# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ## types ## """ <:(T1, T2) Subtype operator: returns `true` if and only if all values of type `T1` are also of type `T2`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Float64 <: AbstractFloat true julia> Vector{Int} <: AbstractArray true julia> Matrix{Float64} <: Matrix{AbstractFloat} false ``` """ (<:) """ >:(T1, T2) Supertype operator, equivalent to `T2 <: T1`. """ (>:)(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b)) = (b <: a) """ supertype(T::DataType) Return the supertype of DataType `T`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> supertype(Int32) Signed ``` """ function supertype(T::DataType) @_pure_meta T.super end function supertype(T::UnionAll) @_pure_meta UnionAll(T.var, supertype(T.body)) end ## generic comparison ## """ ==(x, y) Generic equality operator. Falls back to [`===`](@ref). Should be implemented for all types with a notion of equality, based on the abstract value that an instance represents. For example, all numeric types are compared by numeric value, ignoring type. Strings are compared as sequences of characters, ignoring encoding. For collections, `==` is generally called recursively on all contents, though other properties (like the shape for arrays) may also be taken into account. This operator follows IEEE semantics for floating-point numbers: `0.0 == -0.0` and `NaN != NaN`. The result is of type `Bool`, except when one of the operands is [`missing`](@ref), in which case `missing` is returned ([three-valued logic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-valued_logic)). For collections, `missing` is returned if at least one of the operands contains a `missing` value and all non-missing values are equal. Use [`isequal`](@ref) or [`===`](@ref) to always get a `Bool` result. # Implementation New numeric types should implement this function for two arguments of the new type, and handle comparison to other types via promotion rules where possible. [`isequal`](@ref) falls back to `==`, so new methods of `==` will be used by the [`Dict`](@ref) type to compare keys. If your type will be used as a dictionary key, it should therefore also implement [`hash`](@ref). """ == """ isequal(x, y) Similar to [`==`](@ref), except for the treatment of floating point numbers and of missing values. `isequal` treats all floating-point `NaN` values as equal to each other, treats `-0.0` as unequal to `0.0`, and [`missing`](@ref) as equal to `missing`. Always returns a `Bool` value. # Implementation The default implementation of `isequal` calls `==`, so a type that does not involve floating-point values generally only needs to define `==`. `isequal` is the comparison function used by hash tables (`Dict`). `isequal(x,y)` must imply that `hash(x) == hash(y)`. This typically means that types for which a custom `==` or `isequal` method exists must implement a corresponding `hash` method (and vice versa). Collections typically implement `isequal` by calling `isequal` recursively on all contents. Scalar types generally do not need to implement `isequal` separate from `==`, unless they represent floating-point numbers amenable to a more efficient implementation than that provided as a generic fallback (based on `isnan`, `signbit`, and `==`). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isequal([1., NaN], [1., NaN]) true julia> [1., NaN] == [1., NaN] false julia> 0.0 == -0.0 true julia> isequal(0.0, -0.0) false ``` """ isequal(x, y) = x == y signequal(x, y) = signbit(x)::Bool == signbit(y)::Bool signless(x, y) = signbit(x)::Bool & !signbit(y)::Bool isequal(x::AbstractFloat, y::AbstractFloat) = (isnan(x) & isnan(y)) | signequal(x, y) & (x == y)::Bool isequal(x::Real, y::AbstractFloat) = (isnan(x) & isnan(y)) | signequal(x, y) & (x == y)::Bool isequal(x::AbstractFloat, y::Real ) = (isnan(x) & isnan(y)) | signequal(x, y) & (x == y)::Bool """ isless(x, y) Test whether `x` is less than `y`, according to a fixed total order. `isless` is not defined on all pairs of values `(x, y)`. However, if it is defined, it is