%Code will produce a plot of the power at different sample sizes for %comparing 2 groups, with and without an intervention. The power is %computed when the groups are compared with and without taking into account %individual nociceptive sensitivity. As Figure 2B. % 1000 samples (line 37) are compared for each sample size, and the power calculated % as the percentage of significant (p<0.05) results at each sample size. % The level of intervention effect can be adjusted on line 16 % The number of subjects which are included can be adjusted on line 17 % Code produced by Caroline Hartley August 2020 % Please see the paper and cite as: % drug_reduction=40; %percentage drug reduction or other intervention effect no_subs=[5:10:80]; %number of subjects per group %% Simulate %test if lance results are different between placebo and anagesic groups by %themselves and whether different if take into account sensitivty %assign variables to store the power for each sample size power_no_nociceptivesensitivity=zeros(1,length(no_subs)); power_with_nociceptivesensitivity=zeros(1,length(no_subs)); for j=1:length(no_subs) %loop through all sample sizes %simulate with n_p subjects with 'placebo' and 'n_a' subjects with %'analgesic'/intervention n_p=no_subs(j); n_a=n_p; noise_level_iter=1; %this relates to the noise level. Setting it to 1 means that the standard deviation of residuals will be the same as Study 1 iter_n=1000; %1000 simulated data sets for each sample size %set-up variables to store info for all iterations - will store p-values p_store_no_nociceptivesensitivity=zeros(iter_n,1); p_store_with_nociceptivesensitivity=zeros(iter_n,1); for iter=1:iter_n rand('seed',iter) %seed variables for replicability randn('seed',iter) %simulate individual nociceptive sensitivity (pinprick responses) pp_p=1.4*rand(n_p,1)+0.15; %placebo data simulated nociceptive sensitivity pp_a=1.4*rand(n_a,1)+0.15; %analgesic data simulated nociceptive sensitivity %simulate lance responses from these nociceptive sensitivty values %Related to the relationship found in Study 1 - see Methods l_p_estimate=2.62*pp_p-0.75; %placebo lance data - estimated data from linear regression l_a_estimate=2.62*pp_a-0.75; %analgesic lance data %reduce l_a data by drug effect l_a=(1-(drug_reduction/100))*l_a_estimate; %add noise noise=noise_level_iter*0.37; %noise relates to standard deviation of residuals. Standard deviation of residuals in study 1 was 0.37 l_p=l_p_estimate+noise*randn(n_p,1); l_a=l_a+noise*randn(n_a,1); %compare data without accounting for individual nociceptive sensitivity [~,p]=ttest2(l_p,l_a); p_store_no_nociceptivesensitivity(iter)=p; %compare data accounting for individual nociceptive sensitivity lance=[l_p;l_a]; pp=[pp_p;pp_a]; modality=[ones(length(l_p),1);2*ones(length(l_a),1)]; tbl=table(lance,pp,modality,'VariableNames',{'Lance','Pinprick','modality'}); tbl.modality = categorical(tbl.modality); lm = fitlm(tbl,'Lance~Pinprick+modality'); p_store_with_nociceptivesensitivity(iter)=table2array(lm.Coefficients(3,4)); end power_no_nociceptivesensitivity(j)=length(find(p_store_no_nociceptivesensitivity<0.05))/iter_n*100; power_with_nociceptivesensitivity(j)=length(find(p_store_with_nociceptivesensitivity<0.05))/iter_n*100; end %% figure; plot(no_subs,power_no_nociceptivesensitivity,'b') hold on plot(no_subs,power_with_nociceptivesensitivity,'r') legend('Without nociceptive sensitivity','With nociceptive sensitivity') xlabel('Number of infants per group','fontsize',15) ylabel('Power','fontsize',15) set(gca,'fontsize',15)