#' @title Simulation of a bivariate non-central squared copula
#' @description This function simulates observations a bivariate non-central squared copula model.
#' @param family 'Gaussian' , 't' , 'Clayton' , 'Frank' , 'Gumbel'.
#' @param n number of simulated vectors.
#' @param param c(a1,a2,tau) where a1,a2 are the non-negative non-centrality
# parameters, tau is Kendall's tau of the copula family.
#' @param DoF degrees of freedom of the Student copula (if needed).
#' @return \item{U}{Simulated Data}
#' @author Bouchra R. Nasri, August 14, 2019
#' @examples param <- c(0.8, 2.5, 0.7) ;
#'U <- SimNCSCop('Clayton', 250, param)
#' @export
SimNCSCop<-function(family, n, param, DoF = NULL){
a1 = param[1];
a2 = param[2];
KendallTau= param[3];
"Gaussian" = {
alpha = copula::iTau(copula::normalCopula(), tau = KendallTau)
"t" = {
alpha = copula::iTau(copula::normalCopula(), tau = KendallTau)
"Clayton" = {
alpha = copula::iTau(copula::claytonCopula(), tau = KendallTau)
"Frank" = {
alpha = copula::iTau(copula::frankCopula(), tau = KendallTau)
"Gumbel" = {
alpha = copula::iTau(copula::gumbelCopula(), tau = KendallTau)
"Gaussian" =
V = copula::rCopula(n,copula::normalCopula(alpha, dim = 2))
"t" = {
V = copula::rCopula(n, copula::tCopula(alpha, dim = 2,df = DoF))
"Clayton" = {
V = copula::rCopula(n,copula::claytonCopula(alpha, dim = 2))
"Frank" = {
V = copula::rCopula(n,copula::frankCopula(alpha, dim = 2))
"Gumbel" = {
V = copula::rCopula(n,copula::gumbelCopula(alpha, dim = 2))
Z = qnorm(V);
X1 = abs(Z[,1]+a1);
X2 = abs(Z[,2]+a2);
U1 = pnorm(X1-a1)-pnorm(-X1-a1);
U2 = pnorm(X2-a2)-pnorm(-X2-a2);
U = matrix(c(U1,U2),byrow = FALSE, ncol=2);