/* Authors Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de library for simulation of random fields -- init part and error messages Copyright (C) 2017 -- 2018 Martin Schlather This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.i You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "def.h" #include #include #include #include "operator.h" #define SCPY(A,B) STRNCPY(A,B,LENERRMSG); void errorMSG(int err, errorstring_type errorstring, KEY_type *KT, char* M, int len) { char m[LENERRMSG]; //if (err >= ERRORM && err <= ERRORMEND) err = ERRORM; switch (err) { case NOERROR : SCPY(m,"none"); break; case NOERROR_REPEAT : SCPY(m,"none; looking for further covariances applicable to the same method");break; case NOERROR_ENDOFLIST : SCPY(m,"none; end of list");break; case XERRORNOTDEFINED : SCPY(m,"specified method undefined for the given model or no simulation method found for the given model");break; case ERRORM: case XERRORCHANGESYSTEM: SCPY(m, errorstring); break; // case XERRORTRAFOSYSTEM: //SCPY(m,"coordinate systems do not match without (internal) transformation"); // break; case XERRORCARTESIAN : SCPY(m,"only cartesian system allowed (currently)"); break; case XERRORVDIMNOTPROGRAMMEDYET : SCPY(m,"multivariate version not programmed yet. Sorry."); break; case XERRORTYPECONSISTENCY : SCPY(m,"incorrect choice of submodel (type inconsistency)"); break; case XERRORNOTINITIALIZED: SCPY(m,"not initialized or storing=FALSE");break; // OK case XERRORSVD: SCPY(m,"SVD decomposition failed");break; case XERRORDECOMPOSITION: SCPY(m,"covariance function does not seem to be (strictly) positive definite");break; case XERRORNOMULTIVARIATE : SCPY(m, "multivariate models not allowed (yet)"); break; case XERROR_MATRIX_SQUARE : SCPY(m, "square matrix expected"); break; case XERROR_MATRIX_VDIM : SCPY(m, "size of matrix is not a multiple of the multivariate dimension"); break; case XERROR_MATRIX_POSDEF : SCPY(m, "matrix does not seem to be strictly positive definite"); break; // case XERROR_MATRIX_ : SCPY(m, ""); break; case XERRORCEDIM: // // { printf("error dimension\n"); model *cov; crash(cov); } SPRINTF(m,"dimension specification not in [1,%d] or dimension of coordinates larger than that the supposed spatio-temporal process", MAXCEDIM);break; case XERRORSORTOF : SCPY(m, "argument 'whichparam' out of range."); break; // case XERROR_MATRIX_ : SCPY(m, ""); break; case ERRORDIM: // // { printf("error dimension\n"); model *cov; crash(cov); } SPRINTF(m,"dimension specification not correct or dimension of coordinates larger than that the supposed spatio-temporal process");break; case XERRORWAVING : SCPY(m,"Rescaling not possible (waving or large nugget effect?)");break; case XERRORRESCALING: SCPY(m,"practical range not defined"); break; case XERRORANISO_T : SPRINTF(m, "'%.50s' may not be given at the same time with '%.50s' or '%.50s'", DefList[DOLLAR].kappanames[DANISO], DefList[DOLLAR].kappanames[DAUSER], DefList[DOLLAR].kappanames[DPROJ]); break; case XERRORANISO: SCPY(m,"anisotropy parameter not allowed"); break; case XERRORANISO_DET: SCPY(m,"determinant of the anisotropy matrix could not be calculated."); break; case XERRORANISO_SQUARE: SCPY(m,"only square anisotropic matrices allowed"); break; case XERRORANISO_INV: SCPY(m,"inversion of anisotropy matrix failed"); break; case XERRORFOURIER: SCPY(m,"fourier transformation has failed"); break; case XERRORTOOMANYLOC: SCPY(m,"fourier transformation has failed"); break; case XERRORNONSTATSCALE: SCPY(m,"unstationary scale not allowed yet for RMS con-struct-ions"); break; case XERRORNOSTATMATCH : SCPY(m,"no matching assumption found for the domains"); break; case XERRORUNKNOWNMETHOD: SCPY(m,"Unknown method in this context or unallowed mixture