expected to satisfy the following: - If `isless(x, y)` is defined, then so is `isless(y, x)` and `isequal(x, y)`, and exactly one of those three yields `true`. - The relation defined by `isless` is transitive, i.e., `isless(x, y) && isless(y, z)` implies `isless(x, z)`. Values that are normally unordered, such as `NaN`, are ordered in an arbitrary but consistent fashion. [`missing`](@ref) values are ordered last. This is the default comparison used by [`sort`](@ref). # Implementation Non-numeric types with a total order should implement this function. Numeric types only need to implement it if they have special values such as `NaN`. Types with a partial order should implement [`<`](@ref). See the documentation on [Alternate orderings](@ref) for how to define alternate ordering methods that can be used in sorting and related functions. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> isless(1, 3) true julia> isless("Red", "Blue") false ``` """ function isless end isless(x::AbstractFloat, y::AbstractFloat) = (!isnan(x) & (isnan(y) | signless(x, y))) | (x < y) isless(x::Real, y::AbstractFloat) = (!isnan(x) & (isnan(y) | signless(x, y))) | (x < y) isless(x::AbstractFloat, y::Real ) = (!isnan(x) & (isnan(y) | signless(x, y))) | (x < y) function ==(T::Type, S::Type) @_pure_meta return ccall(:jl_types_equal, Cint, (Any, Any), T, S) != 0 end function !=(T::Type, S::Type) @_pure_meta return !(T == S) end ==(T::TypeVar, S::Type) = false ==(T::Type, S::TypeVar) = false ## comparison fallbacks ## """ !=(x, y) ≠(x,y) Not-equals comparison operator. Always gives the opposite answer as [`==`](@ref). # Implementation New types should generally not implement this, and rely on the fallback definition `!=(x,y) = !(x==y)` instead. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 3 != 2 true julia> "foo" ≠ "foo" false ``` """ !=(x, y) = !(x == y) const ≠ = != """ ===(x,y) -> Bool ≡(x,y) -> Bool Determine whether `x` and `y` are identical, in the sense that no program could distinguish them. First the types of `x` and `y` are compared. If those are identical, mutable objects are compared by address in memory and immutable objects (such as numbers) are compared by contents at the bit level. This function is sometimes called "egal". It always returns a `Bool` value. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = [1, 2]; b = [1, 2]; julia> a == b true julia> a === b false julia> a === a true ``` """ === const ≡ = === """ !==(x, y) ≢(x,y) Always gives the opposite answer as [`===`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = [1, 2]; b = [1, 2]; julia> a ≢ b true julia> a ≢ a false ``` """ !==(@nospecialize(x), @nospecialize(y)) = !(x === y) const ≢ = !== """ <(x, y) Less-than comparison operator. Falls back to [`isless`](@ref). Because of the behavior of floating-point NaN values, this operator implements a partial order. # Implementation New numeric types with a canonical partial order should implement this function for two arguments of the new type. Types with a canonical total order should implement [`isless`](@ref) instead. (x < y) | (x == y) # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 'a' < 'b' true julia> "abc" < "abd" true julia> 5 < 3 false ``` """ <(x, y) = isless(x, y) """ >(x, y) Greater-than comparison operator. Falls back to `y < x`. # Implementation Generally, new types should implement [`<`](@ref) instead of this function, and rely on the fallback definition `>(x, y) = y < x`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 'a' > 'b' false julia> 7 > 3 > 1 true julia> "abc" > "abd" false julia> 5 > 3 true ``` """ >(x, y) = y < x """ <=(x, y) ≤(x,y) Less-than-or-equals comparison operator. Falls back to `(x < y) | (x == y)`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 'a' <= 'b' true julia> 7 ≤ 7 ≤ 9 true julia> "abc" ≤ "abc" true julia> 5 <= 3 false ``` """ <=(x, y) = (x < y) | (x == y) const ≤ = <= """ >=(x, y) ≥(x,y) Greater-than-or-equals comparison operator. Falls back to `y <= x`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 'a' >= 'b' false julia> 