import nltk'punkt')'averaged_perceptron_tagger')'wordnet') import owlready2 as OWL import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sklearn import tensorflow as tf import os import datetime import json from DataReader import Reader class Ont(): def __init__(self, ontology): self.ontology = OWL.get_ontology(ontology) self.ontology.base_iri = ontology self.ontology = self.ontology.load() self.polarity_categories = {} self.polarity_categories['positive'] ='*Positive')[0] self.polarity_categories['negative'] ='*Negative')[0] self.type1, self.type2, self.type3 = {}, {}, {} classes = set(self.ontology.classes()) self.classes_dict = {onto_class: onto_class.lex for onto_class in classes} self.classesIntoTypes(classes) self.majority_count = 0 def classesIntoTypes(self, classes): remove_words = ['property', 'mention', 'positive', 'neutral', 'negative'] for ont_class in classes: class_name = ont_class.__name__.lower() if any(word in class_name for word in remove_words): continue names = [x.__name__ for x in ont_class.ancestors()] names.sort() for name in names: if 'Generic' in name: self.type1[class_name] = ont_class break elif any(x in name for x in ['Positive', 'Negative']): self.type2[class_name] = ont_class break elif 'PropertyMention' in name: self.type3[class_name] = ont_class break def getMajorityClass(self, polarity): index = (pd.get_dummies(pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate([np.array(['negative','neutral','positive']), polarity]))) .values[3:,:].sum(0).argmax()) if index == 0: return np.array([[1, 0, 0]]) elif index == 1: return np.array([[0, 1, 0]]) else: return np.array([[0, 0, 1]]) def getClassPolarity(self, word_lemma_class, negated, type3): positive, negative = False, False if type3: OWL.sync_reasoner(debug=False) # To set relations of all newly created classes if self.polarity_categories['positive'].__subclasscheck__(word_lemma_class): if negated: positive = False negative = True else: positive = True if self.polarity_categories['negative'].__subclasscheck__(word_lemma_class): if negated: positive = True negative = False else: negative = True return positive, negative def categoryMatch(self, aspect_class, word_class): if aspect_class is None: return False aspect_mentions, word_mentions = [], [] for ancestor in aspect_class.ancestors(): if 'Mention' in ancestor.__name__: aspect_mentions.append(ancestor.__name__.rsplit('Mention',1)[0]) for ancestor in word_class.ancestors(): if 'Mention' in ancestor.__name__: word_mentions.append(ancestor.__name__.rsplit('Mention',1)[0]) common = set(aspect_mentions).intersection(set(word_mentions)) # If they have more than 2 ancestors in common (ontology.Mention, ontology.EntityMention and something else) if len(common) > 2: return True else: return False def addSubclass(self, word_class, aspect_class): class_name = word_class.__name__ + aspect_class.__name__ new_class = OWL.types.new_class(class_name, (word_class, aspect_class)) self.type3[new_class.__name__.lower()] = new_class return new_class def isNegated(self, word, words_in_sentence): negation = ({"not","no","never","isnt","arent","wont","wasnt","werent", "havent","hasnt", "nt", "cant", "couldnt", "dont", "doesnt"}) negated = False index = words_in_sentence.index(word) check = set(words_in_sentence[max(index-3,0):index]) if check.intersection(negation): negated = True return negated def predictSentiment(self, sentence, aspect): lemmatizer = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer() positive_list, negative_list = [], [] sentence_classes = {} words_in_sentence = sentence.split() aspect_class = None for word, tag in np.array(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(aspect))): if tag.startswith("V"): aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "v") # Verb elif tag.startswith("J"): aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "a") # Adjective elif tag.startswith("R"): aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "r") # Adverb else: aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) # Other words do not change for ont_class in list(self.classes_dict.values()): if aspect_lemma in ont_class: aspect_class = list(self.classes_dict.keys())[list(self.classes_dict.values()).index(ont_class)] for word, tag in np.array(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))): if tag.startswith("V"): word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "v") # Verb elif tag.startswith("J"): word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "a") # Adjective elif tag.startswith("R"): word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "r") # Adverb