of methods"); break; case XERRORWRONGDIM: SCPY(m,"wrong dimension"); break; case XERRORUNKOWNSXPTYPE: SCPY(m, "parameter value of unknown SXP type"); break; case XERROROUTOFMETHODLIST: char restrictive[100], info[500]; SPRINTF(restrictive, "Are the %.50s() too restrictive?", RFOPTIONS); SPRINTF(info, "\n You get (more) internal information if you set %.10s(%.50s=%d) before running your code.", RFOPTIONS, "cPrintlevel", PL_DETAILSUSER); SPRINTF(m, "Running out of list of methods. %.100s%.50s", GLOBAL_UTILS->basic.skipchecks ? "Did you try an invalid parameter combination?" : restrictive, PL <= 2 ? info : "" ); break; case XERRORWRONGISO: SCPY(m, "unexpected appearance of a rather general function. Should the model be isotropic, but isn't?") break; case XERRORWRONGDOM: SCPY(m, "unexpected appearance of a kernal function. Should the model be stationary, but isn't?"); break; case XERRORKERNEL: SCPY(m, "the mapping 'earth -> cartesian' keeps definiteness only if it is used as a kernel."); break; case XERRORBADVDIM: SCPY(m, "m-dimensionality could not be detected"); break; case XERRORNOTCARTESIAN: SCPY(m, "Currently only cartesian coordinate systems are allowed"); break; case XERRORODDCOORDTRAFO: SCPY(m, "coordinate transformation not possible or not programmed yet"); break; case XERRORFULLCOORDNEEDED: SCPY(m, "full coordinate system needed"); break; case XERRORSUBMETHODFAILED: SPRINTF(m, "no good submethods exist"); break; case XERRORSTATVARIO: SCPY(m, "negative definite function expected depending on 1 variable only"); break; case XERRORREDUCED: SCPY(m, "calling system not unreduced"); break; case XERRORNOVARIOGRAM: SCPY(m, "Variogram model not allowed in this context"); break; case XERRORNORMALMIXTURE: SCPY(m, "only normal mixtures as first submodel allowed (Gneiting, 2002)"); break; case XERRORMAXDIMMETH: SCPY(m, "maximal dimension of variables for the method exceeded"); break; case XERRORPREVDOLLAR: SCPY(m, "method may not be initialised by preceding initS"); break; case XERRORSPECTRAL: SCPY(m, "submodel does not have spectral representation"); break; case XERRORTBMCOMBI: SCPY(m, "the given combination of 'fulldim' and 'reduceddim' is not possible yet."); break; case XERRORMAXVDIM: SPRINTF(m, "maximum of multivariate components (%d) exceeded. If necessary change the value od 'MAXVDIM' in 'RandomFields/src/AutoRandomFields.cc' and reinstall the package. Note that starting with MAXVDIM > 10^3 the 'RandomFields' needs a lot of memory.", MAXVDIM); break; case XERRORINVALIDMODEL : // gauss distribution, no method SCPY(m, "Invalid covariance model: did you wrongly use an auxiliary function to construct the model?"); break; case XERRORODDMODEL : // gauss distribution, no method SCPY(m, "Odd covariance model: the use of auxiliary functions and/or your choice of the parameters lead to a covariance model for which no simulation methods exist."); break; case XERRORDIAMETERNOTGIVEN: SCPY(m, "Diameter must always be given"); break; case XERRORPREFNONE: SCPY(m, "the simulation method does not allow for the given model."); break; case XERRORPREFNONECOV: SCPY(m, "the given model does not allow for calculation the covariance values."); break; case XERRORRANDOMKAPPA: SCPY(m, "Only (sub)models with deterministic parameters allowed."); break; // case : SCPY(m,"");break; // // Poisson: case XERRORUNKNOWNMAXTYPE : SCPY(m, "unknown type of max-stable process"); break; case XERRORATOMP : SCPY(m, "p must be given everywhere or nowhere"); break; case XERRORKRIGETOL : SCPY(m,"sigma must be at most KRIGE_TOLERANCE"); break; case MSGLOCAL_OK : SCPY(m,"fine"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_JUSTTRY : SCPY(m, "unclear whether algorithm will work for specified