7 ≥ 7 ≥ 3 true julia> "abc" ≥ "abc" true julia> 5 >= 3 true ``` """ >=(x, y) = (y <= x) const ≥ = >= # this definition allows Number types to implement < instead of isless, # which is more idiomatic: isless(x::Real, y::Real) = x ifelse(1 > 2, 1, 2) 2 ``` """ ifelse """ cmp(x,y) Return -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether `x` is less than, equal to, or greater than `y`, respectively. Uses the total order implemented by `isless`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> cmp(1, 2) -1 julia> cmp(2, 1) 1 julia> cmp(2+im, 3-im) ERROR: MethodError: no method matching isless(::Complex{Int64}, ::Complex{Int64}) [...] ``` """ cmp(x, y) = isless(x, y) ? -1 : ifelse(isless(y, x), 1, 0) """ cmp(<, x, y) Return -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether `x` is less than, equal to, or greater than `y`, respectively. The first argument specifies a less-than comparison function to use. """ cmp(<, x, y) = (x < y) ? -1 : ifelse(y < x, 1, 0) # cmp returns -1, 0, +1 indicating ordering cmp(x::Integer, y::Integer) = ifelse(isless(x, y), -1, ifelse(isless(y, x), 1, 0)) """ max(x, y, ...) Return the maximum of the arguments. See also the [`maximum`](@ref) function to take the maximum element from a collection. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> max(2, 5, 1) 5 ``` """ max(x, y) = ifelse(isless(y, x), x, y) """ min(x, y, ...) Return the minimum of the arguments. See also the [`minimum`](@ref) function to take the minimum element from a collection. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> min(2, 5, 1) 1 ``` """ min(x,y) = ifelse(isless(y, x), y, x) """ minmax(x, y) Return `(min(x,y), max(x,y))`. See also: [`extrema`](@ref) that returns `(minimum(x), maximum(x))`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> minmax('c','b') ('b', 'c') ``` """ minmax(x,y) = isless(y, x) ? (y, x) : (x, y) """ extrema(itr) -> Tuple Compute both the minimum and maximum element in a single pass, and return them as a 2-tuple. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> extrema(2:10) (2, 10) julia> extrema([9,pi,4.5]) (3.141592653589793, 9.0) ``` """ extrema(itr) = _extrema_itr(identity, itr) """ extrema(f, itr) -> Tuple Compute both the minimum and maximum of `f` applied to each element in `itr` and return them as a 2-tuple. Only one pass is made over `itr`. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This method requires Julia 1.2 or later. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> extrema(sin, 0:π) (0.0, 0.9092974268256817) ``` """ extrema(f, itr) = _extrema_itr(f, itr) function _extrema_itr(f, itr) y = iterate(itr) y === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("collection must be non-empty")) (v, s) = y vmin = vmax = f(v) while true y = iterate(itr, s) y === nothing && break (x, s) = y fx = f(x) vmax = max(fx, vmax) vmin = min(fx, vmin) end return (vmin, vmax) end extrema(x::Real) = (x, x) extrema(f, x::Real) = (y = f(x); (y, y)) ## definitions providing basic traits of arithmetic operators ## """ identity(x) The identity function. Returns its argument. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> identity("Well, what did you expect?") "Well, what did you expect?" ``` """ identity(x) = x +(x::Number) = x *(x::Number) = x (&)(x::Integer) = x (|)(x::Integer) = x xor(x::Integer) = x const ⊻ = xor # foldl for argument lists. expand recursively up to a point, then # switch to a loop. this allows small cases like `a+b+c+d` to be inlined # efficiently, without a major slowdown for `+(x...)