Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
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Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap.h"
#include <set>
//Represents a fenced region that covers one or more singularities.
class FencedRegion
FencedRegion(const HEMesh& mesh, const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>& vertexToSingularityIndex, bool verbose = true);
FencedRegion(FencedRegion&& movedFrom) = default;
FencedRegion& operator=(FencedRegion&& movedFrom) = default;
//Returns a set of singularity indices covered by this fenced region.
const std::set<size_t>& CoveredSingularities() const;
//Returns if the fenced region has singularities on its boundary and is thus invalid.
bool HasSingularitiesOnBoundary() const;
//Returns an arbitrary singularity on the boundary of this fenced region.
const size_t NextSingularity();
//Returns if this fenced region has not been deactivated
bool IsActive() const { return isActive; }
//Lets the user deactivate a fenced region.
void SetActive(bool active) { isActive = active; }
//Represents incidence relations between a vertex and all outgoing
//edges on the fence.
struct OutgoingEdgeInfo
OutgoingEdgeInfo(OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge)
: edge(edge)
{ }
//An arbitrary outgoing boundary edge
OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge;
//All other outgoing edges if there are more than one (in the case of
//a non-manifold boundary)
std::vector<OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle> additionalEdges;
//Represents an edge in a boundary loop of a fenced region.
struct LoopEdge
HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle edge;
//Integer orientation of this edge in [0, n), where
//n is the loop's degree.
int orientation;
LoopEdge() { }
LoopEdge(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle e, unsigned int orientation)
: edge(e), orientation(orientation)
{ }
//Represents a boundary loop of a fenced region.
class Loop
Loop(int degree, std::vector<LoopEdge>&& edges, std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>&& concaveCornersOutgoing);
int Degree() const { return degree; }
//Returns the ordered set of edges of this loop
const std::vector<LoopEdge>& Edges() const { return edges; }
//Returns a list of concave corners of this loop (represented as outgoing halfedges)
const std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& ConcaveCornersOutgoing() const;
//Returns if this loop has a degree other than 4
bool IsSingular() const { return degree != 4 && degree != -4; }
//Returns the index of the given halfedge within this loop or (size_t)-1 if the
//halfedge is not part of this loop.
size_t FindEdge(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle e) const;
//Returns if adding a face inside this loop generates a handle on the boundary.
//This happens if the face merges two parts of the enclosed region.
bool AddFaceGeneratesHandle(HEMesh::FaceHandle f, const HEMesh& mesh) const;
//Reduces all edge modulo Degree.
void NormalizeEdgeOrientations();
//number of corners of this loop
int degree = 0;
std::vector<LoopEdge> edges;
std::map<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle, size_t> edgeToIndex;
//All edges outgoing from concave vertices of this loop
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> concaveCornersOutgoing;
//Returns a list of outgoing boundary edges for a vertex on the fence
const OutgoingEdgeInfo& OutgoingInfo(OpenMesh::VertexHandle v) const;
//Returns the number of edges comprising the fence
size_t BoundaryLength() const;
//Returns a list of faces that are covered by this region
const std::set<HEMesh::FaceHandle>& IncludedFaces() const;
//Adds a face to the fenced region
void AddFace(HEMesh::FaceHandle f);
//Adds the faces surrounding a hole to the current patch and removes the hole loop.
//h is a boundary halfedge that specifies the hole to fill.
//Returns true if the hole has been added. Returns false if the hole was bigger than the given threshold.
bool FillMeshHole(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, size_t maxHoleEdges);
//Returns an index list (of vertices) for rendering the boundary,
Eigen::Matrix<unsigned int, 2, Eigen::Dynamic> GenerateBoundaryIndices() const;
//Returns an index list (of vertices) for rendering the faces as triangles.
std::vector<unsigned int> GenerateFaceIndices() const;
//Returns the halfedge following a given halfedge on the boundary.
OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle NextOnBoundary(OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle h) const;
//Calculates the loops for this fenced region and calls MakeSimple afterwards.
void EstablishLoops();
//Fills any holes in the patch and adds the according faces to the patch.
void MakeSimple();
//Returns a list of loops that border this fenced region. A valid fenced region has a
//single loop.
const std::vector<Loop>& Loops() const;
//Returns if all loops are of degree 4.
bool IsRectilinear() const;
//Returns if a face is covered by this region.
bool IsFaceIncluded(HEMesh::FaceHandle face) const;
//Merges this region with another one by copying all faces of other into
//this region. Invalidates existing loops.
void MergeWith(FencedRegion& other);
//Returns if the to vertex of h is on the fence of this region. If considerPaddedBoundary
//is true, a vertex is only considered on the boundary if the surrounding edges are not virtually
bool IsToVertexOnBoundary(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, bool considerPaddedBoundary = true) const;
//Resets the region.
void Clear();
//Updates the set of covered singularities from the changes recorded in edgesToCheck.
void UpdateSingularitiesFromChanges();
//Modified edges that need to be checked for covered singularities
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> edgesToCheck;
//Tries to remove an edge from the boundary. Returns if the edge existed.
bool DeleteEdge(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h);
//Calculates a loop starting at a given halfedge. Adds all encountered halfedges to handled.
Loop CalculateLoop(OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, std::set<OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle>& handled) const;
//Determines if functions of this object should output debug information
bool verbose;
//represent boundary loop as a linked list
std::map<OpenMesh::VertexHandle, OutgoingEdgeInfo> outgoing;
//Total number of all additional edges in the outgoing structure.
size_t totalAdditionalEdges = 0;
//Set of all covered faces
std::set<OpenMesh::FaceHandle> faces;
//Set of generated boundary loops for this fenced region
std::vector<Loop> loops;
//The underlying mesh
const HEMesh* mesh;
//indices into singularities
std::set<size_t> singularitiesOnBoundary;
//indices into singularities
std::set<size_t> coveredSingularities;
const ManifoldnessAwareVertexMap<size_t>* vertexToSingularityIndex;
bool isActive = true;