structure_select2 <- function(data, type, method, mult, struct.crit, test.level, trunc.level, renorm.iter, cores, info, progress = FALSE) { if (type == 0) { type <- "RVine" } else if (type == 1) { type <- "CVine" } if (type != "RVine" & type != "CVine") stop("Vine model not implemented.") n <- nrow(data) d <- ncol(data) if (n < 2) stop("Number of observations has to be at least 2.") if (d < 2) stop("Dimension has to be at least 2.") if (any(data > 1) || any(data < 0)) stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].") if ( test.level <- 1 if (!(struct.crit %in% c("tau", "AIC", "cAIC", "hoeffd"))) stop("'struct.crit' has to be one of 'tau', 'AIC', 'cAIC', or 'hoeffd'") # set names if not available if (is.null(colnames(data))) colnames(data) = paste("V", 1:d, sep = "") ## initialize objects RVine <- list(Tree = NULL, Graph = NULL) res <- as.list(numeric(d - 1)) for (i in 1:(d - 1)) res[[i]] <- as.list(numeric(d - i)) llikv <- array(0, dim = c(d, d, n)) llik <- matrix(0, d, d) effp <- matrix(0, d, d) AIC <- matrix(0, d, d) cAIC <- matrix(0, d, d) BIC <- matrix(0, d, d) ## register parallel backend if (cores != 1 | { if ( cores <- max(1, detectCores() - 1) if (cores > 1) { cl <- makeCluster(cores) registerDoParallel(cl) on.exit(try(stopCluster(), silent = TRUE)) } } ## build first tree g <- initializeFirstGraph2(data, struct.crit = struct.crit, weights = NA) mst <- findMaxTree2(g, mode = type) ## estimate copulas in first tree and store results est <- est.FirstTreeCopulas2(mst, data, method = method, mult = mult, info = info, test.level = test.level, renorm.iter = renorm.iter, parallel = cores > 1) res[[1]] <- est$est VineTree <- est$mst RVine$Tree[[1]] <- VineTree RVine$Graph[[1]] <- g ## higher trees for (k in 2:(d - 1)) { g <- buildNextGraph2(VineTree, weights = NA, struct.crit = struct.crit, parallel = cores > 1) mst <- findMaxTree2(g, mode = type) est <- est.TreeCopulas2(mst, k = k, d2 = d, data = data, oldVineGraph = VineTree, method = method, mult = mult, info = info, test.level = test.level, renorm.iter = renorm.iter, parallel = cores > 1, truncate = trunc.level <= k) res[[k]] <- est$est VineTree <- est$tree RVine$Tree[[k]] <- VineTree RVine$Graph[[k]] <- g } ## finalize results res[[d]] <- data res[[d + 1]] <- M <- as.RVMKernel2(RVine)$Matrix for (i in 1:(d - 1)) { for (k in (i + 1):d) { hfit <- res[[i]][[k - i]]$h if (info) { pcfit <- res[[i]][[k - i]]$c llikv[k, i, ] <- log(pcfit$info$likvalues) llik[k, i] <- pcfit$info$loglik effp[k, i] <- pcfit$info$effp AIC[k, i] <- -2 * pcfit$info$loglik + 2 * effp[k, i] cAIC[k, i] <- AIC[k, i] + (2 * effp[k, i] * (effp[k, i] + 1)) / (n - effp[k, i] - 1) BIC[k, i] <- -2 * pcfit$info$loglik + log(n) * effp[k, i] } } } res[[d + 2]] <- if (info) { list(llikv = apply(llikv, 3, sum), loglik = sum(llik), pair.loglik = llik, effp = sum(effp), pair.effp = effp, AIC = sum(AIC), pair.AIC = AIC, cAIC = sum(AIC) + (2 * sum(effp) * (sum(effp) + 1)) / (n - sum(effp) - 1), pair.cAIC = cAIC, BIC = sum(BIC), pair.BIC = BIC) } else list(NULL) names(res) <- vapply(1:(d - 1), function(x) paste("T", x, sep = ""), "") names(res)[d:(d + 2)] <- c("data", "matrix", "info") ## return results class(res) <- "kdevinecop" res } est.FirstTreeCopulas2 <- function(mst, data.univ, method, mult, test.level, renorm.iter, info, parallel) { d <- nrow(mst$E$nums) ## estimation pkgs <- c("kdevine", "kdecopula") ## For independence pair-copulas indepinfo <- list(effp = 0, likvalues = rep(1, nrow(data.univ)), loglik = 0, effp = 0, AIC = 0, cAIC = 0, BIC = 0) doEst <- function(i) { a <- rev(mst$E$nums[i, ]) ## store samples Copula.Data.1 = list(data.univ[, a[1]]) Copula.Data.2 = list(data.univ[, a[2]]) ## set names for this edge if (is.null(mst$V$names[a[1]])) { Copula.CondName.1 <- a[1] } else { Copula.CondName.1 <- mst$V$names[a[1]] } if (is.null(mst$V$names[a[2]])) { Copula.CondName.2 <- a[2] } else { Copula.CondName.2 <- mst$V$names[a[2]] } if (is.null(mst$V$names[a[1]]) || is.null(mst$V$names[a[2]])) { Copula.Name <- paste(a[1], a[2], sep = " , ") } else { Copula.Name <- paste(mst$V$names[a[1]], mst$V$names[a[2]], sep = " , ") } ## identify with numbers nums <- paste(a[2], a[1], sep = ",") ## estimation s <- cbind(data.univ[,a[2]], data.univ[,a[1]]) indep <- ifelse(test.level < 1, BiCopIndTest(s[, 1], s[, 2])$p.value >= test.level, FALSE) if ( browser() if (indep) { pcfit <- list() if (info) pcfit$info <- indepinfo class(pcfit) <- c("kdecopula", "indep.copula") } else { pcfit <- kdecop(s, method = method, mult = mult, renorm.iter = renorm.iter, info = info) # pcfit$udata <- NULL } ## get and store new pseudo-samples if (indep == TRUE) { Copula.CondData.1 <- s[,1] Copula.CondData.2 <- s[,2] } else { Copula.CondData.1 <- list(hkdecop(s, obj = pcfit, cond.var = 2L)) Copula.CondData.2 <- list(hkdecop(s, obj = pcfit, cond.var = 1L)) } ## store estimates resi <- list(c = pcfit, name = nums) ## return results list(Copula.Data.1 = Copula.Data.1, Copula.Data.2 = Copula.Data.2, Copula.CondName.1 = Copula.CondName.1, Copula.CondName.2 = Copula.CondName.2, Copula.Name = Copula.Name, Copula.CondData.1 = Copula.CondData.1, Copula.CondData.2 = Copula.CondData.2, resi = resi) } res <- if (parallel) { foreach(i = 1:d, .export = c("d"), .packages = pkgs) %dopar% doEst(i) } else { lapply(1:d, doEst) } ## clean and return results for (i in 1:d) { mst$E$Copula.Data.1[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.Data.1 mst$E$Copula.Data.2[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.Data.2 mst$E$Copula.CondName.1[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.CondName.1 mst$E$Copula.CondName.2[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.CondName.2 mst$E$Copula.Name[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.Name mst$E$Copula.CondData.1[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.CondData.1 mst$E$Copula.CondData.2[[i]] = res[[i]]$Copula.CondData.2 mst$E$Copula.Nums.1 = res[[i]]$resi$name res[[i]] <- res[[i]]$resi } list(mst = mst, est = res) } est.TreeCopulas2 <- function(mst, k, d2, data, oldVineGraph, method, mult, info, test.level, renorm.iter, weights = NA, parallel, truncate) { d <- nrow(mst$E$nums) # number of nodes in the tree ## For independence pair-copulas indepinfo <- list(effp = 0, likvalues = rep(1, nrow(data)), loglik = 0, effp = 0, AIC = 0, cAIC = 0, BIC = 0) ## estimation exp <- c("split_name", "split_num", "naming") pkgs <- c("kdecopula") doEst <- function(i, mst) { ## get edge and corresponding data con <- rev(mst$E$nums[i, ]) temp <- oldVineGraph$E$nums[con, ] ## find conditional variable if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 