Raw File
  Areas of Morphological Dilations
  Computes the areas of successive morphological dilations.
  dilated.areas(X, r, W=as.owin(X), ..., constrained=TRUE, exact = FALSE)
    Object to be dilated.
    A point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}),
    a line segment pattern (object of class \code{"psp"}),
    or a window (object of class \code{"owin"}).
    Numeric vector of radii for the dilations. 
    Window (object of class \code{"owin"}) inside which the areas
    will be computed, if \code{constrained=TRUE}.
    Logical flag indicating whether areas should be restricted
    to the window \code{W}.
    Logical flag indicating whether areas should be computed
    using analytic geometry (which is slower but more accurate).
    Currently available only when \code{X} is a point pattern.
  This function computes the areas of the dilations of \code{X}
  by each of the radii \code{r[i]}. Areas may also be computed
  inside a specified window \code{W}.

  The morphological dilation of a set \eqn{X} by a distance \eqn{r > 0}
  is the subset 
  consisting of all points \eqn{x}{x} such that the
  distance from \eqn{x} to \eqn{X} is less than 
  or equal to \eqn{r}.

  When \code{X} is a point pattern, the dilation by a distance
  \eqn{r} is the union of
  discs of radius \eqn{r} centred at the points of \code{X}.

  The argument \code{r} should be a vector of nonnegative numbers.

  If \code{exact=TRUE} and if \code{X} is a point pattern,
  then the areas are computed using analytic geometry, which is
  slower but much more accurate. Otherwise the computation is performed
  using \code{\link{distmap}}.

  To compute the dilated object itself, use \code{\link{dilation}}.
  X <- runifpoint(10)
  a <- dilated.areas(X, c(0.1,0.2), W=square(1), exact=TRUE)
  and \rolf
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