Raw File
UNIX Pascal PI -- Version 1.0 (September 6, 1977)

Thu Sep  1 21:46 1977  expr.p

     1  program x(output);
     2  var
     3          a: set of char;
     4          b: Boolean;
     5          c: (red, green, blue);
     6          p: ^ integer;
     7          A: alfa;
     8          B: packed array [1..5] of char;
     9  begin
    10          b := true;
    11          c := red;
    12          new(p);
    13          a := [];
    14          A := 'Hello, yellow';
    15          b := a and b;
    16          a := a * 3;
    17          if input < 2 then writeln('boo');
    18          if p <= 2 then writeln('sure nuff');
    19          if A = B then writeln('same');
    20          if c = true then writeln('hue''s and color''s')
    21  end.
E 14 - Constant string too long
E 15 - Left operand of and must be Boolean, not set
E 16 - Cannot mix sets with integers and reals as operands of *
E 17 - files may not participate in comparisons
E 18 - pointers and integers cannot be compared - operator was <=
E 19 - Strings not same length in = comparison
E 20 - scalars and Booleans cannot be compared - operator was =
e 20 - Input is used but not defined in the program statement
In program x:
  w - constant green is never used
  w - constant blue is never used
  w - variable B is used but never set
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