import RT # #-- This is a custom module! ask to in case # # made python3 compliant Apr 2020, import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #--- Generates semi-infite slab grid dtau1=1.e-2 taumax=1.e4 npdec=5 #--- Collisional destruction probability, or (1-albedo) eps=1.e-4 #--- Number of iterations for the iterative process niter=150 #--- the above will be an INPUT #--- The logarithmic opacity/spatial grid --- fac = 10.**(1./np.float(npdec)) dtau=dtau1 t=0. k=1 while (t < taumax): k=k+1 t=t+dtau dtau=fac*dtau npts=k z=np.zeros((npts)) z[0]=0. z[1]=dtau1 dtau=dtau1*fac for k in np.arange(2,npts): z[k]=z[k-1]+dtau dtau=fac*dtau print(z) #--- Initial source function (Planck) --- s=np.ones((npts)) b=np.ones((npts)) #--- Absorption coefficient set to unity throughout the slab --- chi=np.ones((npts)) #--- Upper boundary condition (in general MU and FREQ dependent) bcu=0. #--- Lower boundary condition (in general MU and FREQ dependent) bcd=1. #--- Zero boundary conditions (for Lstar computation) zerobc=0. #--- Two-stream approximation/Eddington's approximation mu=1./np.sqrt(3.) wtdir=0.5 #--- In general, use your preferred quadrature (e.g., Gauss-Legendre) #--- Analytical reference solution of Eddington #sedd=1. - (1.-eps)*( exp(-z*sqrt(3.*eps)) )/(1. + sqrt(eps) ) sedd=1. - (1.-np.sqrt(eps))*( np.exp(-np.sqrt(3.*eps)*z) ) #-------------------------------- #--- Compute diagonal operator | #-------------------------------- lstar=RT.formal(z,npts,chi,zerobc,zerobc,s,mu,wtdir,True) shist=np.zeros((npts,niter)) relerr=np.zeros((niter)) dsk=np.zeros((npts)) te=np.zeros((niter)) #--------------------------- #--- ALI-Jacobi iterations | #--------------------------- for i in np.arange(niter): jbar=RT.formal(z,npts,chi,bcu,bcd,s,mu,wtdir,False) dsk=((1.-eps)*jbar+eps*b-s)/(1.-(1.-eps)*lstar) relerr[i]=max(abs(dsk)/s) te[i]=max(abs(s-sedd)/sedd) s=s + dsk shist[:,i]=s[:] print('Iter: ',i, 'Max.rel.err.S: ',relerr[i], 'True.err: ', te[i]) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(np.log10(z[1:npts]),np.log10(shist[1:npts,:])) plt.plot(np.log10(z[1:npts]),np.log10(sedd[1:npts]),'o') plt.xlabel(r"log($\tau$)",fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('log(S/B)',fontsize=18) plt.figure(2) plt.semilogy(relerr, '--k', linewidth=2) plt.semilogy(te,'k',linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('iteration number',fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('Max. relative correction and true error',fontsize=18)