` when `x` is big. afoldl(op,a) = a afoldl(op,a,b) = op(a,b) afoldl(op,a,b,c...) = afoldl(op, op(a,b), c...) function afoldl(op,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,qs...) y = op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(op(a,b),c),d),e),f),g),h),i),j),k),l),m),n),o),p) for x in qs; y = op(y,x); end y end for op in (:+, :*, :&, :|, :xor, :min, :max, :kron) @eval begin # note: these definitions must not cause a dispatch loop when +(a,b) is # not defined, and must only try to call 2-argument definitions, so # that defining +(a,b) is sufficient for full functionality. ($op)(a, b, c, xs...) = afoldl($op, ($op)(($op)(a,b),c), xs...) # a further concern is that it's easy for a type like (Int,Int...) # to match many definitions, so we need to keep the number of # definitions down to avoid losing type information. end end function kron! end const var"'" = adjoint const var"'ᵀ" = transpose """ \\(x, y) Left division operator: multiplication of `y` by the inverse of `x` on the left. Gives floating-point results for integer arguments. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 3 \\ 6 2.0 julia> inv(3) * 6 2.0 julia> A = [4 3; 2 1]; x = [5, 6]; julia> A \\ x 2-element Vector{Float64}: 6.5 -7.0 julia> inv(A) * x 2-element Vector{Float64}: 6.5 -7.0 ``` """ \(x,y) = adjoint(adjoint(y)/adjoint(x)) # Core <<, >>, and >>> take either Int or UInt as second arg. Signed shift # counts can shift in either direction, and are translated here to unsigned # counts. Integer datatypes only need to implement the unsigned version. """ <<(x, n) Left bit shift operator, `x << n`. For `n >= 0`, the result is `x` shifted left by `n` bits, filling with `0`s. This is equivalent to `x * 2^n`. For `n < 0`, this is equivalent to `x >> -n`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Int8(3) << 2 12 julia> bitstring(Int8(3)) "00000011" julia> bitstring(Int8(12)) "00001100" ``` See also [`>>`](@ref), [`>>>`](@ref). """ function <<(x::Integer, c::Integer) @_inline_meta typemin(Int) <= c <= typemax(Int) && return x << (c % Int) (x >= 0 || c >= 0) && return zero(x) << 0 # for type stability oftype(x, -1) end function <<(x::Integer, c::Unsigned) @_inline_meta if c isa UInt throw(MethodError(<<, (x, c))) end c <= typemax(UInt) ? x << (c % UInt) : zero(x) << UInt(0) end <<(x::Integer, c::Int) = c >= 0 ? x << unsigned(c) : x >> unsigned(-c) """ >>(x, n) Right bit shift operator, `x >> n`. For `n >= 0`, the result is `x` shifted right by `n` bits, where `n >= 0`, filling with `0`s if `x >= 0`, `1`s if `x < 0`, preserving the sign of `x`. This is equivalent to `fld(x, 2^n)`. For `n < 0`, this is equivalent to `x << -n`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Int8(13) >> 2 3 julia> bitstring(Int8(13)) "00001101" julia> bitstring(Int8(3)) "00000011" julia> Int8(-14) >> 2 -4 julia> bitstring(Int8(-14)) "11110010" julia> bitstring(Int8(-4)) "11111100" ``` See also [`>>>`](@ref), [`<<`](@ref). """ function >>(x::Integer, c::Integer) @_inline_meta if c isa UInt throw(MethodError(>>, (x, c))) end typemin(Int) <= c <= typemax(Int) && return x >> (c % Int) (x >= 0 || c < 0) && return zero(x) >> 0 oftype(x, -1) end >>(x::Integer, c::Int) = c >= 0 ? x >> unsigned(c) : x << unsigned(-c) """ >>>(x, n) Unsigned right bit shift operator, `x >>> n`. For `n >= 0`, the result is `x` shifted right by `n` bits, where `n >= 0`, filling with `0`s. For `n < 0`, this is equivalent to `x << -n`. For [`Unsigned`](@ref) integer types, this is equivalent to [`>>`](@ref). For [`Signed`](@ref) integer types, this is equivalent to `signed(unsigned(x) >> n)`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Int8(-14) >>> 2 60 julia> bitstring(Int8(-14)) "11110010" julia> bitstring(Int8(60)) "00111100" ``` [`BigInt`](@ref)s are treated as if having infinite size, so no filling is required and this is equivalent to [`>>`](@ref). See also [`>>`](@ref), [`<<`](@ref). """ function >>>(x::Integer, c::Integer) @_inline_meta typemin(Int) <= c <= typemax(Int) ? x >>> (c % Int) : zero(x) >>> 0 end function >>>(x::Integer, c::Unsigned) @_inline_meta if c isa UInt throw(MethodError(>>>, (x, c))) end c <= typemax(UInt) ? x >>> (c % UInt) : zero(x) >>> 0 end >>>(x::Integer, c::Int) = c >= 0 ? x >>> unsigned(c) : x << unsigned(-c) # operator alias """ rem(x, y) %(x, y) Remainder from Euclidean division, returning a value of the same sign as `x`, and smaller in magnitude than `y`. This value is always exact. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> x = 15; y = 4; julia> x % y 3 julia> x == div(x, y) * y + rem(x, y) true ``` """ rem const % = rem """ div(x, y) ÷(x, y) The quotient from Euclidean division. Computes `x/y`, truncated to an integer. