# Manuscript guidelines The article should offer fresh insights into a topic of broad interest to researchers in the life and biomedical sciences. When writing the article, please use an active/engaging style, rather than the passive/formal style used for most research papers. The best way to do this is to avoid long sentence (keep below 30 words if possible) and to use verbs rather than nouns. Also, if writing about a particular area of science, please try to make the article understandable by readers (including undergraduate students) in other areas of science. If the article is largely about problems or shortcomings in the world of science, it should suggest solutions to these problems. And if the article is about issues in one country, please try to make the article of interest to readers in other countries. There are no strict limits on the length, but authors are advised to stay below 2000 words, two display items (figures, tables etc) and 20 references if possible. Also, please avoid lists of bullet points, unless they are essential, and please use no more that two levels of headings. Articles are peer reviewed at the discretion of the editors and staff.