1]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 1])) { same <- temp[2, 1] } else { if((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 2]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 2])) { same <- temp[2, 2] } } ## find conditioned variables other1 <- temp[1, temp[1, ] != same] other2 <- temp[2, temp[2, ] != same] ## extract observations and names if (temp[1, 1] == same) { zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[[con[1]]] n1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.2[[con[1]]] } else { zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[[con[1]]] n1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.1[[con[1]]] } if (temp[2, 1] == same) { zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[[con[2]]] n2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.2[[con[2]]] } else { zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[[con[2]]] n2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondName.1[[con[2]]] } zr1a <- if (is.list(zr1)) as.vector(zr1[[1]]) else zr1 zr2a <- if (is.list(zr2)) as.vector(zr2[[1]]) else zr2 n1a <- if (is.list(n1)) as.vector(n1[[1]]) else n1 n2a <- if (is.list(n2)) as.vector(n2[[1]]) else n2 ## store pseudo-samples Copula.Data.1 <- zr1a Copula.Data.2 <- zr2a ## store names Copula.CondName.2 <- n1a Copula.CondName.1 <- n2a ## estimations samples <- cbind(zr1a, zr2a) indep <- ifelse(test.level < 1, BiCopIndTest(samples[, 1], samples[, 2])$p.value >= test.level, FALSE) if (truncate) indep <- TRUE if (indep) { pcfit <- list() if (info) pcfit$info <- indepinfo class(pcfit) <- c("kdecopula", "indep.copula") } else { pcfit <- kdecop(samples, mult = mult, method = method, renorm.iter = renorm.iter, info = info) # pcfit$udata <- NULL } ## naming tmpname <- mst$E$names[i] namesplt <- split_name(tmpname) numsplt <- sapply(namesplt, function(x) which(colnames(data) == x)) nums <- naming(sprintf("%d", numsplt)) ## get and store new pseudo-samples if (indep == TRUE) { Copula.CondData.1 <- samples[,2] Copula.CondData.2 <- samples[,1] } else { Copula.CondData.1 <- hkdecop(samples, obj = pcfit, cond.var = 1L) Copula.CondData.2 <- hkdecop(samples, obj = pcfit, cond.var = 2L) } ## store estimates resi <- list(c = pcfit, name = nums) ## return results list(Copula.Data.1 = Copula.Data.1, Copula.Data.2 = Copula.Data.2, Copula.CondName.1 = Copula.CondName.1, Copula.CondName.2 = Copula.CondName.2, Copula.CondData.1 = Copula.CondData.1, Copula.CondData.2 = Copula.CondData.2, resi = resi) } res.k <- if (parallel) { foreach(i = 1:d, .export = exp, .packages = pkgs) %dopar% doEst(i, mst) } else { lapply(1:d, doEst, mst = mst) } ## clean and return results for (i in 1:d) { mst$E$Copula.Data.1[[i]] = res.k[[i]]$Copula.Data.1 mst$E$Copula.Data.2[[i]] = res.k[[i]]$Copula.Data.2 mst$E$Copula.CondName.1[[i]] = res.k[[i]]$Copula.CondName.1 mst$E$Copula.CondName.2[[i]] = res.k[[i]]$Copula.CondName.2 mst$E$Copula.CondData.1[[i]] = res.k[[i]]$Copula.CondData.1 mst$E$Copula.CondData.2[[i]] = res.k[[i]]$Copula.CondData.2 res.k[[i]] <- res.k[[i]]$resi } list(tree = mst, est = res.k) } hoeffd <- function(x) { n <- nrow(x) R <- apply(x,2,rank)-1 Q <- sapply(1:n, function(i) sum(x[,1] < x[i,1] & x[,2] < x[i,2])) A <- sum(apply(R*(R-1),1,prod)) B <- sum(apply((R-1),1,prod)*Q) C <- sum(Q*(Q-1)) return((A - 2*(n-2)*B + (n-2)*(n-3)*C)/(n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*(n-4))) } initializeFirstGraph2 <- function(data.univ, weights, struct.crit = "tau") { # C = cor(data.univ,method='kendall') q <- dim(data.univ)[2] C <- matrix(rep(1, q * q), ncol = q) for (i in 1:(q - 1)) { for (j in (i + 1):q) { if (struct.crit == "tau") { crit <- fasttau(data.univ[, i], data.univ[, j], weights) } else if (struct.crit == "AIC") { crit <- kdecop(data.univ[, c(i, j)], info = TRUE)$info$AIC } else if (struct.crit == "cAIC") { crit <- kdecop(data.univ[, c(i, j)], info = TRUE)$info$cAIC } else if (struct.crit == "hoeffd") { crit <- abs(hoeffd(data.univ[, c(i, j)])) } C[i, j] <- crit C[j, i] <- crit } } rownames(C) <- colnames(C) <- colnames(data.univ) rownames(C) <- colnames(C) <- colnames(data.univ) graphFromTauMatrix(C) } ## functions for handling the tree structure ------------------------- graphFromTauMatrix2 <- function(tau) { d <- ncol(tau) # get variable names nms <- colnames(tau) # construct edge set E <- cbind(, sapply(1:(d-1), function(i),, sapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i+1, i)))) # add edge names E.names <- apply(E, 1, function(x) paste(nms[x[1]], nms[x[2]], sep = ",")) # set weights w <- tau[upper.tri(tau)] ## return results list(V = list(names = nms, conditionedSet = NULL, conditioningSet = NULL), E = list(nums = E, names = E.names, weights = w, conditionedSet = lapply(1:nrow(E), function(i) E[i, ]), conditioningSet = NULL)) } ## initialize graph for next vine tree (possible edges) buildNextGraph2 <- function(oldVineGraph, weights = NA, struct.crit = "tau", parallel) { d <- nrow(oldVineGraph$E$nums) ## initialize with full graph g <- makeFullGraph2(d) g$V$names <- oldVineGraph$E$names g$V$conditionedSet <- oldVineGraph$E$conditionedSet g$V$conditioningSet <- oldVineGraph$E$conditioningSet ## get info for all edges if (parallel) { i <- NULL # dummy for CRAN check out <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(g$E$nums)) %dopar% getEdgeInfo2(i, g = g, oldVineGraph = oldVineGraph, weights = weights, struct.crit = struct.crit) } else { out <- lapply(1:nrow(g$E$nums), getEdgeInfo2, g = g, oldVineGraph = oldVineGraph, weights = weights, struct.crit = struct.crit) } ## annotate graph (same order as in old version of this function) g$E$weights <- sapply(out, function(x) x$w) g$E$names <- sapply(out, function(x) x$name) g$E$conditionedSet <- lapply(out, function(x) x$nedSet) g$E$conditioningSet <- lapply(out, function(x) x$ningSet) g$E$todel <- sapply(out, function(x) x$todel) ## delete edges that are prohibited by the proximity condition deleteEdges(g) } ## function for obtaining edge information getEdgeInfo2 <- function(i, g, oldVineGraph, weights, struct.crit = "tau") { ## get edge con <- g$E$nums[i, ] temp <- oldVineGraph$E$nums[con, ] ## check for proximity condition ok <- FALSE if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 1]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 1])) { ok <- TRUE same <- temp[2, 1] } else { if ((temp[1, 1] == temp[2, 2]) || (temp[1, 2] == temp[2, 2])) { ok <- TRUE same <- temp[2, 2] } } ## dummy output w <- nedSet <- ningSet <- name <- NA todel <- TRUE # info if proximity condition is fulfilled ... if (ok) { ## get data if (temp[1, 1] == same) { zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[[con[1]]] } else { zr1 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[[con[1]]] } if (temp[2, 1] == same) { zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.2[[con[2]]] } else { zr2 <- oldVineGraph$E$Copula.CondData.1[[con[2]]] } zr1a <- if (is.list(zr1)) as.vector(zr1[[1]]) else zr1 zr2a <- if (is.list(zr2)) as.vector(zr2[[1]]) else zr2 ## calculate Kendall's tau keine_nas <- !