parameters"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_NUMOK : SCPY(m,"fine. Algorithm should work for specified parameters"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_ENDOFLIST : SCPY(m,"end of list for variants of the algorithm"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_SIGNPHI : SCPY(m,"wrong sign of covariance function at break point"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_SIGNPHIFST : SCPY(m, "wrong sign of 1st derivative of the covariance function at the break point"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_SIGNPHISND : SCPY(m, "wrong sign of 2nd derivative of the covariance function at the break point"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_NOPOSITIVEROOT : SCPY(m, "algorithm faild to find positive radius"); break; case XMSGLOCAL_INITINTRINSIC : SCPY(m,"one of a2, b or a0+phi(0) has wrong sign"); break; case XERRORUNSPECIFIED : SCPY(m,"(unspecified)"); break; case ERRORNOTPROGRAMMEDYET : // imported from Utils SCPY(m,"Not programmed yet in RandomFields Version 3. Sorry."); break; case ERRORFAILED: // imported from Utils SCPY(m,"algorithm failed (partially)");break; case ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION: // imported from Utils SCPY(m, "memory allocation error -- too much space demanded or non-positive number of bytes requested"); break; // case ERRORDUMMY : SCPY(m,"none (dummy)"); break; case ERRORREGISTER: SCPY(m, "register number out of range or model definition empty"); break; case TOOLS_DIM : SCPY(m,"dimension exceed max dimension of empirical variogram estimation"); break; case TOOLS_XERROR : SCPY(m,"The x coordinate may not be NULL.\n"); break; case TOOLS_BIN_ERROR : SCPY(m,"Bin components not an increasing sequence.\n"); break; case TOOLS_UNKNOWN_CHAR: SCPY(m,"unknown type of second order characteristic"); break; case TOOLS_METHOD: SCPY(m,"unknown method in empirical variogram calculation. Please contact author."); break; case XMSGLOCAL_FAILED : SCPY(m,"creation of the cut-off model failed."); break; case XMSGLOCAL_WRONGRADII : SCPY(m,"Creation the cut-off model failed."); break; default : PRINTF(" error=%d\n", err); // crash(); BUG; } char m2[LENERRMSG]; if (KT != NULL) SPRINTF(m2, "%.100s %.800s", KT->error_loc, m); else SCPY(m2, m); if (STRLEN(m) > (unsigned int) len && len > 6) { // printf("%s %d %d\n", m, STRLEN(m), len); m2[len-2] = m2[len-3] = m2[len-4] = '.'; m2[len-5] = ' '; m2[len-1] ='\0'; // printf("out %s %d %d\n", m, STRLEN(m), len); } STRNCPY(M, m2, MAXERRORSTRING); // printf("!!!! err=%d M=%s m2=%s m=%s\n", err, M, m2, m); if (PL >= PL_ERRORS) { PRINTF("err code %d [%s]\n", err, m2); } } void errorMSG(int err, char* m, errorstring_type err_msg) { errorMSG(err, err_msg, NULL, m, MAXERRORSTRING);} void errorMSG(int err, errorstring_type err_msg, KEY_type *KT, char* m) { errorMSG(err, err_msg, KT, m, MAXERRORSTRING); } //errorstring_type err_msg = "error could not be identified in multicore modus. Recompile without OMP to see the error msg."; errorstring_type err_msg = "error could not be identified."; void errorMSG(int err, char* m) { errorMSG(err, err_msg, NULL, m, MAXERRORSTRING); } void errorMSG(int err, KEY_type *KT, char* m) { errorMSG(err, err_msg, KT, m, MAXERRORSTRING); } void OnErrorStop(int Err, errorstring_type errmsg) { if (Err == NOERROR) return; char m[MAXERRORSTRING]; errorMSG(Err, errmsg, NULL, m, MAXERRORSTRING); RFERROR(m); } void OnErrorStop(int Err, errorstring_type errmsg, KEY_type *KT) { if (Err == NOERROR) return; char m[MAXERRORSTRING]; errorMSG(Err, errmsg, KT, m, MAXERRORSTRING); RFERROR(m); } void OnErrorStop(int Err, model *cov) { if (Err == NOERROR) return; char m[MAXERRORSTRING]; errorMSG(Err, cov->err_msg, cov->base, m, MAXERRORSTRING); RFERROR(m); }