# Releasing Pofatu data
1. Update the ["raw" data](raw/) in the repository.
cp ../pofatu-faagai/pofatu-faagai.xlsx raw/pofatu.xlsx
cp ../pofatu-faagai/pofatu-references.bib raw/pofatu-references.bib
2. Dump the Pofatu excel file to CSV, running
pofatu dump
3. Check data consistency running
pofatu check
4. Create the data formats for distribution, running
pofatu dist
5. Commit and push all changes.
6. Create a release on GitHub
7. Edit the release's metadata on Zenodo
8. Copy the Zenodo DOI into the GitHub release description.
9. Update the [clld app](
cd ../pofatu
clld initdb development.ini
workon appconfig
cd appconfig/apps/pofatu
fab deploy:production