( | if (struct.crit == "tau") { w <- fasttau(zr1a[keine_nas], zr2a[keine_nas], weights) } else if (struct.crit == "AIC") { w <- kdecop(cbind(zr1a[keine_nas], zr2a[keine_nas]), info = TRUE)$info$AIC } else if (struct.crit == "cAIC") { w <- kdecop(cbind(zr1a[keine_nas], zr2a[keine_nas]), info = TRUE)$info$cAIC } else if (struct.crit == "hoeffd") { w <- abs(hoeffd(cbind(zr1a[keine_nas], zr2a[keine_nas]))) } ## get names name.node1 <- strsplit(g$V$names[con[1]], split = " *[,;] *")[[1]] name.node2 <- strsplit(g$V$names[con[2]], split = " *[,;] *")[[1]] ## infer conditioned set and conditioning set l1 <- c(g$V$conditionedSet[[con[1]]], g$V$conditioningSet[[con[1]]]) l2 <- c(g$V$conditionedSet[[con[2]]], g$V$conditioningSet[[con[2]]]) nedSet <- c(setdiff(l1, l2), setdiff(l2, l1)) ningSet <- intersect(l1, l2) ## set edge name nmdiff <- c(setdiff(name.node1, name.node2), setdiff(name.node2, name.node1)) nmsect <- intersect(name.node1, name.node2) name <- paste(paste(nmdiff, collapse = ","), paste(nmsect, collapse = ","), sep = " ; ") ## mark as ok todel <- FALSE } ## return edge information list(w = w, nedSet = nedSet, ningSet = ningSet, name = name, todel = todel) } ## functions for handling the tree structure ------------------------- graphFromTauMatrix <- function(tau) { d <- ncol(tau) # get variable names nms <- colnames(tau) # construct edge set E <- cbind(, sapply(1:(d-1), function(i),, sapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i+1, i)))) # add edge names E.names <- apply(E, 1, function(x) paste(nms[x[1]], nms[x[2]], sep = ",")) # set weights w <- tau[upper.tri(tau)] ## return results list(V = list(names = nms, conditionedSet = NULL, conditioningSet = NULL), E = list(nums = E, names = E.names, weights = w, conditionedSet = lapply(1:nrow(E), function(i) E[i, ]), conditioningSet = NULL)) } makeFullGraph2 <- function(d) { ## create matrix of all combinations E <- cbind(, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i, d-i))),, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) (i+1):d))) E <- matrix(E, ncol = 2) ## output dummy list with edges set list(V = list(names = NULL, conditionedSet = NULL, conditioningSet = NULL), E = list(nums = E, names = NULL, weights = NULL, conditionedSet = E, conditioningSet = NULL)) } findMaxTree2 <- function(g, mode = "RVine") { ## construct adjency matrix A <- adjacencyMatrix(g) d <- ncol(A) if (mode == "RVine") { ## initialize tree <- NULL edges <- matrix(NA, d - 1, 2) w <- numeric(d - 1) i <- 1 ## construct minimum spanning tree for (k in 1:(d - 1)) { # add selected edge to tree tree <- c(tree, i) # find edge with minimal weight m <- apply(as.matrix(A[, tree]), 2, min) a <- apply(as.matrix(A[, tree]), 2, function(x) order(rank(x)))[1, ] b <- order(rank(m))[1] j <- tree[b] i <- a[b] # store edge and weight edges[k, ] <- c(j, i) w[k] <- A[i, j] ## adjust adjecency