfd(newdata, object$Wfdobj, Lfdobj) # evalPos } fitted.posfd <- function(object, ...){ predict(object) } residuals.posfd <- function(object, ...){ pred <- predict(object) object$y-pred } eval.posfd <- function(evalarg, Wfdobj, Lfdobj=int2Lfd(0)) { # Evaluates a value or a derivative of a positive functional # data object. # A positive functional data object h is = the form # h(x) = (exp Wfdobj)(x) # Note that the linear differential operator object LFDOBJ # MUST be an integer in the range 0 to 1. # Note that the first two arguments may be interchanged. # # Arguments: # EVALARG ... A vector of values at which all functions are to # evaluated. # WFDOBJ ... Functional data object. It must define a single # functional data observation. # LFDOBJ ... A linear differential operator object # applied to the functions that are evaluated. # Default is INT2LFD(0). # # Returns: An array of function values corresponding to the # argument values in EVALARG # Exchange the first two arguments if the first is an FD object # and the second numeric if (is.numeric(Wfdobj) & inherits(class(evalarg), "fd")) { temp <- Wfdobj Wfdobj <- evalarg evalarg <- temp } # Check the arguments if (!is.numeric(evalarg)) stop( "Argument EVALARG is not numeric.") evalarg <- as.vector(evalarg) # check WFDOBJ if (!inherits(Wfdobj, "fd")) stop( "Argument WFDOBJ is not a functional data object.") # check LFDOBJ Lfdobj = int2Lfd(Lfdobj) if (!inherits(Lfdobj, "Lfd")) stop( "LFDOBJ is not linear differential operator object.") nderiv = Lfdobj$nderiv # Extract information about the basis basisobj <- Wfdobj$basis nbasis <- basisobj$nbasis rangeval <- basisobj$rangeval onerow <- rep(1,nbasis) # Set up coefficient array for FD coef <- Wfdobj$coefs # Evaluate function values index <- evalarg < rangeval[1]-1e-10 if (length(evalarg[index]) > 0) evalarg <- evalarg[!index] index <- evalarg > rangeval[2]+1e-10 if (length(evalarg[index]) > 0) evalarg <- evalarg[!index] basismat <- getbasismatrix(evalarg, basisobj) fdvec <- exp(basismat %*% coef) # If a differential operator has been defined in LFDOBJ, compute # the derivative values if (nderiv > 0) { Lbasismat <- eval.basis(evalarg, basisobj, Lfdobj) evalarray <- fdvec*(Lbasismat %*% coef) } else evalarray <- fdvec return(evalarray) }