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 9 ÷ 4 2 julia> -5 ÷ 3 -1 julia> 5.0 ÷ 2 2.0 ``` """ div const ÷ = div """ mod1(x, y) Modulus after flooring division, returning a value `r` such that `mod(r, y) == mod(x, y)` in the range ``(0, y]`` for positive `y` and in the range ``[y,0)`` for negative `y`. See also: [`fld1`](@ref), [`fldmod1`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> mod1(4, 2) 2 julia> mod1(4, 3) 1 ``` """ mod1(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = (m = mod(x, y); ifelse(m == 0, y, m)) """ fld1(x, y) Flooring division, returning a value consistent with `mod1(x,y)` See also: [`mod1`](@ref), [`fldmod1`](@ref). # Examples ```jldoctest julia> x = 15; y = 4; julia> fld1(x, y) 4 julia> x == fld(x, y) * y + mod(x, y) true julia> x == (fld1(x, y) - 1) * y + mod1(x, y) true ``` """ fld1(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = (m = mod1(x, y); fld(x + y - m, y)) function fld1(x::T, y::T) where T<:Integer d = div(x, y) return d + (!signbit(x ⊻ y) & (d * y != x)) end """ fldmod1(x, y) Return `(fld1(x,y), mod1(x,y))`. See also: [`fld1`](@ref), [`mod1`](@ref). """ fldmod1(x, y) = (fld1(x, y), mod1(x, y)) """ widen(x) If `x` is a type, return a "larger" type, defined so that arithmetic operations `+` and `-` are guaranteed not to overflow nor lose precision for any combination of values that type `x` can hold. For fixed-size integer types less than 128 bits, `widen` will return a type with twice the number of bits. If `x` is a value, it is converted to `widen(typeof(x))`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> widen(Int32) Int64 julia> widen(1.5f0) 1.5 ``` """ widen(x::T) where {T} = convert(widen(T), x) widen(x::Type{T}) where {T} = throw(MethodError(widen, (T,))) # function pipelining """ |>(x, f) Applies a function to the preceding argument. This allows for easy function chaining. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> [1:5;] |> x->x.^2 |> sum |> inv 0.01818181818181818 ``` """ |>(x, f) = f(x) # function composition """ f ∘ g Compose functions: i.e. `(f ∘ g)(args...)` means `f(g(args...))`. The `∘` symbol can be entered in the Julia REPL (and most editors, appropriately configured) by typing `\\circ`. Function composition also works in prefix form: `∘(f, g)` is the same as `f ∘ g`. The prefix form supports composition of multiple functions: `∘(f, g, h) = f ∘ g ∘ h` and splatting `∘(fs...)` for composing an iterable collection of functions. !!! compat "Julia 1.4" Multiple function composition requires at least Julia 1.4. !!! compat "Julia 1.5" Composition of one function ∘(f) requires at least Julia 1.5. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> map(uppercase∘first, ["apple", "banana", "carrot"]) 3-element Vector{Char}: 'A': ASCII/Unicode U+0041 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) 'B': ASCII/Unicode U+0042 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) 'C': ASCII/Unicode U+0043 (category Lu: Letter, uppercase) julia> fs = [ x -> 2x x -> x/2 x -> x-1 x -> x+1 ]; julia> ∘(fs...)(3) 3.0 ``` See also [`ComposedFunction`](@ref). """ function ∘ end """ ComposedFunction{Outer,Inner} <: Function Represents the composition of two callable objects `outer::Outer` and `inner::Inner`. That is ```julia ComposedFunction(outer, inner)(args...; kw...) === outer(inner(args...; kw...)) ``` The preferred way to construct instance of `ComposedFunction` is to use the composition operator [`∘`](@ref): ```jldoctest julia> sin ∘ cos === ComposedFunction(sin, cos) true julia> typeof(sin∘cos) ComposedFunction{typeof(sin), typeof(cos)} ``` The composed pieces are stored in the fields of `ComposedFunction` and can be retrieved as follows: ```jldoctest julia> composition = sin ∘ cos sin ∘ cos julia> composition.outer === sin true julia> composition.inner === cos true ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.6" ComposedFunction requires at least Julia 1.6. In earlier versions `∘` returns an anonymous function instead. See also [`∘`](@ref). """ struct ComposedFunction{O,I} <: Function outer::O inner::I ComposedFunction{O, I}(outer, inner) where {O, I} = new{O, I}(outer, inner) ComposedFunction(outer, inner) = new{Core.Typeof(outer),Core.Typeof(inner)}(outer, inner) end (c::ComposedFunction)(x...) = c.outer(c.inner(x...)) ∘(f) = f ∘(f, g) = ComposedFunction(f, g) ∘(f, g, h...) = ∘(f ∘ g, h...) function show(io::IO, c::ComposedFunction) show(io, c.outer) print(io, " ∘ ") show(io, c.inner) end """ !f::Function Predicate function negation: when the argument of `!