function initials=initialvalue(signalfile,zvaluefile,reglocafile,L) %%L is number of the components in the normal mixture signal=load(signalfile);%%%% signals, of the brain region of interest (ROI), gotten by BH procedure zvalue=load(zvaluefile);%%%% observed data on the whole image grid including the brain part and the non-brain part regloca=load(reglocafile);%%%%% location of the ROI on the LX*LY*LZ image grid n_reg=length(regloca);% the number of voxels in the ROI zvalue_1=zeros(n_reg,1);% to store the z-value of the signals by BH procedure num=0; for i=1:n_reg pi=regloca(i); if signal(i)==1 num=num+1; zvalue_1(num)=zvalue(pi); end end prop=1-num/n_reg; %%%%%%%%%%%always use set the initial values for beta and h to be zeros beta=0; h=0; initials=[beta,h]; temp=0; try,1),L);%% is a Matlab built-in function, see for j=1:L initials=[initials,,obj.Sigma(j),obj.PComponents(j)]; end catch err %%%%%%% if is divergent mu=zeros(L,1); if L==1 mu(1)=1; elseif mod(L,2)==0 %%%%%%if L is divisible by 2, then let mu_i be [-L,-L/2,-L/4,...,L/4,L/2,L] and thus symmetric around 0. temp=L/2; for mu_i=1:temp mu(mu_i)=mu_i*2; mu(L-mu_i+1)=-mu(mu_i); end else %%%%%%%if L is not divisible by 2, then let mu_i be [-floor(L/2),-floor(L/2)+1,...,0,floor(L/2)-1,floor(L/2)] and thus symmetric around 0. temp=ceil(L/2); for mu_i=1:L mu(mu_i)=mu_i-temp; end end Sigma=ones(L,1); PComponents=(1/L)*ones(L,1); for j=1:L initials=[initials,mu(j),Sigma(j),PComponents(j)]; end end