\name{laguerre} \alias{laguerre} \title{ Laguerre's Method } \description{ Laguerre's method for finding roots of complex polynomials. } \usage{ laguerre(p, x0, nmax = 25, tol = .Machine$double.eps^(1/2)) } \arguments{ \item{p}{real or complex vector representing a polynomial.} \item{x0}{real or complex point near the root.} \item{nmax}{maximum number of iterations.} \item{tol}{absolute tolerance.} } \details{ Uses values of the polynomial and its first and second derivative. } \value{ The root found, or a warning about the number of iterations. } \references{ Fausett, L. V. (2007). Applied Numerical Analysis Using Matlab. Second edition, Prentice Hall. } \note{ Computations are caried out in complex arithmetic, and it is possible to obtain a complex root even if the starting estimate is real. } \seealso{ \code{\link{roots}} } \examples{ # 1 x^5 - 5.4 x^4 + 14.45 x^3 - 32.292 x^2 + 47.25 x - 26.46 p <- c(1.0, -5.4, 14.45, -32.292, 47.25, -26.46) laguerre(p, 1) #=> 1.2 laguerre(p, 2) #=> 2.099987 (should be 2.1) laguerre(p, 2i) #=> 0+2.236068i (+- 2.2361i, i.e sqrt(-5)) } \keyword{ math }