` is a function, it returns a function which computes the boolean negation of `f`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> str = "∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0: |x-y| < δ ⇒ |f(x)-f(y)| < ε" "∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0: |x-y| < δ ⇒ |f(x)-f(y)| < ε" julia> filter(isletter, str) "εδxyδfxfyε" julia> filter(!isletter, str) "∀ > 0, ∃ > 0: |-| < ⇒ |()-()| < " ``` """ !(f::Function) = (x...)->!f(x...) """ Fix1(f, x) A type representing a partially-applied version of the two-argument function `f`, with the first argument fixed to the value "x". In other words, `Fix1(f, x)` behaves similarly to `y->f(x, y)`. """ struct Fix1{F,T} <: Function f::F x::T Fix1(f::F, x::T) where {F,T} = new{F,T}(f, x) Fix1(f::Type{F}, x::T) where {F,T} = new{Type{F},T}(f, x) end (f::Fix1)(y) = f.f(f.x, y) """ Fix2(f, x) A type representing a partially-applied version of the two-argument function `f`, with the second argument fixed to the value "x". In other words, `Fix2(f, x)` behaves similarly to `y->f(y, x)`. """ struct Fix2{F,T} <: Function f::F x::T Fix2(f::F, x::T) where {F,T} = new{F,T}(f, x) Fix2(f::Type{F}, x::T) where {F,T} = new{Type{F},T}(f, x) end (f::Fix2)(y) = f.f(y, f.x) """ isequal(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`isequal`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> isequal(y, x)`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(isequal)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. """ isequal(x) = Fix2(isequal, x) """ ==(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`==`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y == x`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(==)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. """ ==(x) = Fix2(==, x) """ !=(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`!=`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y != x`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(!=)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.2. """ !=(x) = Fix2(!=, x) """ >=(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`>=`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y >= x`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(>=)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.2. """ >=(x) = Fix2(>=, x) """ <=(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`<=`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y <= x`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(<=)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.2. """ <=(x) = Fix2(<=, x) """ >(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`>`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y > x`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(>)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.2. """ >(x) = Fix2(>, x) """ <(x) Create a function that compares its argument to `x` using [`<`](@ref), i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y < x`. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(<)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. !!! compat "Julia 1.2" This functionality requires at least Julia 1.2. """ <(x) = Fix2(<, x) """ splat(f) Defined as ```julia splat(f) = args->f(args...) ``` i.e. given a function returns a new function that takes one argument and splats its argument into the original function. This is useful as an adaptor to pass a multi-argument function in a context that expects a single argument, but passes a tuple as that single argument. # Example usage: ```jldoctest julia> map(Base.splat(+), zip(1:3,4:6)) 3-element Vector{Int64}: 5 7 9 ``` """ splat(f) = args->f(args...) ## in and related operators """ in(collection) ∈(collection) Create a function that checks whether its argument is [`in`](@ref) `collection`, i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> y in collection`. See also [`insorted`](@ref) for use with sorted collections. The returned function is of type `Base.Fix2{typeof(in)}`, which can be used to implement specialized methods. """ in(x) = Fix2(in, x) function in(x, itr) anymissing = false for y in itr v = (y == x) if ismissing(v) anymissing = true elseif v return true end end return anymissing ? missing : false end const ∈ = in ∉(x, itr) = !∈(x, itr) ∉(itr) = Fix2(∉, itr) """ ∋(collection, item) -> Bool Like [`in`](@ref), but with arguments in reverse order. Avoid adding methods to this function; define `in` instead. """ ∋(itr, x) = in(x, itr) """ ∋(item) Create a function that checks whether its argument contains the given `item`, i.e. a function equivalent to `y -> item in y`. """ ∋(x) = Fix2(∋, x) ∌(itr, x) = !∋(itr, x) ∌(x) = Fix2(∌, x) """ in(item, collection) -> Bool ∈(item, collection) -> Bool Determine whether an item is in the given collection, in the sense that it is [`==`](@ref) to one of the values generated by iterating over the collection. Returns a `Bool` value, except if `item` is [`missing`](@ref) or `collection` contains `missing` but not `item`, in which case `missing` is returned ([three-valued logic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-valued_logic), matching the behavior of [`any`](@ref) and [`==`](@ref)). Some collections follow a slightly different definition. For example, [`Set`](@ref)s check whether the item [`isequal`](@ref) to one of the elements. [`Dict`](@ref)s look for `key=>value` pairs, and the key is compared using [`isequal`](@ref). To test for the presence of a key in a dictionary, use [`haskey`](@ref) or `k in keys(dict)`. For these collections, the result is always a `Bool` and never `missing`. To determine whether an item is not in a given collection, see [`:∉`](@ref). You may also negate the `in` by doing `!(a in b)` which is logically similar to "not in". When broadcasting with `in.(items, collection)` or `items .∈ collection`, both `item` and `collection` are broadcasted over, which is often not what is intended. For example, if both arguments are vectors (and the dimensions match), the result is a vector indicating whether each value in collection `items` is `in` the value at the corresponding position in `collection`. To get a vector indicating whether each value in `items` is in `collection`, wrap `collection` in a tuple or a `Ref` like this: `in.(items, Ref(collection))` or `items .∈ Ref(collection)`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> a = 1:3:20 1:3:19 julia> 4 in a true julia> 5 in a false julia> missing in [1, 2] missing julia> 1 in [2, missing] missing julia> 1 in [1, missing] true julia> missing in Set([1, 2]) false julia> !(21 in a) true julia> !(19 in a) false julia> [1, 2] .∈ [2, 3] 2-element BitVector: 0 0 julia> [1, 2] .∈ ([2, 3],) 2-element BitVector: 0 1 ``` """ in """ ∉(item, collection) -> Bool ∌(collection, item) -> Bool Negation of `∈` and `∋`, i.e. checks that `item` is not in `collection`. When broadcasting with `items .∉ collection`, both `item` and `collection` are broadcasted over, which is often not what is intended. For example, if both arguments are vectors (and the dimensions match), the result is a vector indicating whether each value in collection `items` is not in the value at the corresponding position in `collection`. To get a vector indicating whether each value in `items` is not in `collection`, wrap `collection` in a tuple or a `Ref` like this: `items .∉ Ref(collection)`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> 1 ∉ 2:4 true julia> 1 ∉ 1:3 false julia> [1, 2] .∉ [2, 3] 2-element BitVector: 1 1 julia> [1, 2] .∉ ([2, 3],) 2-element BitVector: 1 0 ``` """ ∉, ∌