matrix to prevent loops for (t in tree) A[i, t] <- A[t, i] <- Inf } ## reorder edges for backwads compatibility with igraph output edges <- t(apply(edges, 1, function(x) sort(x))) edges <- edges[order(edges[, 2], edges[, 1]), ] ## delete unused edges from graph E <- g$E$nums in.tree <- apply(matrix(edges, ncol = 2), 1, function(x) which((x[1] == E[, 1]) & (x[2] == E[, 2]))) if (is.list(in.tree)) in.tree <- unlist(in.tree) MST <- g g$E$todel <- rep(TRUE, nrow(E)) if (any(g$E$todel)) { g$E$todel[in.tree] <- FALSE MST <- deleteEdges(g) } } else if (mode == "CVine") { ## set root as vertex with minimal sum of weights A <- adjacencyMatrix(g) diag(A) <- 0 sumtaus <- rowSums(A) root <- which.min(sumtaus) ## delete unused edges g$E$todel <- !((g$E$nums[, 2] == root) | (g$E$nums[, 1] == root)) MST <- g if (any(g$E$todel )) MST <- deleteEdges(g) } else { stop("vine not implemented") } ## return result MST } adjacencyMatrix <- function(g) { ## create matrix of all combinations d <- length(g$V$names) v.all <- cbind(, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i),, lapply(1:(d-1), function(i) rep(i+1, i)))) ## fnd weight vals <- apply(v.all, 1, set_weight, E = g$E) ## create symmetric matrix of weights M <- matrix(0, d, d) M[upper.tri(M)] <- vals M <- M + t(M) diag(M) <- Inf ## return final matrix M } set_weight <- function(x, E) { is.edge <- (x[1] == E$nums[, 1]) & (x[2] == E$nums[, 2]) w <- if (!any(is.edge)) Inf else (1 - abs(E$weights[which(is.edge)])) w } deleteEdges <- function(g) { ## reduce edge list keep <- which(!g$E$todel) E <- list(nums = matrix(g$E$nums[keep, ], ncol = 2), names = g$E$names[keep], weights = g$E$weights[keep], conditionedSet = g$E$conditionedSet[keep], conditioningSet = g$E$conditioningSet[keep]) ## return reduced graph list(V = g$V, E = E) } # findMaximumAICTree <- function(g, mode = "RVine") { # if (mode == "RVine") { # return(minimum.spanning.tree(g, weights = -E(g)$weight)) # } else if (mode == "CVine") { # stop("'struct.crit = AIC' is not yet available for C-Vines") # } # } # findMaxTree <- function(g, mode = "RVine", struct.crit = "tau") { # switch(struct.crit, # "tau" = findMaximumTauTree(g, mode = mode), # "AIC" = findMaximumAICTree(g, mode = mode), # "cAIC" = findMaximumAICTree(g, mode = mode)) # } fasttau <- function(x, y, weights = NA) { TauMatrix(cbind(x, y))[1, 2] } as.RVMKernel2 <- function(RVine) { n <- length(RVine$Tree) + 1 nam <- RVine$Tree[[1]]$V$names nedSets <- list() ## get selected pairs for (k in 1:(n - 2)) { nedSets[[k]] <- RVine$Tree[[k]]$E$conditionedSet } if (is.list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$conditionedSet)) { nedSets[[n - 1]] <- list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$conditionedSet[[1]]) } else { nedSets[[n - 1]] <- list(RVine$Tree[[n - 1]]$E$conditionedSet) } M <- matrix(NA,n,n) for (k in 1:(n-1)) { w <- nedSets[[n-k]][[1]][1] M[k, k] <- w M[k+1, k] <- nedSets[[n-k]][[1]][2] if (k == (n-1)) { M[(k+1),(k+1)] <- nedSets[[n-k]][[1]][2] } else { for (i in (k+2):n) { for (j in 1:length(nedSets[[n-i+1]])) { cs <- nedSets[[n-i+1]][[j]] if (cs[1] == w) { M[i, k] <- cs[2] break } else if (cs[2] == w) { M[i, k] <- cs[1] break } } nedSets[[n-i+1]][[j]] <- NULL } } } M[] <- 0 zrs <- matrix(0, n, n) RVineMatrix(M, family = zrs, par = zrs, par2 = zrs, names = nam) }