\name{triDiagonal} \alias{triDiag} \alias{triDiag2} \alias{triDiag2S} \alias{triDiag3} \alias{triDiag3S} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Tridiagonal Matrix Functions } \description{ Functions to create forms of tridiagonal matrix objects. } \usage{ triDiag(diagonal, upper, lower, nrow = length(diagonal), ncol = nrow) triDiag2(diagonal, upper, lower, nrow = length(diagonal), ncol = nrow) triDiag2S(diagonal, upper, lower, r = length(diagonal)) triDiag3(diagonal, upper, lower, nrow = length(diagonal), ncol = nrow) triDiag3S(diagonal, upper, lower, r = length(diagonal)) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{diagonal, upper, lower}{Numeric data to store in these positions. } \item{nrow, ncol}{Number of rows and columns } \item{r}{ size of square matrix } } \value{ Tridiagonal matrices, constructed by a variety of computations, as described in the book. } \keyword{array}