else: word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) # Other words do not change for ont_class in list(self.classes_dict.values()): if word_lemma in ont_class: word_class = list(self.classes_dict.keys())[list(self.classes_dict.values()).index(ont_class)] sentence_classes[word] = word_class if word == aspect: aspect_class = word_class is_negated = self.isNegated(word, words_in_sentence) if word_lemma in self.type1: positive, negative = self.getClassPolarity(word_class, is_negated, False) positive_list.append(positive) negative_list.append(negative) elif word_lemma in self.type2: if self.categoryMatch(aspect_class, word_class): positive, negative = self.getClassPolarity(word_class, is_negated, False) positive_list.append(positive) negative_list.append(negative) elif word_lemma in self.type3: if (aspect_class != word_class) and (aspect_class is not None): new_class = self.addSubclass(word_class, aspect_class) positive, negative = self.getClassPolarity(new_class, is_negated, True) positive_list.append(positive) negative_list.append(negative) if (True in positive_list) and (True not in negative_list): prediction = np.array([[0,0,1]]) elif (True not in positive_list) and (True in negative_list): prediction = np.array([[1,0,0]]) else: prediction = self.majority_class self.majority_count += 1 return prediction def run(self, train_data, test_data, purpose): self.majority_class = self.getMajorityClass(train_data[:, 2]) predictions = np.zeros([1,3]) for sentence, aspect, _ in test_data: predictions = np.concatenate([predictions, self.predictSentiment(sentence, aspect)]) predictions = predictions[1:,:] self.evaluation(test_data[:, 2], predictions, purpose) print('') return predictions def evaluation(self, Y, pred, purpose, print_results=True): real = (pd.get_dummies(pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate([np.array(['negative','neutral','positive']), Y]))).values[3:,:]) pos_pos,pos_neu,pos_neg,neg_pos,neg_neu,neg_neg=0,0,0,0,0,0 for i in range(len(pred)): if (pred[i].argmax() == 0) and (real[i].argmax()==0): neg_neg += 1 if (pred[i].argmax() == 0) and (real[i].argmax()==1): neg_neu += 1 if (pred[i].argmax() == 0) and (real[i].argmax()==2): neg_pos += 1 if (pred[i].argmax() == 2) and (real[i].argmax()==0): pos_neg += 1 if (pred[i].argmax() == 2) and (real[i].argmax()==1): pos_neu += 1 if (pred[i].argmax() == 2) and (real[i].argmax()==2): pos_pos += 1 pos_pred = pos_pos + pos_neu + pos_neg neg_pred = neg_pos + neg_neu + neg_neg pos_true = pos_pos + neg_pos neu_true = pos_neu + neg_neu neg_true = pos_neg + neg_neg total = pos_true + neu_true + neg_true table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive', '|', 'total'], data = [[ neg_neg, neg_neu, neg_pos, '|', neg_pred], [ pos_neg, pos_neu, pos_pos, '|', pos_pred], ['--------', '-------', '--------', '-', '-----'], [ neg_true, neu_true, pos_true, '|', total]], index = ['Negative', 'Positive', '--------', 'total']) acc = np.round(100*sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(np.argmax(pred, 1), np.argmax(real, 1)), 2) loss = sklearn.metrics.log_loss(real, pred) path = './Results/logs/{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__class__.__name__, purpose) results = {'accuracy' : acc, 'loss' : loss, 'table' : table.to_json()} if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) with open(path+'results.json', 'w') as file: file.write(json.dumps(results)) if print_results: print(" "+purpose+" Data") print(table) print('Accuracy:', acc) print('Loss:', loss) if __name__ == '__main__': np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf, edgeitems=3, linewidth=120) FLAGS = for name in list(FLAGS): if name not in ('showprefixforinfo',): delattr(FLAGS, name)'f', '', 'kernel')'train_proportion', 1.0, 'Train proportion for train/validation split')'seed', None, 'Random seed')'ontology_path', './Ontology/Ontology_restaurants.owl', 'Ontology path')'train_model', True, 'Run Ont on train data')'predict_values', True, 'Run Ont on test data')'train_data_path', './Data/ABSA-15_Restaurants_Train_Final.xml', 'Train data path')'test_data_path', './Data/ABSA15_Restaurants_Test.xml', 'Test data path') reader = Reader(FLAGS) data_train, _ = reader.readData(FLAGS.train_data_path) data_test, _ = reader.readData(FLAGS.test_data_path) model = Ont(FLAGS.ontology_path) if FLAGS.train_model: print('Training...') a = predictions_train =, data_train, 'Train') b = print('Time:', b-a) if FLAGS.predict_values: print('Prediction...') c = predictions_test =, data_test, 'Test') d = print('Time:', d-c)